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Pretty Permalinks Not Working

  • @laemo



    I have read the FAQ here:

    and I have tried both, using Options +MultiViews and also using the code generated by /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php but I cannot seem to get my permalinks working. is the link to my forums.

    I am using GoDaddy for hosting. I have set $bb->mod_rewrite = true in my config.php and my forums are in the same database as WordPress.

    I recently migrated my forums to my WordPress database, and I did the same at home (I have a server running on my laptop, and I just loaded all the data onto the domain mentioned above).

    Permalinks work fine at home on my WAMP setup. However on my domain at GoDaddy, I get an error saying “No input file specified.”

    Could anyone please help me out and tell me where am I going wrong? I would really appreciate it.

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  • @mirce

    Member permalinks works fine from here.



    I just turned off the permalinks right now, which is the reason they work fine. I read about the same problem here: as Jaxia, but for me the pretty permalinks don’t work at all. I mean they are generated fine, but when I try any link, none of them seem to work. I will just turn permalinks on again and you can see for yourself.

    Thanks for the help.



    The best thing is go step by step through it again. Sometimes something small is missed and that is enough to screw up the entire thing. As well, if:

    Options +MultiViews

    Does that work in your .htaccess file in your root bbPrsss directory ( / ). If not, try what is spit out of /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php

    If that doesn’t work, maybe try working with GoDaddy to make sure your setup can do mod_rewrites




    I thought that I saw the links working last night. they did not work now. Had you added Options +MultiViews to .htaccess?



    Just a note on godaddy: If you just recently created an .htaccess file it takes them anywhere from an hour to a full day for them to realize it’s there and begin parsing it.




    I have read the FAQs for my hosting account (Linux hosting) at GoDaddy, and it says that the server is mod_rewrite enabled. It is evident from the fact that my wordpress install works fine with custom permalinks. Tried even using the stuff spewed by rewrite-rules.php. Nothing seems to work! :(

    Mirce, I had disabled pretty permalinks for a while in between and I believe that is around when you must have checked the forums.

    wyDay, I have kept the .htaccess file for about a day now, no results yet :(

    Should I perhaps try to reinstall bb-press? The only thing I am concerned about is losing my WP data because I believe wp-users is one table that is shared if both are installed in the same database.

    I would really like to get my pretty permalinks to work. I have tried both the tricks mentioned in the FAQ, still I am a bit clueless..



    Try to install it on another host and see if it works.

    Good luck!




    I did also all the things(at least three or more times, and even I create a mirror template for bbpress to match with my wordpress template when I was tired of trying the same things to make permalinks to work),. So, for those people who uses Godaddy;

    It is not working with Godaddy. (Correction: It works for me, read below)

    But it only took a couple of hours to update my wordpress, install and integrate bbpress with wordpress (even, partially, templates). For now, I will not move to another hosting company for permalink option. But it is a bit annoying because rewrite rules are working on Godaddy. I have installed wordpress(10 or more different websites), and drupal(3 or more websites), and no problem with permalinks. When you create your htaccess file for the first time, you need to wait for a couple of hours (in avarage 2-3 hours). After that first initialization, every change in htaccess are applied instantly. Namely you just need to wait only for the first time.

    I also tried a simple redirect to check my htaccess file in forum root directory. And it was working.

    So as the creator team of bbpress is the same for wordpress. And as wordpress is ok with godaddy. The team may suggest an alternative way for rewrite rules. I dont know much about rewrite rules. And I believe the file (bb-admin/rewrite-rules. php) creates correct rules for the most of the servers.


    I wrote all the above information and then I think to add my config.php file to here. So I find out something, that I dont use akismet, so I add // to beginning of that line, namely:

    //$bb->akismet_key = ''; // Example: '0123456789ab'

    and it is working now :)



    I checked it again, and it is partially working. Forum links are accessible, but topic and others are not. I again tried three combination

    1) just adding multipleviews to htaccess = not working

    2) adding this solution = not working

    # BEGIN BBPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /forum/
    Options +MultiViews
    # END BBPress

    3. adding the code generated by rewrite-rules.php. = partially working



    You need to add the .htaccess file to the same directory as the bbPress install. Not the root directory, which is what I suspect you have done.



    wordpress is installed on

    bbpress is installed on

    bbpress .htaccess file is located on namely .

    wordpress .htaccess file is located on root, namely

    And I just finished the design of bbpress to match my wordpress theme. And I closed permalink options as I conclude that it is not working with Godaddy (It is working only partially which has no meaning). I am totally confused, why forum links are ok and why others are not.

