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  • #64116

    In reply to: WP-mu and bbPress 0.9

    Sam Bauers

    User role mapping may not work. I’m not entirely sure of similarity differences between WP and WPMU roles.


    In reply to: WP-mu and bbPress 0.9

    Sam Bauers

    It should work. But I haven’t tested it. Database integration should be fine. Cookie integration will almost certainly work if you only have one domain that you run wpmu on. e.g. WPMU main site =, WPMU blogs = *

    Sam Bauers

    Looks like you got the $bb_table_prefix wrong when you installed, it should have been different to the wordpress prefix.

    Change $bb_table_prefix from “wp_” to “bb_” in bb-config.php then rename you bbPress tables thusly:

    wp_forums -> bb_forums
    wp_tagged -> bb_tagged
    wp_tags -> bb_tags
    wp_topicmeta -> bb_topicmeta
    wp_topics -> bb_topics


    Do not rename wp_posts, wp_users or wp_usermeta!

    This will still leave you without a bb_posts table. So if you have a way to browse your database (e.g. phpMyAdmin) then go into the bb_topicmeta table and look for the row with a meta_key of bb_db_version. Change the meta_value of that row from 1234 to 1233. Login to your bbPress (hopefully it works) then go to the admin section. You will be asked to upgrade, do so and check the log. You should see a log entry where your bb_posts table is created.

    That should do it.


    yet another step.

    if you want pretty permalinks you’ll need to fill in topic_slug in bb_topics.


    Is bbPress 0.9 user integration compatible with WP-mu 1.3?


    This “argument” is silly.

    It would take a person reasonably knowledgeable about wordpress/bbpress internals only a few days to write an attachment plugin. It’s just that no-one has the need/desire (including myself) so it’s never been a priority. bbPress has everything needed to make this fairly easy.

    If I get bored and have some time this month I might look at the issue. But attachments are very straightforward. They would be similar to the “avatar upload” plugin but the files would be tied to posts instead the user. Since there is no post metadata, the topic or user meta would have to be used instead (I recommend usermeta since posts one day could be moved around to other topics via a moderation plugin like move-it).

    Attachments open big security issues which is another reason why I have not been in any hurry to make such a plugin – I simply don’t want the responsibility. I was also hoping that by now there would be other plugin developers around to make some of these things. With 0.9 being so solid, perhaps it won’t be long before there are more to tackle these requests.


    Let’s say “A good image upload plugin is needed”. I agree with that. A good image upload system is a must for some communities and not for some.

    There’s no need to discuss why some users need image uploading and some not. I’ll be migrating a very large community to bbpress in a few months. The only reason for us to migrate to bbpress is its code base; it’s extendable and very easy to use. So we will write custom plugins to our specific needs.

    Yes, bbpress needs a very good image uploading plugin just like worpdress’s akismet plugin; developed seperately as a plugin. There are some good bbpress plugin developers over here, so what we need to do is just to donate some money. This kind of plugin will take bbpress one more step ahead.


    I need to find a way to fix the errors, not so minor, getting data base errors for posts.

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column ‘post_id’ in ‘where clause’]

    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_id = 0


    Thanks, seems I had a bad copy, downloaded and installed a fresh copy.

    Seems to be working with wordpress, I was already logged into wordpress and I’m the forums shows me that I’m logged in. Now to test and customize.

    It did show minor errors:

    Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key

    Key column ‘post_id’ doesn’t exist in table

    Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    Anything I should be concerned about?

    Thanks again.


    I disagree.

    The reason I’m going with BBPress is because I like the clean and simple look. I don’t want users to post images and turn the forum into a graffiti wall, and I don’t want BBPress to be loaded up with the ability to post pictures when I’m not going to use it.

    Keep it in a plugin and let me install it if I decide that I want to install it.


    What you are probably looking for is Flickr-in-a-box as a separate application with a common user database. Just as I’m looking for a Facebook-in-a-box application to run alongside the forum to foster the more personal social side. I don’t believe these should be core parts of the forum software, but there is a need for them somehow.

    This notion of modular is important, because it is easy to get side-tracked and try and build the entire internet into one application. That might ultimately happen (mirroring the history of the Microsoft platform model), but at this stage of the game, nobody has the resources to do everything, so doing one part of the jigsaw well is the best plan.

    BBPress should focus development on its core, which still has weaknesses. IMHO the most urgent is augmentation of futuristic geek-only features with the traditional ones that most users understand. The need for these functions has been acknowledged in BBPress’s design, however the current implementation is lacking because they are too complex for “normal people”.

    So RSS needs to be mirrored with bespoke email notifications, because the only people that “get” RSS are ‘bloggers. Gravatars need to be mirrored with uploadable avatars, because the only people that get Gravatars are ‘bloggers.

