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  • #3768

    bbPress 1.0 alpha series

    The first alpha of bbPress 1.0 is out. bbPress 1.0 will be based off of BackPress, and that’s the biggest difference so far between the 1.0 branch and the good ol’ 0.9 branch.

    If you’re feeling adventurous, take the alpha for a spin (at the bottom of the download page) and let us know what breaks by submitting bug reports to bbPress trac.


    Yay, time to update some plugins to make sure management panels will look cool ;).


    How about the php_mysql.dll, not just php_mysqli.dll? It seems to be saying it’s missing the mysql extension but you’ve posted only that you have enabled mysqli.

    Also, be sure to restart the web server after making a configuration change.


    In reply to: A few questions


    Many people have posted about phpBB. Just click the tag you added phpBB and you’ll see lots of discussion.

    Here are a couple:

    RE: public, private and superprivate forums:

    That enables you to hide forums based on roles.


    Sam has just tagged bbpress 1.0 alpha 1 (r1636)

    bbPress 1.0 alpha series


    Sam has just tagged bbpress 1.0 alpha 1 (r1636)

    bbPress 1.0 alpha series


    Topic: A few questions

    in forum Installation

    I administer a phpbb forum that we are considering migrating to new software. As I’m pretty familiar with WordPress I thought this might be a good option, but I wanted to double check and ask a couple questions:

    1) Can bbPress import my phpbb database? What info am I liable to lose?

    2) My forum has a public section, a private section, and a superprivate section for admins and such. Does bbpress support this sort of thing? We govern who can go where with groups and permissions in phpbb, but I’m concerned that it wouldn’t translate.




    I’m trying to install bbPress but every time I try am greeted by the message ‘Your PHP installation appears to be missing the specified MySQL extension (mysql) which is required for bbPress.’

    I am using Windows XP Pro SP2 and have PHP 5.2.44 and MySQL 5.o installed . Both these applications work in isolation of each other and I have tried to install the MySQL extensions for PHP.

    To give more detail; I have file php_mysqli.dll (version in the folder C:Program FilesExt, file libmysql.dll is in C:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0bin and this included in the Windows PATH.

    I also have extension=php_mysqli.dll defined in section [MySQLi] of file C:Program Filesphp.ini.

    Can you advise where my PC’s configuration is wrong, or if I need to carry out additional steps, because I would like to evaluate bbPress for use in a Java application I’m writing?


    Martin O’Shea.


    It only affects posts made afterwards, not existing posts but some easy php/mysql code could fix existing posts.

    But I could have sworn this was fixed in bbPress 0.9 with the WordPress Integration section built in. It should give the users a WordPress role and display name. Actually, WordPress should create the display name itself if it sees a user name without a display name. I wonder if this is a WP 2.6 issue which should not be used with bbPress 0.9


    The themes section on is brand new and replaced the defunct one on will eventually get the look and layout that has, it just might take awhile as there is no one to work on it while bbPress is being developed.

    A few sites have tried to do the “collections” idea but they have come and gone. I pretty much try to do what you are asking for on and of course right on this forum are lots of tips and tricks


    Well each forum matrix is maintained by someone from each project. I recently had MDA update the settings for bbPress but there are still some things that are incorrect due to the limitations on that website (for example “plugin” is not an option on some settings).

    In other related news, Wikipedia decided to delete the page on bbPress last week which really upset me:

    Virtually every other forum software is on there, so I don’t know why they felt that was necessary:


    Hello everyone :)

    It’s not directly related to bbPress script, but somewhere around it. What do you think about making something like Weblog Tools Collection, but for bbPress? You know – the newest themes and plugins for bbPress, tips, tricks etc?

    I was also thinking about something like: – so people could submit their ideas for new plugins etc. And something like – even if I would like to submit some themes for bbPress, I don’t have a site to do this ;).

    What do you think?


    Thanks so much for the reply.

    What I get at is fine and what I expect. What I get at is the same and, once we get our htaccess file set up, will be what you get when you type in What we can no longer call up is the first page of the blog, the one that displays one or more recent posts, you know, the index for the actual blog section.

