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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #63971

    Why not move the forum to the domain where the blog is, so you can share cookies?


    It was really bothering me how a page full of links was wasting so many bytes on full absolute URI’s with the domain name, etc. when all it needed was a tidy relative URL. The front page alone is 4k bigger just because of all the full URIs on the tag cloud and views, etc.


    vs. /forums/forum/plugins

    (multiply that by a few hundred)

    So it dawned on me just now that it’s fairly easy using filters to make all the urls relative. Just for safety, we don’t kick in the relative URLs until bbPress has gotten past the header section of the template. This makes sure that redirects, stylesheets, and javascript is handled properly.

    function bb_relative_uri($r) {return "/forums/"; }	// change forums to your path
    function bb_relative_domain($r) {return ""; }
    function bb_relative() {
    add_filter( 'bb_get_option_domain','bb_relative_domain',255);
    add_filter( 'bb_get_option_uri','bb_relative_uri',255);
    } add_action('bb_head', 'bb_relative',255);


    In some cases, relative URLs actually makes Internet Explorer cache better so this may be helpful for subtle speedups too.

    I haven’t discovered anything broken by this yet but be sure to let me know if you run into anything.

    Sam Bauers

    The installer will throw that error if it finds a file called config.php in either the bbPress directory or the directory above it (i.e. the parent directory that the bbPress directory is in)

    Make sure there is no config.php file in either location.

    Sam Bauers

    All I can suggest is re-uploading the bbPress files. That function is not declared there.

    Make sure that all files upload correctly, especially if you are copying them over an old installation.


    I am installing an new bbpress forum and the following error happended.

    ‘An old config.php file has been detected in your installation. You should remove it and run the installer again. You can use the same database connection details if you do.’

    How can I resolve it?


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion

    Here too!

    This really should be good for promotion of bbPress, to have a converter for phpbb3 that is.


    In reply to: New .pot files?

    Sam Bauers

    Check here

    Soon there will be a pot file in a new “0.9” branch directory.

    Edit: it is there now…


    Hey all,

    So I’ve searched both this forum and the WP forum. And there are a ton of avatar related threads, and I’ve read through most of them. It looks like there have been a few various implementations.

    But most of those threads are almost a year old, and now we’re in 2.5 and .9.0.1 land… and so I’d love a definitive uptodate answer as to which plugin(s) to use to best integrate avatars into both sites.

    Gravatars are cool and all (I do have an integrated user base) but pretty much the first question people asked is how they can upload an avatar without using gravatars (I think some people don’t want their image suddenly showing up all over the web wherever they’ve commented in the passt)


    Is it possible? when wp and bbpress is so tight, i would like to use 1 reg page.


    I intend to make some Swedish translations for bbpress, but I can’t find any updated .pot files for Latest .pot file in SVN seams to be


    In reply to: database error

    Sam Bauers

    Do bluehost offer one-click installs of bbPress?


    In reply to: Password mismatch

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    bbPress 0.9 requires WordPress 2.5 “out of the box” but I have just released a couple of plugins that allow for integration with earlier versions of WordPress (e.g. version 2.3).

    Although you can use these plugins to get integration with earlier versions happening, it is still strongly recommended that you upgrade your WordPress installation to version 2.5!

    Only follow this guide if you are using bbPress 0.9 or higher and are trying to integrate it with a WordPress installation with a version earlier than version 2.5!!!

    The problem with using earlier versions of WordPress is two-fold:

    1. The password hashing algorithm has changed.
    2. The authentication cookie is now different.

    The solution is to install these two plugins into bbPress:

    1. MD5 Insecurity for bbPress” – downgrades bbPress’ password hashing back to MD5.
    2. Mouldy Old Cookies for bbPress” – Reinstates use of the old cookie styles in bbPress.

    Download and install each of these into bbPress. No plugins should be necessary in WordPress to enable integration.

    I recommend you make these plugins “autoload” by pre-pending an underscore “_” to the plugin filename. This means the plugins will always load and can’t be deactivated from the plugin page in the admin area.



    ‘Admin Add Users’ plugin (I’m using latest 1.2) doesn’t work. When you are in the administrator window and edit a profile created using the plugin, it takes you to your keymaster account.

    The problem is the new version of bbpress now populates ‘nicename’ field whereas the old one doesn’t, and so this plugin doesn’t either. Adding a ‘nicename’ fixes the problem.

    However, while you can login using the new user I don’t understand how because it uses md5 for the password, and I thought 0.9 now uses a different encryption system?

    I imagine there are some other serious problems that you should really disable this plugin until it is fixed.

    One is that it uses direct sql to add the user, which may not be compatible with 0.9…

    Hope this helps.



    Is there any good plugin for bbPress admins who don’t need a complete WordPress installation, but want a simple portal with news, forum stats, and articles? How about a “promote to frontpage” sort of plugin?

    Thanks for the help!


    There’s a bug in the style sheet. Though to be fair it was in the last version too. If your post is only a line or two, the ‘Custom Title’ merges with the RSS feed option, making it look bad and you are unable to click the rss link

    This is with the standard themes.

    What would also be useful is somewhere in a user’s profile something telling him how to update his avatar.


    In reply to: Password mismatch


    Doesnt latest bbpress require wp 2.5 ?


    Topic: database error

    in forum Installation

    Hi: I’m getting the following error (I’ve search through the threads here but can’t find anything on this):

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘miningan_ss12084.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘miningan_ss12084.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    my blog is at

    and the forum is at

    This comes after installing via bluehosts script and getting to the integration stage.

    Can you help?


    I’ve installed the 0.9.1 last night. Integration with WP went smoothly and fast.

    The problem popped up when i’ve logged on into bbpress with my WP user:pass. It did log me in, but later on attempt to log back into WP said “ERROR: Incorrect password.”

    I’ve reset the WP password, logged in, logged out. Logged into bbpress. Than tried to log in to WP with same password and again “ERROR: Incorrect password.” popped up. So it appears that every time i log into bbpress it messes up the WP password.

    If i change WP password by resetting it, it works. If i edit my user password in WP – bbpress will accept it.

    But if i log into bbpress – WP starts giving me the “incorrect password” message. So bbpress accepts all changes that WP is making to the password, but WP stops accepting the password even after simple login to bbpress with it.

    I use WP 2.3.2, latest BBpress, shared databases, shared cookies. UTF8 on both installations. I use “admin” as a login name.


    I wish there was some wordpress plugin atleast to bridge this.

    Sam Bauers

    Is there a reason why you are loading WordPress inside bbPress? If not you should stop. There is no need to do this for standard integration to work.

    Also, remove all your plugins and see if it stops. If it does, add them back one by one to see which one is causing the problem.

    Sam Bauers

    A bunch of options are now pulled from the database.

    You will see a significant reduction in queries if you add this line to your bb-config.php file…

    $bb->load_options = true;

    Sam Bauers

    The short answer is no, it’s not possible out of the box, but it is probably possible using a tricky sequence of redirects between the domains.


    I believe they answer your question here:

    bbpress does not come with permalinks working out of the box, you need to set it up.

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