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  • #57200

    Hi fel64, how to adapt your plugin for integrate the ck’s plugin “forum last poster”: and show the exact date with the two plugins?



    Are you using any plugins that could cause this? Maybe the Display Name plugin? I’ve heard that creates trouble for some people.

    I’m sure there’s a way to fix this through the database. Have you created a regular member you can log in as? If so, then you just need to promote them to keymaster in the database. Try this:

    Deleted Admin in WordPress- now no Keymaster in BBPress

    There was this old trick too – not sure if it still works:


    In reply to: Strange error on post


    It’s possible something in the content you were posting was not escaped properly and it caused a syntax error when bbPress tried to insert it into the database. I don’t imagine you have the text of what you were trying to post, do you? You could try posting it here and see if this errors out.

    It’s possible with that old version that something was fixed in the latest release and it won’t occur here.


    The first thing you do is search these forums.

    Maybe you would have stumbled upon this.

    Erica S

    Yeah, after the integration all of my members from WordPress could log in just fine into Bbpress. But the thing is that none of them can get into the admin. Only the keymaster had that access and it disappeared right after I set the cookies. I even tried setting the user roles before integrating so that my admin account would have keymaster access and it didn’t work. I’ve looked into the database and it says that the keymaster is there but when I log in it says that it’s username does not exist. Is there another way to fix this through the database?


    In reply to: 1.0 translations


    *couldn’t edit my previous post anymore – hence the double*

    Hehe, I’m mighty proud now! I figured I’d check the config-files for both installation and see whether the information was matched or not (not having any idea what so ever if that could be the problem) and I found the different security-keys wasn’t identical – so I fixed that.

    Now I have commenced mapping the role-maps and everything seems to be on track again. Thanks a lot for this guide and for making the systems compatible, saved me (well probably) an immense amount of time!


    Well, the installation (with full wp-integration) went as smooth as it could have, but the index.php doesn’t want to load. Not even when fully referred to in the URL (/forums/index.php).

    My ftp-client sees the full installation and the content of the file seems to be ok. What settings could cause this error other than the URL actually not being valid, though I can’t figure out why that should be? :P

    EDIT: I found that Firefox can open and read the readme.txt and licence.txt just fine, but it wont execute the php-files properly… this is just wierd?? What the heck did I miss here?


    In reply to: Blank Screen


    The password normally contains special characters and that’s fine. That’s how I can usually tell if the bbPress is an old version or new version, based on the password being sent out when you register.

    There is no problem with having special characters in the secret keys: it’s just that if they’re not properly escaped, the server will choke on the config file because the bb-config.php does not have proper syntax.

    So, make sure the keys are the same for WordPress and bbPress, make sure the bb-config.php is syntactically correct (php -l bb-config.php from a Linux command line) and then figure out why you can’t log in.

    You can also make the secret keys really short and easy to compare while testing to see if that’s the problem.

    It’s also worthwhile to check any php file you edited for the proper syntax. Maybe once you log in, you are being served another page that has a syntax error (a template file?) and that is causing the blank screen.

    Also, access to error logs will help with this, if you have them.


    If beta is the new stable (thanks Google) then alpha is the new beta?

    In a test installation (just copy all your WordPress files and database) you can’t really hurt anything. Just use it and see if it works enough for you.


    I guess I’ll try then, “beta” is the new “stable” nowdays anyway, how bad could it get ^^

    EDIT: wp is installed in /blog, what is the recommended path for the bbPress in that case, if any?


    In reply to: Strange error on post


    My advice would be to install it in a test instance and use it. See how unstable it is for yourself. Only you can make the determination if it’s ready enough for you or not.


    I have a fresh installation of the latest release of WordPress and integrating it with an installation of bbPress seems to be easy enough for a non-hacker like myself.

    But, how unstable is the 1.0 alpha of bbPress really? The site I’m working on is to be a soon-to-be-released homepage for a choir that will use it mainly for news, recruiting and general talk. Would you rather advice me to go for the wp 2.5.1 + bbPress 0.9 version?


    Everyone put this in your bb-config.php

    $bb->load_options = true;

    and that number will go down radically.

    For some reason I don’t understand they refuse to make that the default and therefore bbPress just “lazy loads” each option as each plugin requests it.