    I don’t know of any way to call it up in the control panel to check on what the permalink is supposed to be. What’s the default address for the blog’s main page supposed to be? Isn’t it supposed to be If I type that in I just get the main page of the site. .

    As I said before, it was all working fine until I made an initial attempt to integrate our new bbpress installation with wordperss, didn’t get it to work and tried to backtrack what I’d done to try again another day. I’m trying to figure out what files might have been affected during this process.


    Have you tried disabling the plugin to see if the problem persists?

    Do you actually have a table called bb_users in the forums database, or are you using the wp_users table and an integrated installation?

    Also, I see that plugin says compatible up to 0.8.3. If you’re using the latest, you might want to post your issue on that plugin page or try to contact the plugin author.

    Or maybe read through the comments on that plugin page and see how others resolved the same problem.


    Posted a year ago and no action!

    *I* just found it here.

    Not sure who if ever anyone else will see this – but what a job those people did on that chart!




    Would I be able to use the pretty URLs with this somehow? Or maybe exclude the entire directory of /bbpress/ from wordpress’s URL thing?

    Using WMPU btw


    I get the following error when posting to my forums.

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘forums.bb_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT um.meta_value AS role FROM bb_users AS u, bb_usermeta AS um WHERE u.ID = um.user_id AND um.meta_key = ‘bb_capabilities’ AND u.user_status = 0 AND u.ID = 1

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/bbpress/bb-plugins/moderator-new-post-notification/moderator_notification.php on line 40

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/bbpress/bb-plugins/moderator-new-post-notification/moderator_notification.php on line 40

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /home/bbpress/bb-plugins/moderator-new-post-notification/moderator_notification.php on line 40

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/bbpress/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /home/bbpress/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 228

    Any ideas?



    I should point out that such changes in bb-config.php must be inserted ABOVE the line that says

    /* Stop editing */ and not below it.

    Also, you should go immediately into your config and change the path after that.

    In fact you should probably change the path in the admin section FIRST and then rename the folder after it’s saved. bbPress will be disabled until you rename the folder but should spring back to life afterwards.

    The menu I mean is under:

    settings -> general


    bbPress address (URL):


    I’m interested in this too. Mostly I’m interested because my current forum that I’m converting from (phpbb) allows you to preview your post, and that feature will be sorely missed. Bring able to save a draft of it would fit right along side a preview, pretty much just like the way WordPress allows authors to save/preview drafts. Now, I’m not a php person in any way (although I wish I was) but I can see it could easily work to make a plug-in or mod that would allow you the option to save your post draft for later with a different post status and pull it or all your saved/unpublished drafts into a single page by pulling them based on the status and your user id. From there you could edit those posts and “publish” them by saving and changing the status code to so that bbPress “sees” it as a valid post rather than a “deleted” or “saved draft”.

    I tinkered with this idea a little while ago but with my php knowledge limited to hacking peices here and there to suit my needs it’s just too much of a task. I can’t imagine it would be too complicated to implement. Let us know if this pans out Vili or anyone else who has an urge to work on something like this.


    Never mind, figured it out. The functions were really easy to use. I ended up doing it like this:

    $user = bb_login( @$_POST, @$_POST);

    if(isset($user->ID)) {


    } else {




    bbPress has similar functions to detect what page you are on, ie. is_front() is_forum() is_topic() is_view() etc.

    do a search of the code for “function is_”


    Drafts are for blogging systems.

    I can’t imagine why a forum would need drafts.

    However admin have the ability to edit deleted posts so you could create and delete a topic and then edit the post – then undelete it.

    bbPress won’t show topics/posts that don’t have a status of zero so if you wrote a plugin for drafts you could just create topics/posts with a special status of like “7” until it was published.


    I think I can transfer to phpBB. So there is a plugin to transfer from phpBB to BBpress? I’ll look for it.

    If not, I’ll grab my database admin friend and see if he’ll help me.

    (All moot till Yahoo gets mySQL working again; I can’t even access phpmyadmin. :( )

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