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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #3127

    I installed latest version of bbpress on and enabled the URL re-write from the admin settings page.

    But i am getting 404 errors when i click on links from forum.

    My host has enabled mod-Rewrite.

    Any help?



    Is it just me or did bbpress just get 3 times heavier, querywise?

    I’m running a couple of sites with bbpress 0.72 as baseline. It uses around 10 queries per page for the forum:

    <!– p>server time and queries
    0.016 – 10 queries</p –>

    and just now I tried out installing and for that very same page I get:

    <!– p>server time and queries
    0.083 – 31 queries</p –>

    Did I miss something when installing or is this intended?



    Just installed bbpress latest version on I want to integrate it with my wordpress on and have the users logged in both if they log in at one of the sites. Looks liek for this to work, both the wp and bbpress shoudl be under same domain.

    Isn’t there any way to get it to work on different domains.

    Thanks for any help/workaround.


    With both WP 2.3.3 and WP 2.5 under bbpress 8.3.X I was using the Wordspew plugin to present a shoutbox plugin on my front page of bbpress.

    It worked fine, and users who registered with my bbpress were included as wp users as well with the bbpress integration plugin.

    Once I upgraded to 9.0.1 the call to the script which presented the shoutbox simply didn’t work anymore.

    I poked around and tried to manually add the javascript and css calls in the template header, but nothing worked.

    I restored my database to the previous condition, re uploaded my files, and it’s working fine.

    I’m wondering what’s changed which would interfere with this simple procedure?

    To my mind, if it were an integration thing… then the shoutbox would appear, and new users would not be recognized. So they wouldn’t be able to post shouts.

    Instead, the get_jal_wordspew function simply doesn’t work.

    Any ideas how I could either get this working again with the new version and improved integration?

    Or perhaps port the wordspew plugin to become a bbpress plugin?

    It’s silly that a shoutbox is so important at the top of a message board… but people really love it.

    Sam Bauers

    Not if you want to share cookies between WordPress and bbPress.

    I think you need to ask on the forums why adding a secret key messes things up. Technically, even though you are using an integrated installation, bbPress does not touch WordPress.

    Side note: if you have the integration plugins installed, you will need to remove them. They are no longer required.

    Sam Bauers

    The bbPress role will not be applied for users created in WordPress until the user logs in to bbPress.

    Sam Bauers

    The documentation on this site has been updated to reflect the recent changes to installation, upgrading and integration.

    Please consult the documentation before posting a question here. There is a good chance that your question will be answered there.

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    You have just described one of the Google Summer of Code ideas that might be going ahead.

    This is something I will be pursuing to create better interoperability between different forum platforms.


    Sam, It doesn’t let me log out or log in once I add a secret-key. as long as the secret-key is in the wp-config, it just says I don’t have sufficient permissions.

    Can’t the bbpress install allow that field to be left empty?


    For those that already downloaded 0.9 there is only one file that changed (pluggable.php)

    If you already had 0.9 you only need to replace these two files to move to (and the second is just for the version number change)


    Hi. Can you help design a simple vbulletin theme that matches the default wordpress theme? If you know of one that looks similar already please let me know.



    Just to clarify I have WordPress 2.5 and BBPress .9.0.1 with the integration plugins installed.

    Fresh install of WP2.5 and BB.9.0.1

    Within bbpress admin, i setup the maps to from WP -> BB roles

    When creating a new user from the WP admin screen, selecting a role of any selection, it will default to the standard member. (verifying by looking under the bb admin user screen)

    My solution was to just change the bb_capabilities meta_value to the desired role level of new seeded users.


    Yay! Thanks so much for all your hard work. I can’t wait to upgrade!


    Why not just dump the database and restore on the new server? Why mess with XML at all if it’s just bbPress > bbPress? No plugin necessary.

    Sam Bauers

    Are you including WordPress inside bbPress?

    The failure is occurring in WordPress’ pluggable.php file, not bbPress.


    Any interest out there in a plugin that would make it possible to output bbPress content into an XML file similar to the WordPress Export so that we could move easily from one server to the next?

    Sam Bauers

    @ lostdeviant

    Sounds like you just need to logout and then log back in to WordPress once you have changed the WordPress Secret Key

    Sam Bauers

    @ obiztekworld

    You may not have a config.php file here:

    But you do have a config.php file one level up here:

    Which the installer is detecting. Move that file and you can get going with the install.


    In reply to: invision board?


    I think the most important feature for bbPress’ future will be importers / converters.

    People are going to want to integrate their forums with WordPress. And those of use already running vBulletin or IPB are going to want to convert to bbPress!


    I’ve installed bbPress on my development machine (a Mac Mini) where I don’t have sendmail configured (or at least configured properly). This usually causes my own scripts to fail with a message or throw warnings. In previous builds of bbPress it managed to not care about this and added new users just fine (especially upon install – it just showed me the password & moved on gracefully).

    Now, in 0.9.01, I can’t install – it fails after I enter my username and first forum details. And by fails I mean my browser says it can’t connect to the server after I hit submit.

    I worked around this by copying over tables from another installation of bbPress on another machine, but then I can’t add new users through the normal registration process. Fails in the same way when I submit the user.

    This bug might be too specific to my own environment, but my thought is that it should at least get caught by bbPress and a nice error thrown up (even nicer would be if it just ignored this).


    hi, I figured that out around the same time you commented.

    Unfortunately, that addition breaks WP 2.5. I can no longer login… it says “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    … it does that anytime I try to do anything admin related.

    As soon as I remove the secret-key that I added, everything is back to normal… *sigh* of course this would mean that the secret key in bbpress is no longer valid.


    my question is what happens to bbPress when I remove the key from wp-config?


    FYI – I tried creating a secret-key according to what I read which lets me finish the install of bbPress however when I try to log in to wordpress I can’t. In fact, I get a message saying that I don’t have permissions!

    When I remove my invented secret key, I can login like normal…

Viewing 25 results - 57,501 through 57,525 (of 64,061 total)
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