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  • #64920
    Member like that?


    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    I just installed yesterday (5-11-08). If a fresh bbPress version was posted for download since then, I could not be happier. That is why I am posting these comments.


    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    Fresh copy of bbpress had no issues at all.


    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    Thank you, dangrey, that did it for this issue. Perhaps that little .htaccess file should be a part of the bbPress installation package???

    More to come…


    In reply to: Hide email addresses


    Hi Leemon

    As far as I am aware, the email addresses of the people who register are not visible in their profiles by other registered users. It seems to be a default setting in bbpress.

    The email addresses are only visible to the Keymaster & people who have been given Administrator access.

    Hope this helps :)


    In reply to: php_e() issue


    In reply to: Importing from vanilla


    I’m also looking forward to your import.

    I’m thinking on moving a Vanilla forum to bbPress.

    If it works as charm, I will try you SQL statements right away.


    In reply to: Profile hook/filter



    Yes, I know, but the one I used in bb-twitter is not so “bad”. I just hooked in to the show avatar function, and made sure that it only shows on the profile page, and no other pages. And that is just to show the latest tweet from that user.

    The admin/profile part is using the right hooks so the user can control the twittername and chose to show or not to show the tweet!

    I really hope there will be some hooks/filters for the profile page one day :-)



    Topic: php_e() issue

    in forum Troubleshooting

    Hi ,

    I’m having a problem with the function php_e().

    I use require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . ‘/wp-blog-header.php’); to include wordpress functions into bbpress, the problem is, I think , that there is a conflict between php_e() wordpress function and php_e() bbpress function and it is impossible for me to translate my bbpress forum.

    So how can I solve this problem and make bbpress use his own php_e() function and not the wordpress one ??

    Thanks for your help.


    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    I needed to put a writeable .htaccess containing “Options +MultiViews” in my bbpress root for “pretty permalinks” to work — there wasn’t one by default.

    Perhaps your old install had one and you didn’t copy it over during the upgrade.



    The short answer is you have to convert your WordPress theme to bbPress by hand.

    I’m currently doing the same thing you’re trying to do on my WordPress blog with bbPress also. It pretty much means taking your WordPress theme and going through each file one by one and converting them to bbPress. So you have to strip out the WordPress tags and functions in the theme files and replace them with bbPress versions. There’s no list of equivalent tags, so translating them is just gonna take a lot of trial and error and testing.


    Thanks for getting back to me and I will definitely look into that. But the problem I’m having is putting my forum actually onto my site.

    I just want a button at the top next to “Home” on the navigation bar that says “Forum” and when you click on it, it takes you to my forum. I would prefer to keep the header and footer on it so that it looks like it’s actually in the site still.

    Any suggestions???


    The easiest way is to find and install an existing theme that exists for both WordPress and bbPress. For instance, K2 for bbPress is similar to the WordPress default theme. Here are some bbPress themes for you to check out.


    Sorry I’m new and I tried to look around for this topic but I guess I’m not wording it right in the search.

    I want to make BBPress a page on my WordPress site. I’ve installed both and they are both sharing information just fine. I just want to integrate it visually into my site.

    So is there anyway that when you click “forum” on my Navigation bar that the forum would just show up in the window below?

    Again, I’m pretty new to this so when I have to go in and start messing with code I get lost easily. I really would appreciate any advice or help you can give. Thank you.


    I discovered another issue with this hack. If you write a new post in a new topic, after the submitting the form, you are redirected back to the forum’s front page, instead of the forum you were on. I spent some time digging around the get_post_link() related functions, and couldn’t figure out exactly what was going on. However, I was able to make this modification to the bb-post.php file to get it to redirect properly.

    Paste this after line 43, in bb-post.php of bbPress

    $link = str_replace('forums/', "forums/". $forum->$topic_slug, $link);


    Hey Sam, thanks for making a ticket for this. I was able to query for topics within a date from directly from WordPress as well. Here’s something I wrote to merge “super sticky” bbPress topics into the WordPress loop. It’s a bit of hack, but it brings the “Promote to Front Page” functionality of Drupal into WordPress/bbPress:

    <?php get_header(); ?>


    //Put WordPress posts into an array
    $wp_posts = $posts;

    if (!is_single()){

    //Retrieve first post of previous page (we need this post's date to query bbPress topics
    $first_post_of_previous_page = get_posts('numberposts=1&offset='.$offset);

    //First set the start and end dates to limit the query to the bbPress table

    //If it's the most recent page, set end date to today
    if ($paged){
    } else {

    //Retrieve "Super Sticky" topics from bbPress tables
    //This assumes your bbPress and WordPress tables are in the same database
    $bb_topics = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_sticky = 2 AND topic_start_time BETWEEN $startdate AND $enddate ORDER BY topic_start_time DESC");

