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  • #66638

    Read this:

    This topic is so similar, I actually thought it was the other one.


    oops….no go. it worked good to navigate to the forum main page, but it messed up any folder under the bbpress/forum folder.

    any ideas?


    thank you much….so just rename the file? here goes….

    Erica S

    Yes you can do this, I did the same thing.


    can i just rename my bbpress folder to forum to get my forum url to indicate “forum” instead of “bbpress”?

    thanks…probably been answered countless times, i just can’t find it.


    In reply to: User Photo for bbPress


    Hi Detective —

    I just tried installing this plugin, and adjusted all the settings per your instructions, but I can’t seem to get it to work.

    I see the input field in profile-edit.php now, but once I upload a photo into it, it does not appear in the wp-content/uploads/user-photo folder, nor does it appear on the page.

    I’m using:


    in profile-edit.php, and calling the photo via:

    bb_get_photo ( $user->ID );

    in profile.php.

    Any advice on how to get it to work?


    ok, i downgraded from wordpress 2.6 to wordpress 2.5.1, and now I’m getting a “This username does not exist.” in bbpress when I try and log in. I can log into wordpress just fine, just not bbpress.

    what gives?


    You’re seeing it wrong.

    The core files of bbPress should never be touched so they can be easily upgraded whenever a new version or security fix comes around.

    my-plugins and my-templates keeps all your stuff seperate from bbPress’s stuff on purpose for very good reason.

    Don’t get crazy about one extra folder.


    I just tried this same thing to see if I could recreate the problem. I renamed my bbpress folder, then navigated to the new URL. The forum came up. I tried to log in; I was redirected to the OLD url and got a WordPress 404 page since there is no page there.

    Then, I added the line that _ck_ recommended in bb-config.php:

    $bb->uri = ‘’;

    And I navigated to the new URL again. The forum came up. Then I tried to log in, and I logged in fine. In the admin, in the settings tab, the new URL is there (the one I entered in the bb-config.php, per _ck_’s suggestion.)

    If this was not your experience, maybe you have a problem with permalinks or mod_rewrite rules. Try turning permalinks off and navigating to the forum again.

    p.s. I didn’t do anything with the cookies, and I do not have an integrated installation. Just a WordPress site with a forum in a sub-directory.


    In reply to: Pilates Digest Forums


    @_ck_ – you of all people should know that you can do amazing things with bbPress ;).

    @gio500000 – nice and clean design – I like it.


    Hi all

    After much tweaking & relatively extensive style changes, I finally went live with my website.

    I needed to make bbpress fit in with the clean, simple style of the rest of the site & to be completely honest, I think I did a great job. Please have a look at the forum as well as the rest of the site to get a feel of what I mean by ‘fitting in’.

    Comments are most certainly welcome, good & bad :)


    thanks for the reply _ck_.

    i tried your suggestion, and i’m still being redirected to my blog homepage when i try to access mysite/forum/bb-admin.

    i’m wondering whether my BB_PATH settings got messed up when i switched the folder name manually?

    also, how would i do a forced change of my cookiepath (as you suggest above)?


    In reply to: Pilates Digest Forums


    ck – I am very happy with bbPress because it was painless to install, modify and develop around our brand. The only feature or plugin I wish was available was a way for users to easily follow forum topics via email. Something as easy as check this box to receive emails about this topic.

    Thank you,



    thanks _ck_,

    It seems to be a problem with when you include the wp-config… There must be a check somewhere in one of the files included in it that checks if that has been registered or is a banned blog, and wp-admin must be hardcoded in somewhere to be a safe directory.. i just havent had time to go through and look for where that happens.. been making a bunch of other customizations instead, as this problem can be solved by just using sub-domains..



    That wpmu tag is going to be your best friend:

    Not many people with wpmu experience here.

    I know Trent Adams uses it though (he’s also on IRC)

    Also, wpmu 2.6 is a no-go with bbPress 0.9 because of cookies.


    In reply to: Pilates Digest Forums


    Very nice! For a moment I was almost going to accuse you of advertising a non-bbpress forum here, LOL. It fooled me :-)


    bb-plugins is for plugins that come with bbpress

    It was created starting with 0.9 at my request to make akismet and bozo into plugins instead of automatically loaded with bbPress.

    my-plugins is for your own plugins

    Same concept with themes.


    Recently, there is a standard plugin folder called bb-plugins. Why is that? What is the difference between this plugin folder and the good old my-plugins folder?

    Can we delete this old one and put all plugins in teh bb-plugin folder? I would like to know this so I can keep my bbpress folder clean and not having X folders containing different plugins.

    So why do we have 2 plugin folders and can we delete my-plugins?


    Okay it was too easy so I gave in and did it for you.


    Well I started to write some code but I then remembered why I did it completely on my own. There are many problems you encounter with trying to do this efficiently with as few DB queries as possible. Using the built in bbpress functions when there’s only a couple people online are fine, but when it gets to many times that, it’s too inefficient.

    There’s also the issue of tracking NON members. Much more tricky than authenticated users.

    I recommend you modify simple online list to track position. Much easier.

    If you know PHP, here’s the process:

    1. take the IP of the current user, change it into ip2long and make that the index of an array or object

    2. store the request_url for that index

    3. store the time() for that index

    4. if they have a user id# (a member) store that

    5. save the array via bb_update_option (not usermeta)

    6. on every bbpress load, do a bb_get_option for the usertracking, which is the array of all the above

    7. comb through the time() for timestamps older than 30 minutes and discard them

    8. count the remaining items to see how many online in past 30 minutes

    9. comb the request_url to see if it == your bbpress front page and count


    If you know some basic PHP this is a very easy thing to store/track but you’ll need some more extensive code to print it out.

    Essentially what you’d want to do is store in the usermeta the bb_location and timestamp on every load of bbpress via a simple plugin.

    Then to count the number of users in the front page you’d do a mysql query to limit by time and count the number of “front-page” that appear.

    I’ll give you some rough code in a minute, it’s fairly straightforward.


    In reply to: Private Forums Plugin


    Plugin section isn’t dead, it’s just that some authors don’t monitor it or abandoned their work.

    Try the Hidden Forums plugin instead of Private Forums.

    Uses newer techniques available in bbPress 0.9 so it’s faster and more complete/reliable.


    bb_location is not called by default but still is typically used on every page. It’s easier to track the request_uri and store it with the title (formal name) of the page since bb_location does not track all pages (ie. edit and topic pages are the same, all views are the same, etc). My User Track plugin does this but it’s not available to the public yet.

    bbPress does not use sessions by default (because they slow the system). But there is no need to use them, you can assume after 30 minutes since the last page load the user has left the site. Most tracking plugins work like that.

    update: here you go:


    In reply to: Install error


    There is a slight second possibility.

    Their PHP may actually have that function, but it’s disabled.

    Since the bbPress fallback function only checks if it exists (and it does) it never gets defined. But it’s disabled.

    However your questions need answering too, what version, properly uploaded, etc.


    In reply to: Install error


    I’m not really sure why, but I can guess. Do you have a file in bb-includes called compat.php? /bb-includes/compat.php

    In that file, line 10 says “if this function does not exist, create it.” That PHP function is available in newer PHP versions only (greater than or equal to 5.1.2). So, for compatibility, if the function is not available on your server, bbPress creates it in compat.php.

    Do you have that file, and does line 10 look like this?

    if ( ! function_exists('hash_hmac') ):

    What bbPress version did you install, if it’s not the latest release? Are you certain all the files were uploaded properly?

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