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  • #62912

    dreamsofthequill: since _ck_ caught the session issue, I recalled that also had a session in the response:

    u39872340:~/riverside/bbpress-831 >  time curl -I
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:33:49 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
    Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
    Pragma: no-cache
    Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=263b0ed23debf73f72bb98c377fb5fbb; path=/
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    real 0m5.749s
    user 0m0.004s
    sys 0m0.000s

    Maybe the issues are the same?


    The server that Chris tested did have a few of plugins running at the time (Allow Images, Avatar Upload, Quote, Comment Quicktags) but regardless, the second test forum has no plugins and has the same errors.

    As far as why i’m running wp and bbpress, thats so i don’t have to change multiple files whenever there’s an update to the header, footer, sidebar etc. and so i can use wordpress functions in sidebar to show recent posts, etc. Its one website so i’d like it to have just one set up templates.


    noyz319: I would try a stock installation of bbPress without the WordPress stuff. The require_once wp-blog-header.php seems to be fouling it up.


    Just out of curiosity, why are you trying to run WP at the same time (within) bbPress? I don’t just mean integration, but simultaneous loading of WP within bbPress.

    It’s a massive load that should be avoided if possible.


    The command line test Chris made shows a PHP session.

    bbPress by iteself without plugins does not initiate PHP sessions.

    So what’s causing the sessions?


    On the second test site i have setup i am not using any plugins in bbpress. I think the problem might be bigger than just IE, as indicated by the command line test Chris made and also since is returning a 404 every time.


    You’re possibly getting 404’s only in IE because of session issues in Internet Explorer.

    bbPress doesn’t use sessions by default so some other plugin must be putting them in (I have one that does and so does bb-post-views and possibly a few others).

    IE is *very* picky about how sessions are done.

    What plugins are you using?

    Also, are you using multiviews in the .htaccess for bbPress? That could cause some issues. If so, use the real rewrite rules instead.


    I have the code to work with the new field in the DB all ready and tested. To test it I just created a new column in the user table manually. Is there a way to do it automatically on install?

    I.E. bbpress creates a bunch of tables and fields when it is first activated, how can I alter what tables are created and what columns they possess?


    Since godaddy takes a few hours to recognize htaccess files i did the php5 thing on the hostgator hosted site ( instead and it’s still giving the 404 errors despite the change. (running 4.3.11) (now running php 5.2.2)

    Also, one other thing i noticed with the hostgator hosted site is when i login into the admin and click the Users link it gives me this message “You are not allowed to do this here”.

    As soon as i remove the call to wp-blog-header.php then the 404’s stop and the validator sites work with the forum URLs again.


    To test things further i did a fresh install of bbpress on a different server (this one hosted by hostgator) and again did the require_once wp-blog-header.php etc… and i’m getting a similar problem with these weird 404 errors. They occur much less frequently than the last forum but they are still there. And further, I just ran it through and its giving me a 404 just like the other forum did. Here’s a link to this second test forum i just setup:

    I think this might be some sort of incompatibility between WordPress 2.3.3 and BBpress, since those are really the only similarities i can think of between these two test forums, since they are seperate domains and seperate servers and have the same problem.


    I’m still getting the 404 about 95% of the time in IE. The front page of the forum usually loads, but clicking back and forth into some of the sub forums etc.. gives me a 404 pretty much every time, does this not happen for you in IE?

    Not exactly sure what that command line response means, but in the forum directory there isn’t a .htaccess file, there used to be one in there when i had first tried to setup pretty permalinks, but i removed it that a few days ago when i found out bbpress + slugs + godaddy hosting does not work (which i don’t really understand but have given up on for now).

    And our wordpress .htaccess file is pretty standard i think:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    A pretty large segment of our visitors use IE, so i don’t think we’ll be able to launch the forum as is with this error occuring.


    kernow, i don’t think that is it, since our actual wordpress site runs just fine as do other wordpress sites in IE7, its just the bbpress forum. And i’ve tried this on a couple of computers running IE7, one with a build from yesterday and one with a slightly older build.


    This would take care of the anonymous posting I think:

    Not sure on the CAPTCHA.



    I need to create a board for a group of people that don’t want to bother with registration, login, lost password, etc.

    So, I would allow guests to post, asking them to verify they are human with a CAPTCHA.

    Can I do all the following with bbpress??

    Thanks !


    They DO become links automatically, unless the URL is not well formed. Then maybe bbPress can’t handle it. Why not try posting a URL here that does not work at your forum to see if it works here. I will post a URL to google here without markup and let’s see if it is made clickable:


    I had installation problems when I first installed bbpress integrated with my wp and followed the instructions in this thread:

    Now I can get in my forums, but NOT as administrator (at least I don’t see any admin panel) and nothing will open. Any link I click goes to a 404 error page.

    I do not have my pretty permalinks on now. I DID orginally have them set to ‘slugs’m but changed that to ‘false’ after reading through the above mentioned post.

    You’ll see an update on the above thread that says I couldn’t open any pagesin wo either now, but that has been resolved. Apparently when I installed bbpress, it enabled my pretty permalinks in wp? I don’t know for sure, but I found that setting in my wp admin dashboard and turned it off ~ so now my wp pages are opening again. My bbpress pages are still not, though.

