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  • #64402

    In reply to: BBPress Newbie


    I am also developing my wordpress site locally….is it possible to do the same with BBPress.


    In reply to: BBPress Newbie


    Have just discovered the bbpress installer page….Its asking for Database Name etc. DO I HAVE TO CREATE A NEW DATABASE???


    Topic: BBPress Newbie

    in forum Installation

    Hi. Have just downloaded bbpress from this site. Uploaded it to my server……now what? It is not showing up in my wordpress admin plug in section. I presume I have to configure something somewhere….can anyone advise please. Do I need to create a new databse for bbpress or do i still use my existing wordpress database.

    Sam Bauers

    Avatar upload requires some editing of your templates to work properly AFAIK.

    It also may not be compatible with bbPress 0.9 – but I’m not sure about that.


    However, fel64’s “Page” plugin doesn’t work after activating this one:


    glanceup: Just cut and paste it into a plugin template. Here’s what I did (apologies to _ck_ if the headers aren’t quite right):



    Plugin Name: Fix Number of Front Page Topics

    Plugin URI:

    Description: Fix Number of Front Page Topics

    Author: _ck_

    Author URI:

    Version: 0.1


    // fix number of front page topics
    function bb_custom_topic_limit($limit) {
    switch (bb_get_location()) :
    case 'front-page': $limit=5; break;
    case 'forum-page': $limit=10; break;
    case 'tag-page': break;
    case 'topic-page': $limit=15; break;
    case 'feed-page': break;
    case 'search-page': break;
    case 'profile-page': break;
    case 'favorites-page': break;
    case 'view-page': $limit=10; break;
    case 'stats-page': break;
    case 'login-page': break;
    default: $limit=15;
    return $limit;
    add_action( 'bb_get_option_page_topics', 'bb_custom_topic_limit',200);

    // required to fix for custom topic limits to calculate correct page jumps
    function fix_post_link ($link,$post_id) {
    global $topic;
    remove_action( 'bb_get_option_page_topics', 'bb_custom_topic_limit' );
    if ($topic && $topic->topic_last_post_id==$post_id) {
    $page=get_page_number( $topic->topic_posts );
    } else {
    $bb_post = bb_get_post( get_post_id( $post_id ) );
    $page = get_page_number( $bb_post->post_position );
    return get_topic_link( $topic_id, $page ) . "#post-$post_id";
    add_filter( 'get_post_link','fix_post_link',10, 2);



    ck — Into what file and where do I paste that code? Thanks. PS I am using bbPress 9.0.1


    bbPress v. 9.0.1 seems to choke on this–hang ups and crashes….

    Sam Bauers

    This would not impact anything other than bbPress, it’s just a question of choosing one methodology to support pretty URLs.

    MultiViews could still be enabled on the server, it’s just a question of whether bbPress uses it or not.

    Mod_Rewrite is better for a couple of reasons. For a start it is better supported, and it is also a lot more flexible. We are thinking about running all requests through a single page (index.php) just like WordPress. This is called a front controller, and is not as easily achieved with MultiViews.

    There is also the desire to reduce the amount of support traffic around this topic and standardising on one approach may help that.


    I have wp and bbpress integrated, fresh installation.

    To use avatars is it better to use a wordpress plugin? I tried avator upload, but no avators, nor upload links in profiles. Admin tab is there.

    I’d like to be able to use the private message thing, will it work with the 2 integrated?



    Can you clarify the impact of disabling MultiViews? Will this impact only bbPress content on a site, or do you need it turned off for the whole site?

    I like to mix WordPress, bbPress, and plain content for some images, PDF manual downloads, etc., and really need content negotiation/MultiViews supported in directories outside of WP/bbPress.

    And why is Mod_Rewrite better than MultiViews for bbPress?

    Sam Bauers

    @ blackidlabs

    I think a new release of WPMU is imminent. You might want to hold off until it is released, or you can simply follow the same integration steps as for WP2.3 (installing required compatibility plugins)

    If you have any issues, then ask here.

    Sam Bauers

    I’m putting my money where my mouth is, and donated $50 to _ck_ towards the development of this plugin.

    Thanks for starting this _ck_, it will be a welcome plugin addition.

    Sam Bauers

    I’m sure that many people have fine justifications for wanting file attachments. It just seems to be coincidence that those people aren’t the ones capable of writing it. No one is telling anyone that their need for it is “wrong”.

    Can I suggest that those who want it somehow co-ordinate their efforts and – rather than pointlessly bumping threads like this all the time – you all work out how you can get it happening in a constructive fashion. There are many competent plugin developers around, perhaps you can pool financial resources and hire one to write the plugin. Perhaps if you are in a University you can co-opt a student with the necessary skills to write the plugin for you in exchange for credit. I’m sure that together you work out a creative solution to your problem.

