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    Hello: I do not know of a wpmu plugin to assist and my knowledge of the working of the db tables is limited (cannot succeed with SQL queries very well – always error).

    Okay, that said. Initially I had WPMU db and added BBPress version to the same DB – and all started out ok but then when I logged in (ADmin or otherwise) to BBPress, or “clicked” a forum link, the homepage of my wpmu blog showed up ( and now also …com/bbpress).

    YIKES NOTE: This same problem still persists when I click on a forum link (or any page link on the forum)…

    Links only go to the WPMU blog and not stay with the forum at

    So I reinstalled (having already reinstalled bbpress into the WPMU subfolder) BBpress using a different DB – same subfolder via ftp – and all is ok – I just changed/added the “integration” for wp settings with BBPress.

    Now what? Well, this install was an ‘opt-out’ for using RS Discuss since I could not work well with the tables in phpAdmin for features to allow settings to show up on the backend.

    Okay, so my question – How to create a working blog page in WPMU rather than “loading” BBPress with WPMU (have read on forum this is not a great idea and my webhost is not strong, easily creates 404 errors)…

    I could I understand, create a “new template” in WPMU but how would I “embed” or “call up” the BBPress pages for the forums?

    I could make separate pages for each forum (separate installs) with BBPress but for me it is ok to have one forum, different topics.

    But, even with one BBPress forum, I can only create a page link as is in WPMU and would rather have a better way of showing the forum for each blog (there are 3 now)…

    Can someone assist?

    How to create a page in WPMU and use the BBPress so when a blogger clicks a “subpage” they will see the BBPress forum? I did set it up already so when a WPMU user logs into BBPress it will use their ID from WPMU (have not tested it yet,but nothing failed).

    Okay, thanks for any help.



    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    I’m also looking for an update, and so far found these links:

    and SoC ’08 discussions going on here:

    Not sure if these are good signs … v0.1A seems a long way to a stable version 😮


    In reply to: Threaded comments


    Various people have requested threaded over the past year but it’s not a priority right now. Only a handful of forums can do threaded. It’s a bit tricky but bbPress could be made to do it eventually. It’s a matter of storing each post’s parent id and changing the display order (and formatting). The hardest part is pagination which requires some complex look-ahead calculations.

    After 1.0 gets stable, maybe threaded will be revisited, at least as a plugin.


    You will need bbPress 1.0 to integrate with wpmu 2.6 (or even wp 2.6) which is only available via the trunk. It’s also not stable yet, so not recommended for live sites.

    Sam has mentioned possibly doing some kind of early 1.0 alpha release soon to help/please some people who insist on using 2.6 but I don’t know the specifics of the timetable he has in mind.


    In reply to: Parental Advisory


    This plugin could be modified to do that where it could set a topicmeta if bad words were found after a new post is saved or edited.


    Sam invented this which is quite good (though I’m unsure if it’s broken under 0.9) so I suspect we’ll get plugin browsing/updating eventually. But I doubt it’s a high priority right now as there is plenty else on his plate.


    Note the names of the settings in bbPress and WordPress is slightly different. Also, never, ever, edit bb-settings.php, what you want is bb-config.php on the bbpress side and wp-config.php on the WordPress side.

    Follow ALL the steps here and you’ll get cookie integration in just a few minutes:

    Note step #8 is where you edit wp-config.php, the rest are for bb-config.php


    Similar posts have been made about this subject, and I’ve read the documentation, but no matter what I do I can’t get the cookies to work. I’m sure you hate working with newbies like me because we’re always like, “gah, i can’t get anything to work” but, please, I don’t want to keep tweaking it because I don’t want to mess anything up… One solution here at this forum says to go into the wp_settings.php file and change something… do things like that have be to done, or is there an easier way? By the way, I did actually do that… I went into the wp_settings and changed that cookie_domain line from false to ‘’, if you know what I’m talking about… well, that tweak didn’t work for me either.

    I just want to be able to log into my blog, then go to my forum and still be logged in. Or log into my forum and go to my blog and still be logged in, then also be able to successfully log out from either location.

    I put

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ‘/’);

    in my wp config and it is also in my bb press config.

    Now, some posts here say that for the cookie_domain, you have to actually put your domain, like:

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ‘’);

    is this true?

    If someone has the time and successfully has cookies working properly between their wordpress blog and bbpress forum, could you help me out?

