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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #3182

    I have created a wordpress plugin that moves most used bb admin tab functionality to the wordpress admin section.

    the plugin is available here

    any feedback will be appreciated..



    Ok so I take back my last statement, those that register through bbpress get a bbpress role and those that go through wp get a wp role. Again, is there a file where these functions are written that I can check to make sure the table prefix is right? My user registration is integrated in that users show up on both, but the roles only are assigned in the form which a user registers.


    You can try bbPortal:

    I’m not sure if it works with v0.9 or not. Haven’t seen Null around here for a while now…


    I’m not sure that it’s the “fault” of bbpress, but i just successfully set up

    an installation and integrated the user db with my wordpress install.

    However, now I find that I can’t get into my admin page for wordpress.

    I get the error:

    “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”

    With my admin username. Same with any other username I have. I can log in, but I don’t have the right access.

    I can however get into the bbpress admin page.

    I have access to phpMyAdmin and checked out the db. In the usermeta table I have this entry for my admin user:

    wp_capabilities a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}

    Which looks right to me.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.


    Woot for JQuery, I love this framework ^^!

    U have prototype+SAU with JQuery in half the size.

    Bump for this trac ticket.


    This would be fairly straightforward to do and make a good plugin.

    Some flag could be added via the topic meta and then a list would be generated that could be placed anywhere in a template. Also in the topic meta could be placed a custom summary for the topic. As a bonus, RSS could be generated for the list.


    I am not sure why Google would be seeing redirects. bbPress only redirects after form submits via wp_redirect to the best of my knowledge. Some plugins do too, but usually again after only form submits. Even tag URLs don’t use redirects.

    Are you saying the sitemap plugin does not generate permalink urls but rather the non-slug type ie. ?topic=123 If so, it’s outdated and if you are using slugs it should be modified to generate results that take advantage of slugs.


    The Avatar Upload plugin is fairly well developed and I believe there is a hack to show them on the WordPress side as well. It does take a little bit of time to setup though.


    In reply to: Prblem upgrading


    Thanks for the reply. I added the line you suggested:

    $wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    I put this right after:

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’;

    But now I get the following error when logging in. It seems to me that there must be something in the config file or in a table that tells BBPress to use the WordPress usesrs table? I tried deleting the bb-users table whihc didn’t help.

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘webdeadm_main.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM bb_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘webdeadm_main.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM bb_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’


    bbPress has a function to check for administrators.

    if (!in_array(intval($GLOBALS['forum']->forum_id), array(2,5,9)) || bb_current_user_can('administrate')) { do something here }

    where 2,5,9 is the list of forum numbers you want to restrict

    what you are trying to do is possible but very tricky

    For example the “add new” on the front page offers all the forums for posting and you’d have to write a replacement for the list (bb_new_topic_forum_dropdown)

    All the “magic” happens in post-form.php, so you could take that if statement above and wrap the entire template with that (in theory).


    In reply to: Whitelisting


    Make sure they have not been flagged as a “bozo” by looking at their profile.

    In bbpress 0.9 you can disable the built-in bozo plugin entirely which I actually recommend as it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

    (Then use my Human Test plugin to make sure you don’t get bots registering to post spam).


    Thank you , what about all plugins ?


    Was your bbpress setup before you installed WordPress?

    Or did WordPress exist before bbPress? If you had bbPress first, the userbase is actually inside bbPress and not WordPress. It needs to be moved to WordPress (or some different settings in WordPress to use the user db in bbPress). I call that “reverse integration”.

    But I’m missing a detail here – did you have working integration with WordPress+bbPress before you upgraded both to latest?

    This might be an issue with the two parts of the “secret key” not being setup/synced properly between the two.

    I think this is a similar problem posted here (that was never answered)


    “Interesting design.”

    Hopefully that’s a good thing, and not too interesting that it’s junk. :)

    Thanks for adding it to bbshowcase.


    Hey there,

    my problem/question might be funny, but I just don’t get it. Just upgraded bbpress to 0.9.1 and set it up to be integrated with wordpress 2.5 (they both share the same DB).

    in the bbpress config, i have the WP_ prefix set and everything seems to sync well.

    But now all posts in the bbpress forums done by users that registered at the bbpress forums are signed as “Anonymous” and all these users are neither listed in the bbpress nor in the worspress admin.

    To test, i removed the WP_prefix from the bbpress config, then these users are back, but for sure this is not the idea since i’d like to integrate both things.

    Am I getting this all wrong, or is there any way to “import” the bbpress users into WP or something (without manually editing the database)?




    Interesting design.

    Here’s another live demo via bbShowcase:


    In reply to: k2 for bbpress


    I had an e-mail saying that the latest bbpress broke my port, so I’ve done a re-release :)


    Yep, site is down…. not encouraging.

    Sam Bauers

    In reply to: Plugin problem

    Sam Bauers

    Wow, as I read your description of the problem initially I thought to myself, “sounds like a caching issue”.

    A good note for the future. I assume you are loading WordPress inside bbPress then?


    In reply to: Prblem upgrading

    Sam Bauers

    If bbPress and WordPress are in the same database then hopefully all you should have to do is add this line to your bb-config.php after the database definitions:

    $wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';


    In reply to: bbOrg?

    Sam Bauers

    I upgraded BBPress and it now does not use the wp_users table. How can I get it to work with the wp_users table again?


    Hello all,

    I am new to bbPress, just installed it for the first time ever and I am wondering how can I disable the “Latest Discussions” section so that only the forums show on the front page.




    Actually, found a sweet solution for the stripslashes:

    Still…any ideas on the ahref?

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