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  • #3730

    I started a post a while back asking if anyone here would be willing to code a bbpress theme for me (it’s already been designed). It will be a paid job (of course).

    I’ve still not had any luck finding someone to help me out and I’m now getting quite desperate.

    If you are able to help please email: [at]




    I’ve finished the hungarian translation for

    It can be downloaded here:


    Zsolt |


    In reply to: No indexing:(


    I love you! That plugin described here: completely resolved my problem:). Thank you!


    I guess it’s a problem with the install wizard. I was able to get cookie-based cross-platform login going by performing a clean install without running the integration during install.

    1. Perform a clean, standalone install and log in with the provided admin login.

    2. Go to Settings . WordPress Integration – Input the blog URL twice, enter the blog ‘secret’ from [blog_url]/wp-admin/options.php, and enter the blog prefix.

    3. Update the blog wp-config.php with the two lines suggested by WordPress Integration Settings page, and you should be in business.

    Hope this helps someone else out there.

    Used WP 2.5 & 2.5.1 – bbPress


    Well… apparently, the hangup is in using the “wizard” installation (which results in some silly “duplicate table” error regarding wp_users – users_nicename).

    My fix was to perform a clean install, without checking the option for integration during the install ‘wizard.’ Once I was in with a standalone version, I went to the Forum admin page – wordpress integration settings. I input the WP URL twice, the secret from WP and the user table prefix. Added the two lines suggested for wp-config.php and bada-bing… that did it.

    Hope this helps someone else out there. :-)

    Used WP 2.5 & 2.5.1 – bbPress


    I’m using the Kakumei Blue theme. I can’t understand how this could happen, but without my doing anything, overnight the header on my forum has changed when viewed in IE – it remains as it should when using Firefox.

    A navigation button I positioned (by messing with some numbers in some CSS code that Chris kindly provided) has shifted to the right so that it is now too close to the User Name.

    But most strangely, the forum name has shifted so that it now overlaps the “Login” box. This was perfect until now, as you’d expect, since it’s part of the original design – I just typed in the name of the blog in the space provided in Admin.

    Here’s the link, which will make it clear what I’m saying (open with IE):

    User: tester

    Password: testing123

    Can anyone offer any explanation for this stuff? More importantly, how do I get the header back to what it was yesterday given that I haven’t actually changed anything in the meantime? I’m afraid that if I start tampering with the CSS again, I’ll end up messing up the header in Firefox as well!



    Topic: WVKO 1580AM

    in forum Showcase

    We have WordPress acting as a CMS and we’re using bbPress for the forums:




    In reply to: No indexing:(


    I wish I understood more about why it actually happens on integrated installs. Is it when you include bbPress in WordPress, or the other way around?


    In reply to: Maintenance Mode?



    If you are integrated with WordPress, you can use the Maintenance Mode plugin for WP and it will work with bbPress.


    I’ve decided that I’m happy with the way my forum and blog are set up. Users can use the same username and password for both my forum and blog. But, they can not log into one and automatically be logged into the other (cookie issues).

    The main problem is the way I integrated my bbpress and wordpress. I already had bbpress installed, then later I installed wordpress. I then integrated the two and they share the same database. I hear from many that this is NOT the recommended way to integrate and that you shouldn’t use the same database, but, the bottom line is, everything works fine, but users can’t log in at one and then automatically be logged in at the other, they just have to log in twice if they are using both my blog and forum.

    Can anyone provide instructions/tips on how to set up the cookies for bbpress and wordpress if they were integrated backwards and are sharing one database?


    Hah! I won’t quit so easily, even if it simple for users to log in twice… but, how annoying!

    There is certainly something wrong with the cookie… but I’ve got the right wp cookie hash, and verified that bbpress picks it up naturally. I’ve got the secret keys with really simple text strings (for now), so I know they’re OK. I’ve verified the wp database secret is correct in the bbpress install. I’ve got COOKIE_DOMAIN defined as ‘’, and COOKIEPATH and SITECOOKIEPATH set as ‘/’ in my wp-config. I’ve got all 13 bb-> items listed in the 101 set correctly in my bb-config, with cookiedomain set to ‘’, and cookiepath and sitecookiepath set to ‘/’. My blog is in the web root folder ( and the forum is in a subfolder ( My blog was established before bbpress was installed.

    This must be something simple, and I’m just so frustrated that I’m missing it. Do I have to do something different with the cookie path – i.e. define it as the subfolder or something??

    Thanks for any help!


    In reply to: No indexing:(


    Speaking of the 404’s this is worryingly more common than should be with bbPress for some reason. I’ve found a few dozen installs like that during my top100 spidering (out of 3000 so it’s a small number but still).

    I wonder if bbPress could detect if it’s serving 404 response headers or if that happens outside of PHP so it’s not possible to detect.


    The Whistle & Fish Pub is the watering spot of werewolves, zombies, and dead writers.

