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  • #61391

    I just did some fiddling in the bbPress functions.php file located in the bb-includes directory. I may have found a possible fix:

    On line 167, look for this code:

    $q = 0;

    Then delete or comment out everything except for the semicolon at the end:


    This seems to make topics that are stuck to the front page appear in the forum as well.

    Warning: I’m not well-versed in php, so I’m not sure if this will break anything in bbPress. If there’s a more elegent solution, please post it.


    In reply to: Categories in 0.901?


    I just did some fiddling in the bbPress functions.php file located in the bb-includes directory. I may have found a possible fix:

    On line 167, look for this code:

    $q['sticky'] = 0;

    Then delete or comment out everything except for the semicolon at the end:


    This seems to make topics that are stuck to the front page appear in the forum as well.

    Warning: I’m not well-versed in php, so I’m not sure if this will break anything in bbPress. If there’s a more elegent solution, please post it.


    In reply to: Categories in 0.901?


    Ah, it looks like there is another thread about this problem:

    Stick to front removes topic from forum?

    However, there’s not solution yet. Strange.


    In reply to: Categories in 0.901?


    Hey bobby, thanks! I didn’t notice the “Stick topic (to front)” link before.

    However, there is a bug. If you click the “to front” link, the topic appears as a Sticky on the Latest Discussions list, but it disappears from the forum it was originally assigned. Seems like it should show up in both places. I did a test where I made a forum with one post in it. I made it Sticky on the front page. On the front page of bbPress, it shows the number of topics as “1” in that forum. However when you forum title, it doesn’t display any topic. Instead it takes you to a New Topic form.


    In reply to: Categories in 0.901?


    I agree. It’d be great to have categories, or at least the ability to allow moderators to assign editor “tags” to topics which only moderators can edit. For example, you could assign a topic the tag or category named “Front Page”. That way, you can create a bbPress template/theme that shows the Editor’s Picks.


    I reproduced this error with FF, so it must just be my server. I’ll try upgrading to the latest version of bbpress and see if this fixes the problem…

    Tammy Hart

    I figured this out by accident after not finding much in the forums about it, so I thought I’d post it fresh.

    In wordpress, we use <?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?> to go straight to your template directory (i.e. “;).

    In bbPress, to go yout theme directory (i.e. “;), you use <?php bb_option('template_uri'); ?>


    Clarification – when bbadmin tries to login after integration, the response is that bbadmin does not exist. I think this is because bbadmin credentials created by the bbPress installation are not stored in the WPMU users table. Of course, it wouldn’t exist. But bbPress doesn’t copy over those credentials or look at both tables to authenticate.


    I’m using bbPress 0.902 and WPMU 1.3.3. Integrating the bbPress with the user database works, but then I can’t access the bbPress admin console anymore. Here’s what happens:

    1. install bbPress without integration and in the process create an admin account bbadmin.

    2. The bbadmin account works, I can access the bbPress admin screens, etc.

    3. Change the integration settings to point to the WPMU users table. I do NOT do the cookie integration as this is problematic with the new password hashing.

    4. bbPress immediately logs bbadmin out. I can login with WPMU user accounts, but none of them can access the bbPress admin console. More importantly, the bbadmin account can’t login anymore.

    I’ve replicated this problem 7 times.

    The bottom line is that I can’t use the db integration feature at all.

    Question – how can I integrate the WPMU users and still access the bbPress admin console?


    In reply to: GMT Offset


    “bb_current_time is in the functions file inside bb-includes directory. But you probably should touch that otherwise when you update bbpress, it will break again. :)

    Tell me about it — I’ve already hacked another core file which has to be re-tweaked every upgrade…

    BTW isn’t this a bug really?


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Thanks for the news :).

    But isn’t it a beta script to import phpbb3 to a bbpress ?


    Topic: Login out

    in forum Troubleshooting

    In reply to: GMT Offset


    bb_current_time is in the functions file inside bb-includes directory. But you probably should touch that otherwise when you update bbpress, it will break again. :)

    The SQL I used was just an interval clause…i.e. if I was going to import my current forums I would use something like:

    SELECT ID, Body, DateCreated – interval ‘9 30’ hour_minute FROM current_forum_whatever

    This takes the date field and drops 9.5 hours off, coincidentally, my time zone.

    You could probably adapt this to an ‘update’ statement to change what’s already in your database, eg:

    UPDATE bb_topics SET DateCreated=(SELECT DateCreated – interval ‘9 30’ hour_minute);

    I haven’t tested it but it probably wouldn’t be too far wrong.


    Having just read the thread over here, I went and rechecked that my WordPress “secret” setting as listed in /wp-admin/options.php matched the setting in my bbPress admin-stettings-wp-integration screen and found that somehow they no longer matched. My best guess is that in the database “update” with the 2.5.1 upgrade of WP, it regenerated the database secret, thus killing the integration.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion

    Sam Bauers

    Import/Export is being improved as part of a Google Summer of Code project. We will hopefully have some results from that to share by the end of it.

    The basic idea is to create export plugins for other forum software which can export to a standard format. Then we will have one importer to import that standard format into bbPress.