    I can send config.php, and .htaccess file if somebody things that it is because of an error in those files. I can also give a link to the website.


    I have the same problem as you. I tried the different solutions. Adding the code generated by rewrite-rules.php gives me a 500 Internal Error.

    I guess I’ll pass on having permalinks.




    You need to make sure your apache configuration is also set to allow all overrides. The relevant line should be:

    AllowOverride All

    This should be in your apache configuration file, or the same relevant option should be set in plesk/cpanel.



    Another thing to note, you should make sure that the .htaccess file is not writable by the web server. There seem to be some web hosts that prohibit that for security reasons.

    Alright, I’ll check it out, although permalinks for the forum aren’t as necessary as for the site.

    But thx for the tip.



    It is confounding that so many people have difficulty with the pretty permalinks.

    In my case, WordPress works great. It’s .htaccess rewrites appropriately. On the same server Drupal uses mod_rewrite successfully and without effort. But I have spent hours upon hours trying different configurations and tricks to get BBPress to have pretty urls and it just won’t work. I do not use GoDaddy. I use 1and1 ( )

    For so many people to have the same experience and say “wordpress permalinks work but bbpress’ don’t” just cries that there is something flawed in BBPress’ approach to clean urls.



    I agree with djuggler. I have the same configuration as serimu on my self-hosted server. a .htaccess file at the root (/) for wordpress and a .htaccess file at /forum/ for bbpress. I have AllowOverride All enabled. Yet still no luck. I have had absolutely no problems with my 30+ installs of WordPress. But I’ve had no luck getting permalinks in BBPress working.

    This is the only thing holding me back from using BBPress and I’m getting pretty sick of running XDForum.



    It is important to note that if your bbpress install is in a subdirectory of your wordpress install, then the directives in your wordpress .htaccess file also apply to your bbpress directory. So you need to check to make sure there isn’t some mod_rewrite rule in the base .htaccess file munging up your later rewrites in the bbpress .htaccess file.

    I suggest anyone trying to attempt enabling mod_rewrite features be familiar with how it works. Apache has very good documentation for the mod_rewrite module.

    There is little or no difference between the way bbPress uses mod_rewrite and wordpress uses mod_rewrite.

    It is all down to your configuration and sometimes is impossible because of your host. I am happy to attempt to help anyone who wants to send me their .htaccess files and a detailed description of their setup. I will need full path names and urls and the site structure you are trying to achieve. Send to the username “sam” at the domain name “viveka * net * au”. I will send you back what should be a working set of files and will also attempt to report the resolution here.



    Sam, I want to take you up on your email offer but your address doesn’t seem valid – can you verify it?



    The address is valid. Don’t forget the “au” at the end.



    Turns out my problem was rewrite rules from wordpress overwriting bbpress ones. Whoops.




    I just checked this subject again, and I want to say my solution:

    I moved my site to another hosting provider.



    I have a variant of this problem.

    When I run my bbpress with a url through a directory under my domain (, using permalinks works ok. But when I try to run bbpress through a subdomain url (, the permalinks don’t work at all. They are generated correctly but clicking on any permalink only brings me to the forum home page. Running bbpress without permalinks does still work however.

    I’ve tried following the FAQ but neither of the options have worked. I do have wordpress installed in the root directory of my domain and bbpress in a subdirectory so I’m thinking that may be the issue but I don’t know which part would be affecting it. I’ve also tried renaming the .htaccess file in my root directory and then following the suggestions from the FAQ but when I disable the .htaccess file in the root folder, clicking on the permalinks just brings me to a “url not found” page.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?

    I can post my .htaccess files if necessary. I’ve left my current bbpress configuration with the problem if anyone wants to take a quick look.



    still not working for me.

    i have tried with

    and with

    if i remove permalinks everything works. i have tried the faq as well as a resolved thread concept from about 10 months ago.

    neither works. running on mac os x



    Read my posts above with regards to running bbPress in a sub-directory and having WordPress mod-rewrite rules in the parent directory.

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