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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #65014

    I loaded bbpress into the /forums/ directory and then went to

    I got this message:

    “There doesn’t seem to be a bb-config.php file. This usually means that you want to install bbPress. We’re now going to go through a few steps to get you up and running.”

    I followed the link and entered my database name and database user and password which I got from my host. I entered the info and got this message:

    “There was a problem connecting to the database you specified.

    Please check the settings, then try again. “

    I re-did this a couple times, checking and rechecking the database info. I keep getting this message.


    I created a directory called /forum/

    now my remote system looks like this.

    picture of folder ..

    picture of folder.hcc.thumbs

    “” _db_backups

    “” cgi



    “” stats





    do I load bbpress into the /forums/ directory now?


    Create a directory called /forums/ and upload the bbPress files there. You definitely do not want to put them under /wp-admin/. If you have, you should delete those files.

    You can name the directory something else if you like.


    I’m a really new website owner. I don’t know a lot about manipulating html code. I’ve read the step by step instructions for installing bbpress but It’s not enough …I need indepth instructions.

    This much I have done. Downloaded bbPress to my PC. Unzipped the file.

    I have WordPress already on my web host account.

    Where do I put bbpress? I would like to have them integrated.

    Do I put it under /wp-admin/?


    In reply to: Error – Forum


    You can create a file called info.php and put this into it:



    Then access that at and see if the getmypid function is disabled (just search that page for getmypid.) If it is, I imagine you can just remove that bit from class-phpass.php line 43.

    $this->random_state = microtime() . getmypid();

    In this instance, getmypid() just returns the pid of the process that called it and that is concatenated with microtime to provide a random number. You can use something else there and be fine, I think. Or, ask your host to enable it if it’s disabled.


    In reply to: bb-config & wp-config


    This is old but I think it’s still applicable:


    In reply to: Using RSS Feeds


    I don’t think permalinks are required to use the RSS feeds. This thread has gone in a couple different directions. It started as RSS feeds but then whistler20 mentioned what he did with rewrite rules and his RSS feeds started working. I don’t think the original problem was solved in that manner.

    Anyway, permalinks are not required for RSS feeds. If you are having a problem with RSS feeds I think the problem lies elsewhere. Are there actually content items posted that would be in the RSS feed?

    rss result is empty

    Can you post a link to your forum? Maybe someone new looking at it will see items in the RSS feed, possibly something cached on your side?


    I also got problem with integrate with wpmu 1.5, the user sharing is ok, but it got some login cookie problem, when I logged in wpmu, I need login again in bbpress.


    In reply to: Error – Forum


    It looks like your host has disabled several PHP functions that are required by bbPress. Who is your host? You can try contacting them and asking what functions they’ve disabled.

    Alternatively, maybe you’re running under PHP safe mode? If so, try turning safe mode off. This scenario seems more likely to me…


    It looks like your WordPress htaccess file is screwed up, as this link to a WordPress post doesn’t work:


    Did you create an htaccess file for your WordPress install? Also, did you create one for your bbPress? If so, please paste in the contents of each htaccess file. If not, try creating one. :-)


    In reply to: can’t log in anymore

    Oops then the username got deleted from database!

    Is it true that both jen and admin don’t work either in wp or bbpress?

    If yes then you may have to add that to database via some SQL query or register again. But if you register again it will be registered as normal user and you won’t have admin rights, since there is no admin present so who will assign this new user, the admin powers.

    Register as some username xyz and look in the userlist the entries that exist wheather or not admin/jen is listed.


    Good day,

    I just installed wordpress and bbpress on my domain, last night. When I try to view a post, it results in a 404 error? I can’t figure out why. Anyone have any ideas?


    Topic: Error – Forum

    in forum Installation

    By installing the forum (bbPress) and access to the loguin created this with the error message:

    Warning: getmypid() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/g29890/public_html/******/forum/bb-includes/class-phpass.php on line 43

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/g29890/public_html/tiagobigode/forum/bb-includes/class-phpass.php:43) in /home/g29890/public_html/*******/forum/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 188

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/g29890/public_html/tiagobigode/forum/bb-includes/class-phpass.php:43) in /home/g29890/public_html/********/forum/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 228

    someone might help me?