    I’ve stayed up many nights trying to get this to work just right… it’s sad :( Whats weird is, when I first did the integration it worked BUT I couldn’t log out, so since then I’ve been changing things to fix that, but now, I’m back to square one. I can log into my forum. then, I can log into blog, and I can log out of both with the same username and password, but again, if I log into one and go to the other, I’m not logged in.

    I’ve just seen a few different posts and all the posts recommend doing different things. Then the actual documentation of course just says to use the built in integration feature in bbpress, which I used. Since there are so many different posts offering different solutions, can any one give me a step by step fix for this?


    For what it’s worth, I think bbPress is a great piece of kit, and I send out a big thanks to the developers and members of this forum :)

    It’s just outright rude to complain about bbPress – it’s completely free for pete’s sake! If you haven’t got the guts or the knowledge to work with it (and reap the rewards I assure you!), go use another forum!


    Topic: Threaded comments

    in forum Plugins

    I’ve been looking for forum software that meets my needs, and it looks like bbPress is going to be it. One small piece I’m not sure of yet: is it possible through a plugin, or CSS, or something, to support threaded comments? The example sites I’ve looked at so far have all comments at the left margin, and I prefer nested indents to keep track of threads.


    In reply to: could you help me?


    There are a couple different plugin ideas in this thread:


    BTW – the site is the same, no matter which URL you use (http or https) – it’s just secured with SSL over https. If there is aa SSL certificate for the domain, then the site will still work over https. If there isn’t a certificate, the user will get a security warning about a missing or mismatched certificate.


    You might have https hard coded in something. Or, if you start with an https URL, your links are always https also. Search the source of your files for https and if it’s not there, then just be sure to use http to link to your website and forum. Users won’t normally use https unless they click on a link from somewhere.

    If you’re bothered by it, you could always create a rewrite rule in .htaccess to direct any https traffic to http.


    Is there a way to have bbpress automatically create a new discussion every time a WordPress post is published. Basically – I post to my WP blog and a related bbPress topic is created where people can discuss the WP post?

    Just wondering if it can be done and if so how hard is it to implement?


    Thanks to exists !!!

    )’m an spanish developper but ) have a “little” problem:

    I’ve installed the bbPress forum in my web but when my users sends some comment, normally they insert some link or url and I would like this link don’t open in the same IE page, ) explain: I would insert in my html script the modified tag “target = ‘_blank’ ” and when someone click on, they will open a new IE page. Could you tell me where’s the script who controls this?

    thank you again.


    Shouldn’t be too hard to copy, perhaps I” take a look at it IF I can take a brake from WoW this weekend :P.

    I’ll make a green version (bbPress like) too then…

    btw I love you theme, can we download it somewhere?


    Since I have no idea where else to put it, I’ll just do it here.

    My suggestions:

    1) All functionality of bbPress (duh)…

    2) 1 (optional) core myplugins folder. Plugins in this folder are accesable for all forum owners/admins. This way we don’t have to upload all plugings for each new forum that is created for a new person…

    3) 1(optional) core template folder. Like 2, but then with themes …


    Ok, WordPress and TalkPress are two different projects, and bbPress is third. Send these $250 to my PayPal account and you will get all plugins from my TO DO list (visible on freebies section on my weird blog) till the end of this week – I promise!

    If someone is doing something for free, then he is doing this in his free time. You don’t have free time all the time, right? More developers – more free time – faster development. You got the point, right?


    In reply to: Ning layout?


    I’m a newbie to the bbpress framework. Is there a function in bbpress that can call each forum and show the most recent topics for each one? Any help on how to getting started is appreciated. If you could provide some code to get started I feel confident to take it from there. I’m sure this layout isn’t for everyone but its a refreshing social-like layout that others may like.




    Do i need to use Mu WordPress 1.5.1 to get Session integration to fully work with bbpress? I tried it with MUWP 2.6 and it seemed as though the cookies wouldn’t cross over. Thanks for the help! I will get to trying this soon if no one has given me the thumbs down..



    @_ck_: Sorry, English is not my native language, and I don’t know what is mean “full-time employment” and “financial security to back bbPress into the foreseeable future”. But programming is my job. I’m not using forum software for my personal website, but planning for late 2009 or 2010. Yes, I have so much time.

    @Thion: Yes, of course. But WordPress(.com) and (probably in the future with TalkPress) bbpress are not hobbies. Red Hat Linux too. Thank Automattic for free WordPress – it’s really excellent.

    Thanks all for the answers! Missing too.

    Sam Bauers

    IRC channel is at #bbpress on Freenode


    TalkPress will be hosted forums just like does hosted blogs.

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