    Ok, I generalise on the “bloggers” part. But I know moderately technical people that can’t manage to set up a Gravatar, and have no idea what to do with an RSS feed. So the clueless masses stand no chance of using these features for the purpose they were designed.

    BBPress’s killer feature at the moment is spam control without forcing users to jump through hoops just to register and post. Easy to work with code, and general lack of bloat are good to. But take a look at this, and tell me the #1 feature requirement of forum software (and if anyone can point to why that’s affecting phpBB 2 sites more than other software, I’m curious). That’s literally hundreds of spam posts an hour. Most admins faced with that kind of nightmare won’t be too worried about forcing users to host files elsewhere.


    In reply to: Installation Troubles


    I am having the exact same problem now. Trying to integrate, added wp_ in the Admin control panel for BBPress under the WordPress Integration settings and I’m getting the same errors.

    Can you show me an example of how these lines should look in the wp-config.php and bb-config.php files?

    Is it absolutely necessary to rebuild the database?



    I don’t want this functionality included in bbPress. Do it with a plugin. Keep bbPress lean. That’s my vote.


    I disagree. Post your image elsewhere and then use the “Allow images” plugin. Don’t dump them on my server. I don’t have a need for images in my forum. Maybe we use bbPress for different things, which is what makes it great. Customize if for the functionality you need, nothing more.


    In reply to: Cannot Delete Forums


    1. Hopefully you are using not 0.9

    2. All of the sudden, people are deleting forums and running into this typo-bug.


    To be considered a major player in the forum world, it is necessary to have at least some option for attaching files to posts.

    Personally, I was actually shocked to learn that this was not a feature until I installed it to test it out.

    bbpress is listed up there with the most popular free forum software: phpbb, yaf, smf, vanilla. But it is the ONLY one which LACKS the ability to attach a file.

    I hope that this issue is addressed before the 1.0 release, I think it should be the FIRST priority for a new feature.

    IF YOU AGREE – Please respond to this post to let the developers know that this is a feature you are looking for in a forum and whether you think it should be intrinsic (like almost every other forum) and not a plug-in.


    bbPress seems to be the ONLY forum software that I’ve been testing which does not have this feature.

    In fact, the ability to attach items to forum posts (as well as the administrative authority to limit the size of these attachments) seems critical to almost any forum – especially ones that I have setup for clients.

    I would consider this more important than an avatar. It should be a high priority on the development list for the forum – a feature, not a plug-in.

    From what I’ve seen, handles attachments very well – but I prefer the look of bbpress.

    Let’s put the pressure on bbpress dev teams…

    Anyone else have good experiences with a forum that allows image attachments?


    i was having severe problems with the upgrading to 0.9 so i did a fresh new 0.9 bbPress install, by cleaning the database (renamed all bb tables) etc.

    everything seems to be working and even my force login plugin is working.

    Question: How to do I get the old data back? Should I simply again rename old tables to the correct ones (after dropping current 0.9 bbpress tables) ?

    any help on this will be highly appreciated.


    In reply to: Installation Troubles


    Here is the error I get when I log in, I have reinstalled multiple times and cant figure out how to change this error.

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db236562054.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘skehoe’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘db236562054.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘skehoe’


    the problem with the first install is:

    1 – I did not integrate the forum with WP (the now infamous secret cookie key thingy)

    2 – the username I registered and got the password for does not work. So now I can’t login to bbPress myself.

    3 – the forums are open. I have a plugin for the older version which hid the forums from the outside world except the authors but that seems to not work with 0.9


    are there any things I need to modify in the database to reinstall bbPress?

    Is there any way I can hide forums in 0.9?


    I am currently installing bbpress in /bbpress/ on my web server. WordPress is already running in the root directory, and I am trying to integrate the two user databases. While the installation process seemed pretty straightforward, I ran into a couple issues fairly quick. First off, my wordpress config file didn’t have a lot of the values that bbPress wanted from it. There was no line for a secret key, and there was no a $table_prefix line but no wp_table_prefix line like bbPress asks for. After getting frustrated and messing around a little bit I tried using the prefix of wp_ to see if maybe that was the wordpress prefix (as the installer said wp_ is default) but all it ended up doing was causing errors and now I can’t even log in to change the setting back since it can’t find the user file. I even tried re-uploading a fresh version of the plugin and the settings stayed the same. What can I do to fix this and integrate with wordpress? Thanks


    I would like to revert back to an old version of bbPress where my forum was private and inaccessible instead of using the latest version where no solution exists to this problem so far. The privacy is of utmost importance without which i cannot run the forums.

    could someone please tell me what modifications do I need to make in the database before moving the old files?

    I for sure know that the integration part did not work with my wp 2.5 version. is there a solution to making an old version of bbPress handshake with wp 2.5?

    Sam Bauers
    Participant forum is about 500Mb of data.

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