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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #67003

    That’s another one of those silly things that got carried over from WordPress. The database limits it to 60 characters and the default template limits it to 30 characters but it’s still overly long.

    Fortunately in bbPress (unlike WordPress) the registration form is done in a template and not in the core, so the easiest way is just to modify the register.php template under my-templates (or copy it from bb-templates) and change the line that looks like this:

    <td><input name="user_login" type="text" id="user_login" size="30" maxlength="30" value="<?php if (1 != $user_login) echo $user_login; ?>" /></td>

    And instead of 30, make it the size limit you want.

    However people that are sneaky and bypass the registration form can still make it 60 characters (ie. spammers). But they will stick out, so you’ll notice it right away.

    This can be fixed via a plugin but it would be way too much code to justify the fix. The template method is best.


    When my forum is viewed in Firefox, the long email addresses of users who post are encroaching on their post content. Not a big issue, but a bit untidy and annoying. See:

    (user name: tester / password: testing123)

    Which CSS in which file would I modify to make the page width of the forum a bit wider and increase the distance between poster email details and their adjacent post content, please?


    If you are using an Apache webserver, you can use .htaccess with basic auth to require people to enter a password before they ever see the forum installation.

    Not sure how to do it on a Windows server.


    If it can be done, how would I go about password protecting a forum? I want to have the main website open to the public, but the forum to require a password before someone can register and see the forum posts.


    If you have an issue with the alpha release, please file a ticket at trac.

    You will need to log in before you can file a ticket. Be sure to choose the correct version when submitting the ticket.


    I’m running Alpha 1.0 and recently had to ask for support. I get the feeling I did something wrong before I did the solution as I now have an issue where I APPEAR to have permission to access admin panel and to post, but clicking on the links just sends me to the board index.

    I’ve reinstalled the BBPress files and deleted the ‘bb_’ tables in the sql however this issue remains in this new installation. I’m integrated with WP, therefore I was wondering if someone could list the rows added to the WordPress sql by the bbpress integration process so that I could try removing them.



    i want to add the possibilty to insert a player for play mp3 songs, with that:

    so, i have try this:

    Plugin Name: bbPress MP3 Dewplayer

    Description: A simple way to add a mp3 player in posts, with bbcode.

    Author: Frédéric

    Author URI:

    Version: 0.1
    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_mp3_tag' );
    function allow_mp3_tag( $tags ) {$tags['mp3']; return $tags;}

    to have a simply “mp3” bbcode (i use BBcode Buttons Toolbar and BBcode Lite).

    the html code for integrate the player is:

    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf?mp3={LOCATION OF MP3}&showtime=1" width="200" height="20"><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf?mp3={LOCATION OF MP3}&showtime=1" /></object>

    but how to integrate that in php code of plugin?

    at the end, i want that the members can post that:

    [mp3]URL OF THE MP3 FILE[/mp3]

    so, i have add that in bbcode-buttons.js:

    function edClick(button) {

    switch (BBcodeButtons[button].id) {

    case 'ed_close': edCloseAllTags(button); break;

    case 'ed_link': edInsertLink(button); break;

    case 'ed_img': edInsertImage(button); break;
    case 'ed_mp3': edInsertMp3(button); break;

    default: edInsertTag(button); break;




    function edInsertMp3() {

    var myValue = prompt('Enter the URL of the mp3 file', 'http://');

    if (myValue) {

    myValue = '[mp3]'+ myValue+'[/mp3]';




    but this is incomplete, what add in the bbcode-lite.php and my file plugin?

    please help me to finish the plugin :p



    I faced the same problem, when installing bbpress 1 alpha with integration options (wp2.6) .

    The problem is because of automatic generated codes by wordpress api. I installed wp 2.6 and get those codes through api. I had bb-login.php problems when I installed bbpress 1 alpha. And I changed wp codes written in wp-config.php to simple ones( I removed some special characters such a ),”,],/,,[,},{ ) , and then it worked.

    I hope this helps you too.


    Both bb and WP store data in wp_users and wp_usermeta, so when you do bb_get_user or get_user you get basically the same object.

    I have a memberlist using my plugin, Aleph. The list is here:

    As you can see, i display a location field, which is filled in bbPress profile form.


    I can log in only through WP for both BB and WP, and also log out: only through WP. I need help how to log in either in WP or BB for both BB and WP, and log out too?


    Is there any way to “undo” an integration? I integrated WP 2.6 with version 9 before I found this thread and now I can’t log into BB press at all. Just wondering if I can hack in and do something to revert it back.


    No, it doesn’t exist.


    Those versions are compatible, so I don’t think that is the cause of your problem.

    Does the table it is complaining about, ‘addiva_bbpress.wp_users’ actually exist, or no?


    @chrishajer: I didn’t the diff cause I’m starting over with the forum – no data to care. So after the error comes I just removed all files and elimI searched and inated all tables from database. I should make some tests and take the diff.

    @balgo: Yes, is a php error, but is called from a script in functions.core.php. There’s no results relevant to actual versions of bbpress neither functions.core file.

    @zappoman: What let me really confused, please correct me if I’m wrong, is that I got error installing from “svn co; but had no errors with a installations from “bbPress 1.0 Alpha (” in the download page. Since is tagged, is the same package right?

    Thanks all your attention guys.


    In reply to: Where is ThemePress?


    For the record, ThemePress integrated theme for bbPress+WordPress can be found in the middle of this page:


    it’s probably a bit outdated because it was meant for version 0.8 but should still work with a few modifications (for example his instructions say “config.php” when it’s now “bb-config.php” and the plugins he recommends are no longer required and might actually make things not work)


    In reply to: Redirecting Login


    I was seeing something similar and I found it relates to ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH in wp, and $bb->wp_admin_cookie_path in bbPress.

    In my case, I had bbPress located at domain.tld/forum/ for a wp install at domain.tld. If I set the wp ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH to /wp-admin/ as usual, then I got this behavior… but if instead I set it to “/” then things work fine.

    This may or may not be related to the issue you are seeing.


    In reply to: Redirecting Login


    I also have a similar problem. I installed Alpha 1.0 with a WP 2.6.1 install – when logging into WP now it just goes back to the login screen again, can never reach /wp-admin/. BBpress for me though, works fine at the login (but interestingly still can’t get to /wp-admin/ when logged in through BBpress – wasn’t it supposed to be integrated?)


    Just a quick question here, not sure if this is the right thread though.

    I have WP 2.6.1, and last night installed bbpress 1.0 alpha.

    Now when I log in this morning I click the button to ‘Log in’ and it redirects me back to the login page. The bbpress installation however, I can login to as normal.


    better not do it that way, as updates will break your work. create an .htaccess and put the following in:

    Redirect 301 /yourbbpressdirectory/register.php


    Have I used the wrong version of bbpress?

    Is there a file I can ftp down and alter so that we can get working again? How do people get around this brick wall?


    Thanks Chris, I have filed a ticket on another issue I found, and I will file a ticket for this. But I’m more curious to find out if I’m really the only one seeing this issue. It seems like a pretty obvious issue, so I’m surprised no one else has noticed it… which leads me to believe that I must have done something wrong.

    As a developer, I hate when people file bugs before looking for a minimal reproduce case… and so I was just trying to ask if someone else has seen this before I file a bug ticket.


    Replace register.php with:






    Something really strange in this problem, only happens when I do a SVN install.

    Errors to:

    svn co .

    svn co .

    But if I download (wget) or extract and install it will work without the mentioned error. omg –confused–


    Yes, bbsync is the closest to this right now. I imagine you could get a lot of ideas looking at that plugin.

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