    Thank now


    Topic: Nicknames

    in forum Troubleshooting

    When users on my site sign up using the forum signup, it successfully integrates them into wordpress, but they do not have a nickname, so all comments appear as Anonymous.

    Normally wordpress would automatically set the display name default to be the login name, but they dont seem to for this.

    Any way i could edit the BBpress files to make wp have a name?


    In reply to: Using RSS Feeds


    ekitel, this is not really related to RSS feeds is it?

    What you do is access, then take what is generated by that script and put that into your .htaccess.

    The FM is right here:


    I’m looking for a plugin for bbPress that shows the latest posts on the forum front page. With the default theme this would be shown as snippets (text of the actual post) below the Tag Cloud/Hot Tags ‘widget’.

    I can’t seem to find a plugin, except the one that does just this on your WP installation if you’ve integrated with WP. Does this exist for bb as well?


    In reply to: Using RSS Feeds


    so what changes do I need to make to /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php to make it work? where is this F-in’ Manual I need to read? I have bbpress integrated with wordpress so maybe that’s part of the problem

    or are you saying I need to copy the rules out of /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php into my wordpress .htaccess file to make it work?


    Strange, I was able to use spaces in mine. Perhaps it has to do with punctuation marks in the string.


    User Languages



    work with version 0.9


    I discovered for it to work that the secret keys cannot have spaces in them (as you could in version 2.5 of wordpress and of bbpress). I generated a new secret key as one long string, and voila… users can pass through both programs without having to re-login. :)

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp__'; // your wordpress db prefix is
    $bb->wp_home = '';
    $bb->wp_siteurl = '';

    replace with the blog url.

    if your blog url is for example then don’t forget to add the WWW to it, but if it doesn’t has WWW, the don’t use it.


    Oh forgot. In the header I put just

    <li class="page_item"><a href="/forum/">Forum</a></li>

    after the page tag. It’s either going to be in front of all your pages or behind.


    Hi Sam.

    They are actually links on the profile page (in the screenshot they are green and clickable.) I didn’t actually click any of them to be 100% certain, and I don’t have any now that I can check to be sure.

    I have very few plugins installed, none for the profile I don’t think. Here is a screenshot of my plugin page.

    If one comes through again, I will make sure the links are clickable. It actually looks like they did some tricks escaping the quotes (backslash and space.) If none come through, I will try to recreate it, and if I can, I will try it with the release.


    How I did it… Please back up everything before starting.

    You need to find a theme close to your WP to make it easier.

    1. BBPress side,I renamed the style.css to styleold.css

    2. Copied over the WPress style.css over to BBpress

    3. Open both files at the same time. You want to copy over some of the codes from styleold.css to style.css. You might need to play with it. Do not copy “body”.

    4. Open both header.php. On the BBpress header copy over from WP header everything after <body> tag. Replacing whatever is there.

    5. Open both footer.php. This one is a little tricky.

    You can just copy over the whole thing and make sure you have <?php do_action(‘bb_foot’, ”); ?> in the file. You will lose the designers info though OR You need to see on WP side if there is any closing tags. bring that over and delete any closing tags on the BBPress side.

    6. Sidebars: depending where the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> tag. For example my <?php get_sidebar(); ?> tag is IN the footer.php Others the <?php get_sidebar(); ?> is in the other php files right before the get_footer tag or after get header tag.

    that’s it.

    make sure in your bb-config.php

    there is

    $bb->WP_BB = true;

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))



    if (file_exists(‘../../wp-blog-header.php’))


    after <?php tag.



    In reply to: php_e() issue

    Sam Bauers

    This is a tough one to resolve. I noticed before that someone managed to merge their pot files for wordpress and bbpress into one and load that into wordpress (and in turn bbpress)

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