    If you are using the 1.0 alpha they still have a bit of work to do with query reduction as they rewrote half the routines and storage layout but left it unoptimized. For example each forum on the front page is loaded as a separate query and then the meta for each forum is loaded as a separate query. It’s a bit crazy because if you have a dozen forums that’s 24 queries but I have high hopes Sam or MDA will tackle that soon and do it all in just two queries.

    Last but not least there is a serious optimization problem IMHO in all versions where bbPress will “read before write” every time a meta option is saved, regardless if it’s just been loaded and sitting in the object cache. I have to put a bit of extra code in all my plugins to work around this issue. The reason why they do that is to determine if they should do an INSERT vs an UPDATE because you can have duplicate keys on meta data by design and mysql can’t be told what to do if the key already exists. But there are better ways to do that – since 99.99% of the time it’s going to be an update since the data already exists – do an update and just check for a mysql error on the return (or count rows affected) – then do an insert instead that one time it’s needed.


    In reply to: can’t add topic


    Correct me if I am wrong but you have ALL forums set as categories, which means it can’t hold topics, so bbPress is messed up.

    Change the forums to regular foums.


    I’ve seen tutorials about “how to” setup osCommerce, and put WordPress inside.

    My question is:

    Can you setup bbPress, then put ocCommerce INSIDE bbPress?

    How do you recommend I setup these two components? (bbPress & osCommerce)



    I use it in WP and bbPress :) It’s easy to adapt, and as you have both integrated …

    Of course you could also print the “about” text entered by the user in their Profile page in the Dashboard. So you only really need a plugin for the gamertags.

    Erica S

    I just installed the latest stable release of bbpress and integrated it with wordpress 2.5.1. After setting up the integration, I immediately was logged out and couldn’t log back in with my keymaster. I searched the forums and tried everything that was suggested such as the plugin, adding a line to bb-config.php, and trying to edit phpmyadmin usermeta. I don’t know why the plugin didn’t work since my keymaster is at ID#1. And editing through phpmyadmin was useless since my usermeta was already set to keymaster. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled and keep getting the same results.


    Pilola, you could use this plugin:

    I use it here: (see the “nuestros usuarios” links).


    Hmm, I’m pretty stupid, I think. Didn’t even see the sticky, so I’m trying BBPress 1.0 alpha now. Hope that will work.


    I have a band messageboard that’s worked flawlessly for a year now… but when I tried posting myself just now, it didn’t appear on the board. When I checked the dashboard, this is what it said for the latest post:

    Post on
    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'AND meta_key='views'' at line 1]
    SELECT meta_value FROM bb_topicmeta WHERE topic_id = AND meta_key='views'
    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 'views', )' at line 1]
    INSERT INTO bb_topicmeta ( meta_id, topic_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES ( NULL , , 'views', )
    Gavin DeGraw by neddi.

    Any idea what’s going on? I’ve never seen this before… and I think I’m the only one with access to the backend.



    I just managed uploading and installing BBPress in a subdirectory of WordPress. Everything works just fine, and when you sign up on WordPress, you will also be able to log in with that account on BBPress, but there’s one problem:

    When you log in on WordPress, and you go to BBPress, you have to log in again. So, members have to sign in 2 times, on the same account, one time for WordPress and one time on BBPress.

    I’m running WordPress 2.6. In wp-config.php there was no SECRET_KEY. There was an AUTH_KEY and a SECURE_AUTH_KEY, but there was a BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php. So, what should I do in wp-config.php?

    I tried to define SECRET_KEY myself, but that didn’t work. The ‘code’ in SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php is the same as BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php, but it still doesn’t work.

    I hope it’s a little clear what my problem is.




    This is completely out of left field with this suggestion, but I had similar problems with the redirection errors like you but I don’t use WPMU so this might not apply.

    I honestly can’t remember if I changed any of the chmod settings, I think I might of changed them all the files to 777.

    But also in the setup when it asks you in the wordpress integration stage when it asks you to fill in the xxx_xxx_salt settings from the wordpress just leave them blank.

    Might help for you.


    Is there a problem with your wordpress install too?

    To fix bbpress, you need phpmyadmin or a similar tool. Login, go to your bbpress database. Not certain what it’s like on 0.9, but you probably need to go to the bb_topicmeta table and perform a search (or browse through) to find a record where the meta_key is wp_table_prefix. Try deleting that record. Without that setting I think bb would look for its own users again.

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