    //Map bbPress topics to WordPress posts structure
    foreach($bb_topics as $bb_topic){
    $bb_first_post = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT post_text FROM bb_posts WHERE post_position = '1' AND topic_id = $bb_topic->topic_id", ARRAY_A);
    $bb_post->ID = "forum_topic_".$bb_topic->topic_id;
    $bb_post->post_author = $bb_topic->topic_poster;
    $bb_post->post_date = $bb_topic->topic_start_time;
    $bb_post->post_content = $bb_first_post[0][post_text];
    $bb_post->post_title = $bb_topic->topic_title;
    $bb_post->post_status = "publish";
    $bb_post->comment_status = "open";
    $bb_post->ping_status = $bb_topic->post_id;
    $bb_post->post_name = "forums/topic/".$bb_topic->topic_slug;
    $bb_post->post_type = "post";
    $bb_post->comment_count = $bb_topic->topic_posts-1;

    //add bbPress topic to WordPress posts array
    $wp_posts[] = $bb_post;


    //Create function to sort array of posts by date
    function compare($x, $y){
    if ( $x->post_date == $y->post_date )
    return 0;
    else if ( $x->post_date < $y->post_date )
    return 1;
    return -1;

    //Sort array


    <div id="content-box" class="span-8">

    <div id="content-area" class="clearfix">

    <?php if ($wp_posts): ?>
    <?php foreach ($wp_posts as $post): ?>
    <?php setup_postdata($post); ?>

    <div class="entry">

    <div class="entry-header clearfix">

    <div class="info span-2">
    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>#comments" class="comment-activity"><?php comments_number('<strong>Post comment</strong>', '<strong>1</strong> Comment', '<strong>%</strong> Comments' );?></a>
    </div><!-- end info -->

    <div class="content span-6 last">
    <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
    </div><!-- end content -->

    </div><!-- end entry-header -->

    <div class="entry-content clearfix">

    <div class="info span-2 clearfix">
    <p><strong><?php the_author() ?></strong><br />
    <?php the_time('M j, Y'); ?>
    <p class="share-this"><?php akst_share_link(); ?></p>

    <p class="post-comment"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>#respond">Comment</a></p>

    </div><!-- end info -->

    <div class="content span-6 last clearfix">

    <?php the_content('Click to continue'); ?>

    <p class="entry-tags"><?php the_tags('<strong>Posted in: </strong>', ', ', ''); ?> </p>

    </div><!-- end content -->

    </div><!-- end entry-content -->

    </div><!-- end entry -->

    <?php endforeach; ?>

    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/navigation.php'); ?>

    <?php else : ?>

    <h2 class="page_header center">Not Found</h2>
    <div class="entry">
    <p class="center">Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.</p>
    <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . "/searchform.php"); ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    </div><!-- end content-area-->

    </div><!-- end content-box -->

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <?php get_footer(); ?>


    I think that it needs more time to eliminate possible bugs… I defenively am going to use it! Thanks


    In reply to: New bbPress BUGGY!!!


    Let me premise this by stating that I installed an “integrated” version of the upgrade (BTW, the instructions could be a LOT clearer on this process – not everyone is experienced with php).

    I was planning on spending some time on this later, but on this subject (links), my original links were set to “Numeric …/forums/1”. After upgrading, links from my web sites to the bbPress section no longer worked and generated a 404 error. I looked at the links within the bbPress site and they looked fine. For instance, a “sticky” topic I link to from all my web sites is “; (I copied the shortcut with a right click on the link). It looks correct, but it does not work. Not even within the bbPress section and certainly not from the outside coming in.

    So I switched the setting on my “Pretty permalink type” to “None …/forums.php?id=1”. With this setting, everything once again worked. I left it this way, but these are definitely not “pretty” links. The link to the same topic is now “;. BTW, “Name based …” links do not work either.

    OK, that is the first issue. There are more and I will detail those tomorrow, each one in its own separate topic as suggested above.

    Let me, however, compliment everyone who has been involved in this project and WordPress. Both efforts are truly beyond belief in terms of what you get by simply downloading some code from the internet. ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT! So good, in fact, you spoil us to the point where we expect everything to be close to perfect at all times. That is a bit irrational and the experience with both programs should be graciously appreciated. Thank you for your work!


    L. Carhartt

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    It’s worth noting here that you can also override the database value in your bb-config.php file. Just in case anyone can’t directly access their database.

    $bb->uri = '';

    Sam Bauers

    It could be a plugin sending whitespace when there is no user logged in.

    Sam Bauers

    @ mykes

    I double checked, the latest stable version of WordPress MU uses the old password hashing and cookie types.

    You can dumb down bbPress to work with that version of WordPress MU by using both of these bbPress plugins.

    Sam Bauers

    In addition to the above, the following seem to work properly

    Human Test for bbPress

    Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More!


    In reply to: Theme Editor


    Correct me if I am wrong but the “theme editor” in WordPress is simply a remote file editor for templates. Doesn’t do anything special other than let you edit a file directly on your server without having to use FTP (or shell).

    While it seems handy, if I am not mistaken it also requires you to chmod 777 your theme folder which is very dangerous on a shared server.

    I suppose bbPress will get the feature eventually because it’s so very simple. I would guess it could be ported from the WordPress code in probably an hour.

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