    I would love to see this happen, but I don’t think it will be me who writes it. Dealing with file uploads in web apps is hard and boring for me. I spent about 5 years of my life doing it, so whilst I am probably well qualified to take it on, I don’t *want* to right now. It’s not about some geek elitism. Clearly my want is greater than your collective powers of persuasion at this time.

    charlesstout’s topic on this issue has a much more positive spin to it, and you’ll notice that _ck_ has jumped in to get something rolling (which is lucky for you guys, she knows what she’s doing). I suggest that if _ck_ gets this happening you all go and drop some money in her donation account or at least send her a card.


    HowToGeek: I wonder if that’s really true. I’d like to believe it is, but I wonder if there are really hosts that allow the MultiViews directive in an .htaccess file, but don’t allow mod_rewrite. I’d like to believe it’s true so that MultiViews goes away and bbPress gets proper rewriting via mod_rewrite, the sooner the better. And have bbPress generate the rewrite rules then create or edit the .htaccess file automatically, just like WordPress, while you’re at it.


    chrishajer: Ah, sorry. mod_rewrite

    timskii: I could have sworn they had it turned off at some point, but maybe I am misremembering. The point is that hosters tend to do stuff like that (often without warning), so as robust a solution as possible would be ideal, naturally.

    *I’m a designer, not a coder, so I’m mostly talking out of my ass.


    Would anyone be able to assist with testing a conversion script from IP.Board 2.3.4 to bbPress 0.9? I’ve started writing some code myself to handle the switch. It would be great if any other coders would be willing to assist with this too.

    The way it will work currently is to generate a ‘ipb2bb.sql’ file that you can pass to mysql to upgrade the database. It will import users, categories, topics and posts. You can ask it to limit it’s import to select categories only instead of all categories.


    It’s not fixed, cause most of the posts are unattributed and the rest are attributed to the wrong person. That thread is where it’s most obvious. What happened was that all the users from BBpress were erased and replaced with the users from WP, some of whom have the same names.

    Is there a way to manually reassign authorship of posts?

    I’m going to switch it now to the blue theme though, thanks for the advice.


    My shiny new bbPress forum is trying to send the messages to me when a new member signs up without anything in the To: line. They don’t send because of a missing recipient address, which means they still wind up in my inbox through a different account but I’d like them to send correctly if possible.

    I assume I’m just missing a setting somewhere. Where do I set the email address that these messages should be sent to?


    We could try to appeal to the mercy of whoever the current plug-in coders are. I’ve seen something at TextDrive where a group would donate some money into a pool for development purposes.

    I think it’d be great if they added the “Ideas” feature here at bbPress like they have for WordPress also.


    Dreamhost does allow mod_rewrite. And technically they do support Multiviews, but as a .htaccess hack.

    However. I remember having terrible trouble trying to configure BBPress to use Multiviews, because it appeared to work, but didn’t on certain pages. I ended up manually adding mod_rewrite.

    As an aside, in automating anything like this, keep in mind that people like to do strange things with their directories. One of the annoyances of WordPress is that it assumes almost complete control of the layout of all directories below where it is installed.


    Hi Sam,

    youve been a great help so far. I was just going through the installation of bbpress. Now I have wpmu installed on my server I wanted to integrate bbpress into it. I guess wpmu is in 2.3.3 stage as of now. So I wanted to ask you, should I go through the wordpress integration option which bbpress gives during the installation?




    I started a conversation about this very topic here:

    I believe in both sides of this argument:

    1. Keep bbPress clean. Don’t bloat.

    2. Make bbPress extendible. Do create plugins for everything.

    That said, I’m all in favor of an image/attachment plugin. Definitely.

    To argue that there is not great desire for this simply because it has not been written is like trying to say “living on the moon sucks” just because we haven’t figured out a way to do it yet. I’m sure living on the moon would totally rule ass.


    Maybe it’s because I’m not so knowledgeable about wikis, but I really wonder what you are talking about. I totally agree concerning the “simple, fast and elegant”. phpBB is far too complicated for example. But gimme a break please. I don’t need to be told what I need. WordPress is great for news publication, it’s understandable by my not so computer literate community and it even allows to attach documents to posts (albeit not to comments). Now I’m thinking about phase 2, which is the integration of a forum to the blog and the duplication of WordPress posts in a dedicated sub-forum through the bbPost plugin. These guys are scientists who need to communicate AND exchange documents. bbPress appeals to me because of the WordPress integration, BUT I need it to have attachment as a feature. And I don’t have the skills to add this feature. I don’t intend to be demanding. I have an idea what open source development can be. I just don’t want some geek zealot to tell me that my need is wrong just because it breaks his ideal of how his software idol should be…

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