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  • #63979

    The bb->load_options = true brought the load of the cpu to 5 times that of the one with 30+ queries but I guess that comes from not having that many topics in the newly installed Db so I really don’t know what to make of this.

    Turn on (or increase) your mysql caching. It’s fairly obvious you are running either without any or not enough of it if you can detect any load increase with load_options=true. The query to load all options would be exactly the same across all instances for all users and mysql would pick up on that immediately and keep it in the cache, always. At least that’s what happens on my installs. I don’t have a site with 50k views a day but I have a version with 15k views a day and it runs very fast.

    Also make sure you use a php opcode cache like eaccelerator, xcache, etc. Best thing you can do for bbPress or WordPress.

    0.9 of bbPress is not some kind of radically different change since 0.8 – there are many bug fixes and a few features added but the db calls are almost identical (some plugins however can be sloppy about not caching queries so that can cause issues).

    Try my bb-benchmark if you want to see what happening behind the scenes for each page generated.


    at it says:

    bbPress will not have access to WordPress’ functions unless you manually tell bbPress to load WordPress first. In order to do that, you need to put require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); in bbPress’ bb-config.php (wp-blog-header is in the same directory as WordPress’ wp-config.php file).

    but if I do this, I can’t enter the admin area any more, cause, the relative path to the wp-blog-header.php isn’t right anymore. I can’t use the full url because of: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration.



    ok ok, I believe you. is good enough to give a try.

    Just one more thing: I’m guessing you have something like 100,000 pageviews a day in this forums which would render about 3,000,000 queries (moderate estimate) if you run bbpress 0901 out of the box. Your servers are cool with this? RAM at OK level?

    No need for exact figures but just a notion of what’s been your experience so far would be golden. 3,000,000 queries a day means around 35 queries per second. That’s some load.

    Thanks again.

    EDIT: The reason why I’m asking is that I’d really like to continue to use bbpress as my primary PHP-framework for all my sites that has logon/user needs as I’ve had a hard time to find a more suitable framework to my needs.


    does this still work for latest versions (2.5, 9.0.1)?

    Sam Bauers

    It is probably less work to use bbPress than using other forum software if your intention is to re-skin to match your blog. You can actually “load” WordPress inside bbPress (check the documentation), but there is a definite performance penalty in doing that.

    The best performance choice is to integrate your user tables and auth cookies. Then skin your forum to match your blog, but don’t “load” WordPress into bbPress unless you intend to use WordPress functions inside bbPress quite extensively.

    You will probably find the exercise of skinning your bbPress install quite simple compared to other forum software. The templating system is similar to WordPress, so it will be a familiar environment if you have done that before.

    Sam Bauers

    Oh, and not to mention this forum as well.

    Sam Bauers

    We have been running revisions which are only slightly older than at and for a while now without fault.


    0.72 is old yes. stable yes. quite fast yes. is new and shiny but we don’t know anything about the performance. It seems fast but I wonder if anyone who runs it *live* have some real data to show for it? That would be great.

    @_ck_: if you have some performance data please share. Thanks!

    Sam Bauers

    _ck_ might be able to give you some version performance comparisons.

    0.72 is a very old version.


    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?


    Seems to be broken in Anybody else having trouble?


    Can we not just give bbPress the URL of our WordPress installation, and have it make a best guess as to the location of the wp-config.php file, and then let it read all that databasey stuff out of there?

    Seems like it would take a LOT fewer steps to get bbPress integrated with WordPress this way.



    You can’t just drop bbPress onto a blog page. bbPress is a totally separate installation and you have to link to it from your blog. You have to modify the bbPress templates to make it look like your blog. If this is done well, the user doesn’t realize they are jumping between two different programs.


    I’m sort of amazed that no one else has mentioned this as a potential problem. I have on average 50,000 pageviews / day.

    So 50,000 pageviews / day * 35 queries / page gives 1,750,000 queries per day.

    I’m at one million queries as it is today with one of my sites running bbpress, I don’t think an upgrade is an option with the above since memory consumption has started to become an issue with that installation.

    The bb->load_options = true brought the load of the cpu to 5 times that of the one with 30+ queries but I guess that comes from not having that many topics in the newly installed Db so I really don’t know what to make of this.

    I’m of course realizing that bbpress rocks. Totally. I wouldn’t be asking these questions if I didn’t think it was worth while pursuing so don’t take the above the wrong way but do please give me a hint as to whether or not you advice me to go with this release or to stick with the 0.72 which I’ve found to be very stable.

    Any known issues with so far? Anyone who has any reports on memory consumption? Very much appreciated.

    @sam: you do marvelous work. Thanks again.


    extract the zip file .. upload the extracted bbpress folder to the root of your websites location. Example: your website is located at, it will look like this You can, if you want, rename the bbpress folder to forums or something else. Go to with you browser and the installer will guide you furter. Good luck…



    I followed the instructions and uploaded and unzipped bbpress to my server. I wasn’t sure exactly where to upload to so I put it in ‘uploads’. According to the instructions I should then be greeted by the bbpress installer at my url, but this didn’t happen. I assume I’ve uploaded it to the wrong place. Any advice?


    In reply to: bbSync



    For some reason I can’t see at the moment, comments made on bbpress don’t show up in their respective posts in wordpress, but the comment count does reflect them. I tried deactivating all my plugins and changing the template just in case, but the problem persists.

    No comments appear at all in WordPress in posts shared between forum and blog, but they appear correctly in bbpress. Older posts not in bbpress are not affected.

    I’m using bbpress 0.9, last build of bbsync and WordPress 2.5. Ideas?

    Thanks in advance




    here is my latest theme

    the site has a working integration of wp 2.5 and bb 0.9


    Further to this, it happens when I change the permalinks to Pretty permalinks, name-based. Seems that change doesn’t take effect. Changing the permalinks back to None corrects the problem.

    So I wrote Options +MultiViews into an .htaccess file in bbPress root directory and that fixed it.



    I’ve installed bbPress in a WordPress 2.5 site. It works for a while then when I try to access a topic I get:

    Not Found

    Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.

    and the theme displayed is that of the WordPress blog. After that, only the bbPress front page is useable.

    Sam Bauers

    @ Nosgroth

    The functionality you describe is not available in bbPress/WordPress without plugins. You probably need to report this problem to the plugin author (I’m guessing bbSync).


    I guess I’ll use this post.

    For some reason I can’t see at the moment, comments made on bbpress don’t show up in their respective posts in wordpress, but the comment count does reflect them. I tried deactivating all my plugins and changing the template just in case, but the problem persists.

    I’m using bbpress 0.9 and WordPress 2.5. Ideas?

    EDIT: Ah, it’s worse than that. No comments appear at all in WordPress in posts shared between forum and blog, but they appear correctly in bbpress. Older posts not in bbpress are not affected. Sigh, my head hurts. Sleeping may be a good idea.


    enhanced tag heat map works with 0.9


    In reply to: database error


    Sat Apr 5 19:34:26 UTC 2008

    I am getting a 500 error now, so maybe you’re working on it? I was going to see what version bbPress and WordPress you are running.


    If you have access to the database with phpMyAdmin, you can do something like this:

    Create a new user in bbPress. Check your email for the password email. Save that password somewhere. Now, open phpMyAdmin and take the password hash from the new user, and paste it into the password hash field for the admin user. Now, log into bbPress with your admin username. Delete the new user if you like.

    If you don’t have access to the database, then why not just reinstall?

    I think you used to be able to put a line in your config.php like this: $bb->new_keymaster = true; Then run bb-admin/install.php again.

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