    When I installed, I pre-made the my-plugins and my-templates and I put the wp integration plugins in that folder ~ then I uploaded everything and ran my install.php file.

    I amreally hoping to make this work because I feel like my site visitors would be mych happier being able to sign in just once to the blog and the forums on my site ~~~ and because I think I can probably create a template that follows the rest of my site. Any help here would be GREATLY appreciated!




    hello all.

    I have tried some search about this but did not find anything.

    I’d need the new users on a bbPress forum to be set to Inactive by default.

    the reason is I need to set up a forum for an experiment in secondary schools. we have to take in account the possibility of rude behavior from people not participating to the experiment.

    the administrator is not likely to be very present on line, so it would be a problem if anybody could just register and start posting indesiderable contents, that could sit there for a while.

    a temporary fix would be setting the default role for users to Inactive (the administrator then has the possibility to verify that the user is really who he say to be). I’ve tried to look into the code, but was not able to figure it out how to do it. hints would be welcomed.

    another option (the one I’m currently adopting) is removing the register function and putting something like “write to this email address if you want to be registered”, then using this plugin to allow administrator to add users:

    but this is not how really we want it to be. an example of it is the “candidate” system used in vanilla forum: you candidate yourself to be a member of the forum, and if admin agree then you’re in. (why then not using vanilla? because there’s a graphic customization people have worked into, and we are running very short on deadline, say the url is in this morning newspaper… :-) ).

    I’d also be grateful for any other suggestions.


    Hi, i have a wordpress integrated bbpress forum (sharing the same database and users) and everything works great except 95% of the time the forum pages come up as “404 – Page Not Found” errors when using IE7. This only happens in IE as i’ve tested things in Safari, Firefox and Opera on both a mac and PC and have no problems at all. The Internet Explorer 404 errors happen when trying to load any forum page, including all admin screens. Once in a while a page might load up proper and usually you can get the 404 to go away on a page if you sit there and refresh it about 6 or 7 or 30 times.

    The main wordpress backed site (2.3.3) is and the bbpress install ( is in To try and track down the problem, i did a seperate install in using a separate database, not the WP one, and this weird IE only problem starts happening as soon as i add the require_once(‘/home/content/domain/html/wp-blog-header.php’); bit to the top of the bbpess config.

    The wordpress site itself works just fine in IE7 and never serves up these seemingly random 404 errors, its just the forum that is the problem. Any help figuring out what could possibly be causing this would be extremely appreciated! This strange error is driving me nuts, i hate IE!


    Hi everyone.

    This is a simple question about bbpress, I wanna you can help me,thanks.

    As you know,bbpress supports some HTML markup such as ‘a’/’ul’/’li’,etc,but the urls in the text become plain text but not hyperlinks,unless I add the HTML markup’‘ manual.I think it’s stupid like this.Why not let the urls become the hyperlinks itself,but not become plain text?


    In reply to: Error


    amazing ty so much!

    BUT I discorverd a new big problem doh :(

    Look here:

    whatever i click on, for example the thread “Your first topic” , I came to my wordpress site :s

    I dont want that ;/ All this problems. I´m sorry but if u can help me for the 111 time i would be so happy.

    Is it something with the config-file again?

    Best Regards



    In reply to: Error


    How about this for getting bbPress to look like WordPress:

    You can also search the forum for integration or browse the integration tag. There have been some good tutorials posted but I can’t find them right now.


    In reply to: Error


    Regarding the glob thing – you are going to need the same sort of fix for the glob anywhere it’s used in bbPress since your host disabled it. You would have to grep through all the code and say something like:

    if ( function_exists( 'glob' ) && is_callable( 'glob' ) ) {
    whatever test that used to use glob;

    Not sure the best way to deal with that.


    In reply to: Error



    I got this error when i clicked on Site management on bbpress:

    Warning: glob() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/vol2/ on line 7

    maybe u know ,chrishajer?

    Is it something i can download like the fisrt erro I got?


    I would like to know if there is a particular template tag to check (in profile for example) what user that profile belongs to.

    i.e if is user id=x then do sth.

    It might sound strange, given that the profile already takes care of this. But I need to add some data to only a few users, and that data can’t be “user-editable”. If this could be done with the custom profile fields plugin (add some fields which are only admin editable) then, please, instruct me.

    Otherwise, I just need to hardcode the data for these few users.

    Thanks in advance.


    In reply to: Error


    Yes, the URL is wrong in the config. The URL should be for the location of your bbPress installation, and for the location of your WordPress installation (if you are planning on integrating user logins.)

    The link or button you put in your WordPress installation should point here: You can delete page 24 in WordPress (unless you want to use a WordPress redirect plugin to have an actual WordPress page, so the link appears easily in your navigation – just redirect it to

    Once that is all sorted, you will have a forum installation accessible from WordPress, but it will look nothing like your blog theme. There’s more work involved in making that happen, copying over the header and footer and sidebar and making the forum look like the blog. It’s all doable, it just takes time and energy and some CSS and HTML skills (maybe some PHP too.)

    First get it in the proper location, accessible at the proper URL, then worry about getting it to look like you want. Because bbPress is not a plugin for WordPress, it is not going to look like your blog pages at all without some work.

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