    Me too >.< I thought it was just me… heh


    Hello people, I use bbpress but I don`t know how can I use in posts backticks… :-(


    In reply to: GMT Offset


    On thinking about it a bit further, I went back to my SQL posts and kludged a statement which removes 9.5 hours from the various date fields that populate the bbpress database.

    On restoring everything back, it’s ok now.


    Topic: GMT Offset

    in forum Installation

    I’ve been playing with bbPress for a few days and noticed that when I started posting the time was set all wrong and the posts I imported were dated wrong (only ones from that day).

    Since I’m in South Australia (+9.5 GMT) I had set the gmt_offset option in the admin interface to 9.5 to accomodate my differences but it wouldn’t set the post date/time to my timezone when posting.

    The only way around it was to modify the bb_current_time function and change this line:

    $d = gmdate(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’);

    to this:

    $d = gmdate(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, time() + 3600*(bb_get_option(‘gmt_offset’)+date(“I”)));

    So that it actually uses the GMT offset.

    Of course, doing this only means that current posts are displayed at the right time but previous ones are wrong because they’re all set to the current time when posted and the system then adds 9.5hrs onto them when being read.

    I’m assuming either I’ve missed something in the config or the time option just isn’t using the gmt_offset value from the db for anything.

    Can someone confirm or refute this please? I’d like to be able to change it back and do it the proper way if possible.


    I would like to put some plugins from bbpress into the WP widget.

    For example: The Simple Online By Thomas Klaiber would be great on a widget.

    If I put the code on WP widget it errors when on WP but comes up when on BB.

    I guess I just need an if-then statement? but I don’t know how to write it.


    In reply to: stars next to names


    affacat, are you talking about the stars that indicate the ratings of particular plugins, e.g. ?


    In reply to: Importing from vanilla


    I’m using Vanilla on my forums and since I like to change things every now and then, I’m going to move to BBPress in the near future. Since I’m testing at the moment, I thought I’d hand over the SQL statements for grabbing the categories, topics and posts and formatting them as best as possible for bbpress.

    SQL to get the categories:

    SELECT CategoryID, Name, REPLACE( LCASE( Name ) , ‘ ‘, ‘-‘ ) AS Slug, Description, Priority

    FROM LUM_Category

    SQL to get the topics:

    SELECT DiscussionID, Name, REPLACE( Name, ‘ ‘, ‘-‘ ) AS Slug, AuthUserID,

    (SELECT LUM_User.Name FROM LUM_User WHERE UserID = AuthUserID) AS PosterName,

    LastUserID, (SELECT LUM_User.Name FROM LUM_User WHERE UserID = LastUserID) AS LastPosterName,

    DateCreated, DateLastActive, CategoryID, Closed, Active, (SELECT 0) AS LastPostID, Sticky, CountComments, (SELECT 0) AS TagCount

    FROM LUM_Discussion

    SQL to get the discussions:

    SELECT CommentID, LUM_Discussion.CategoryID AS ForumID, LUM_Comment.DiscussionID, LUM_Comment.AuthUserID, Body, LUM_Comment.DateCreated, RemoteIp

    FROM LUM_Comment

    JOIN LUM_Category ON LUM_Discussion.CategoryID = LUM_Category.CategoryID

    JOIN LUM_Discussion ON LUM_Discussion.DiscussionID = LUM_Comment.DiscussionID

    ORDER BY CommentID, ForumID

    SQL to get the tags:

    SELECT TagID, REPLACE( Tag, ‘ ‘, ‘-‘ ) , Tag, (SELECT 0) FROM LUM_DiscussionTags

    From there you will need to fix up the slugs in the bb_topics table and in the bb_forums so that the web browser doesn’t have a conniption when it tries to load a forum thread but you can do that with a series of select(replace) queries like this:

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’?’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’.’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’/’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’&’,’and’);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’"’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’\’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,'”‘,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’!’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’,’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,”’,”);

    update bb_topics set topic_slug = replace(topic_slug,’#’,”);

    There might be a better or quicker way of doing the last bit but since it works fine on mine I am not too concerned.

    I had to kludge some results in the queries like; SELECT 0 or SELECT 1 to get the answers I wanted or to pad out the columns to fit properly into the bbpress SQL layout. In most cases its just count fields or an active or open flag which is nearly always 1 or 0 anyway.

    Generally this is all you need to get started, from there you can just export this table data to a CSV or something and then import it into the requisite bbpress table. If you go into the admin interface of bbpress and get the system to recount everything it should be ok from there. I only recommend doing this if you’re familiar with the inner workings of MySQL, otherwise you could bollocks things up and then noone wins.

    Please remember too that this is the basics, if you’ve integrated with wordpress you’ve still got some work ahead of you to coordinate your wordpress ID’s with your forum ones. It can be done as I managed to do it, it’s just painful.




    Thanks, I have upgraded OK, though I have a login/logout integration problem now with WordPress and bbpress. I’ll ask someone I know with more technical expertise for advice.


    I unfortunately have the same problem :(


    OK! Thanks for your help. I re-checked everything and there was a different ‘secret’ – found by visiting wordpresssite/options.php. I keyed this into the admin section of bbpress. I don’t know if this was the only thing as I tweaked the config file of WordPress to have two lines defining the cookie domain (it had only one). Anyway we have blast off.

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