    Nothing special. Basically a bbpress support forum design straight out of the box (until we decide whether it’s successful enough to warrant investing time in our own design). But we call it home.


    Just an addendum that might prove useful to others.

    I changed the index page to http, which I thought was all that had to be done. However, after doing so, I was getting a mixture of https and http pages – the home page of the forum was http, but any page inside (eg: forum headings and posts) were coming up with the https prefix.

    There was a simple solution: change the URL in the General Settings section of the Admin area! I guess it was assumed I’d done this (never underrate the capacity of a tech uninitiate to not do the right thing!).

    The forum uses only HTTP now, and there’s a bonus that comes with this (which is why I thought it worth writing this post) – the pages load MUCH FASTER!


    Ok, I followed the steps. It’s still not working for me. I log in at my forum, then go to my blog, and it will say “please log in again” so it’s like it recognizes that I logged in at the forum, because it’s saying please log in again, meaning, we know you were logged in, but, now you’re not anymore so log in again.

    Having said all of that… I also did the backwards integration. I had the bbpress forum, then later got wordpress. I also did the “full” integration method which you (_ck_) do not recommend. But, the damage is done. I’m not going to uninstall and re-install anything… it is what it is.

    My members will just have to log in at my forum, and if they want to log into my blog, they’ll just have to enter in their username and password again, it’s not going to kill them, it takes an extra 5 seconds. So, I’m not worried about it anymore. At least my members can use the same username and password.

    I’m going to call this topic resolved. Because I got my answer. Since I did the backwards full integration method, the ability to stay logged in, isn’t going to work, unless I pay a professional to fix it.


    In reply to: convert from SMF Forum


    In reply to: No indexing:(


    The reason for this is that you bbPress/forum pages are returning a header of 404 (Not Found) instead of 200 (OK).

    Date: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 00:29:52 GMT
    Server: Apache
    X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
    Last-Modified: Fri, 01 Aug 2008 00:29:52 GMT
    Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
    Pragma: no-cache
    Keep-Alive: timeout=2, max=20
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

    404 Not Found


    But the page is clearly there. You need this fix:

    Also described here:



    I have the following code that works in wordpress:

    <?php $homepage = get_settings('siteurl')."/search.php/";
    global $wp;
    $wp_received_argument = false;
    foreach ($wp->query_vars as $k=>$v) if ($v) $wp_received_argument = true;
    if ($wp_received_argument) require(TEMPLATEPATH . “/index.php”);
    else { wp_redirect($homepage);
    exit(); } ?>

    Now this wont work in bbpress, so I’ve made some modifications:

    <?php $homepage = bb_get_option( 'uri' )."/search.php/";
    global $bb;
    $bb_received_argument = false;
    foreach ($bb->query_vars as $k=>$v) if ($v) $bb_received_argument = true;
    if ($bb_received_argument) require(TEMPLATEPATH . “/index.php”);
    else { bb_redirect($homepage);
    exit(); } ?>

    It now crashes at the foreach. What am I missing?



    Hello! I am having the same problem. I have successfully integrated my blog (wp2.5) with bbpress ( using a single database and I even tweaked the theme to match my blog (woo-hoo!). However, even after following all the steps listed in the Integration-101 post (which was very helpful for integration, btw), I am having problems with cross-platform cookie-based login.

    I can log in to my blog, yet I’ll navigate to the forum and not be logged in. I can then log into the forum, yet navigate to the blog and I’ll be logged out back there. They’re obviously connected, since logging into one affects the other… and the user data is pulled from a single database.

    The bbpress settings all looked right from the admin panel and successfully found the information from installation so I tried manually setting the options (as described in the 101) in wp-config and bb-config – both ways, I get the same result. Logging into one kicks me out of the other.

    Any ideas? I’ve been plunking around for hours with this, and it seems like it should be something very simple. You can see the live site here:

    TIA for any help you can provide!


    Let me repeat and clarify – it’s IMPOSSIBLE to integrate bbPress 0.9.x with WordPress 2.6 – the cookie methods are now completely different. You must use 2.5.1

    Sam has hinted at the possibility of doing an early 1.0 alpha release which would be compatible with WordPress 2.6 and WPMU 2.6 – no promises and no mention of a specific date yet.


    Here’s a screenshot of the attachment lists showing the “denied mime.”

    The ordered list appears to be hanging out to the left of the #main div by a little bit.


    I saw your comments on the comments page and figured it was being resolved there.

    This was the last I heard:

    I just tried the 0.1.9 version and the JavaScript is working; it inserts the bbcode. But when I resave, the image was renamed to this:

    [png] Error_Occurred_While_Processing_Request.png (17.7 KB, 0 downloads) [x]

    And it is not inserted into the post.


    Has anyone successfully integrated bbPress with WordPress 2.6? If so can you explain how you did it?

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