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  • #54923

    “Just to be sure, I’m starting fresh so I should bash this:

    mkdir forum

    cd /forum

    svn co .”


    I just did that, it worked, but now what I have is a folder called “trunk” in my /forum/ folder. All the bbpress files are in /forum/trunk/ but I was hoping they would just be in /forum/. So I’m not sure what to do next.

    Sorry I’m entirely new to using svn….


    The previous reply says “posted 15 seconds ago” immediately after I posted it.


    Resurrecting this thread. This forum has been slow all day. Slow to load pages; slow to add tags; slow to reply. Most replies I submit have something on the order of 23 seconds as the “Posted” time where it’s normally between 1 and 3 seconds.



    I’ve installed bbpress .9.0.2 and I’m not integrating with WordPress. The install went fine, but when I log in as the keymaster, I see the link to the Admin area, but clicking on it does nothing. I’ve looked at a couple of other posts about this but they were for earlier versions, so I don’t think they’re going to solve my problem. Help greatly appreciated.


    I’ve been trying to install and integrate wp 2.5.1 and bbPress 0.9 a couple of times to have both cookie- and userdata integrated, but after removing all databases and configfiles two times in a row and reinstalling I still get this error in my bbPress-installation:

    Duplicate key name ‘user_nicename’

    >>> User tables will already exist when performing a database integrated installation.

    What causes this error?


    However, I can skip using wordpress registration page to solve this..


    My setup is fully working, except :

    when a user register via wordpress, he dont get the good capabilities, so he can’t post on bbpress!

    user registered via bbpress get the good capabilities (a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;} in wp_usermeta).

    In the admin integration option (http://domain.tld/forums/bb-admin/options-wordpress.php), I mapped wordpress subscribers to bbPress members.

    How can I fix this ?


    btw, does some know if there is a planned release date for bbPress 1.0 ?


    That did it! Thanks very much :)


    Yeah, that seems to be the way its working. Forums that you check “Forum is Category” for become container forums with no topics and special CSS classes. I think that’s a fine way to do it once you understand what’s going on. It just seemed a bit weird at first because in the backend there isn’t really any differentiation between category forums and regular forums.


    I tried greenhome’s solution and it almost worked. Thanks! :-)

    However I got some minor errors, especially with links like http://domain.tld/forums/topic/test?replies=3#post-17 or http://domain.tld/forums/profile/username/favorites?fav=0&topic_id=1&_wpnonce=10a4ad44b8

    Here is a workaround :

    In /etc/lighttpd/bbpress-rewrite.conf, I have :

    url.rewrite-once += (

    # /forum/FORUM-NAME

    "^" + bbpressdir + "forum/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "forum.php?id=$1&page=$2",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "forum/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "forum.php?id=$1",

    # /topic/TOPIC-NAME

    "^" + bbpressdir + "topic/([^/?]+)(?(.*))?$" => bbpressdir + "topic.php?id=$1&$3",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "topic/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)(?(.*))?/?$" => bbpressdir + "topic.php?id=$1&page=$2&$4",

    # /tags/TAG-NAME

    "^" + bbpressdir + "tags/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "tags.php?tag=$1&page=$2",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "tags/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "tags.php?tag=$1",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "tags/?$" => bbpressdir + "tags.php",

    # /profile/PROFILE-NAME

    "^" + bbpressdir + "profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2&page=$3",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "profile/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "profile.php?id=$1&page=$2",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "profile/([^/]+)/([^/?]+)(?(.*))?/?$" => bbpressdir + "profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2&$4",

    #"^" + bbpressdir + "profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "profile/([^/?]+)(?(.*))?$" => bbpressdir + "profile.php?id=$1&$3",

    # /view/VIEW-NAME

    "^" + bbpressdir + "view/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "view.php?view=$1&page=$2",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "view/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "view.php?view=$1",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "rss/?$" => bbpressdir + "rss.php",

    # /rss/FEED-NAME

    "^" + bbpressdir + "rss/forum/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "rss.php?forum=$1",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "rss/topic/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "rss.php?topic=$1",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "rss/tags/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "rss.php?tag=$1",

    "^" + bbpressdir + "rss/profile/([^/]+)/?$" => bbpressdir + "rss.php?profile=$1"


    Finally, I just add this configuration for each vhost using bbpress :

    $HTTP["host"] =~ "domain.tld" {

    var.bbpressdir = "/forums/"

    include "bbpress-rewrite.conf"


    Hope this helps!


    Most likely due to selecting permalinks but not setting up the .htaccess file with rewrite rules.


    My take on it (completely uninformed BTW) was that a category acts like a parent that won’t have any topics in it. There have been requests in the past when creating multiple subforums to be able to skip putting topics in a parent forum (now called a category). It would just be a container for subforums.



    I have a wordpress install in the top directory and then a bbpress install sitting in the /bbpress/ directory. Whenever I go to a forum page, profile pages, post pages etc., I get the WordPress 404 taking over saying it doesn’t exist.

    Is this something I can fix?




    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    Congrats on the alpha release!


    Use the plugin in this post and it will work:


    I’ve been creating a new template to fit into my current WP install, and while doing so I noticed the new ‘Forum is Category’ checkbox in the forum management area of bb-admin. I tried it out on a few forums and noticed the different classes assigned and the ‘bb_get_forum_is_category()’ check in front-page.php of kakumei. I also noticed that you can’t post topics to forums that you check as categories.

    So to get the point, is the intention here that you create forums, check them as categories, then create subforums of the category forum and theme things as you see fit with the different forum classes? Or am I misunderstanding the 1.0 implementation of categories?


    ck–I can’t even get to the admin panel at this point as the install didn’t create a keymaster account.

    benzilla–all my files are 777 and still the issue.

    Also, I should note that I got the same error just now when I logged in to *this* site, so it seems like a software problem. I’ll check the known issues area in trac.

    What we’ve come up with so far is that in in bb-load.php, there’s a loop happening when installation doesn’t complete. It could be something along the lines of what you mention, ck, in that the location is redirected. I’d change the settings but I don’t see where to do that. I’m going to see what I can do later today and I’ll be sure to post any updates.


    I’m afraid I still don’t understand what you’re trying to do. You will have those other forums and sub forums, but they won’t be listed on the front page? What is the rationale? Maybe a plugin already exists to do what you want.

    Maybe the Hidden Forums plugin will help you.

    If the forums are not listed on the front page, how will you get to them otherwise? And if you can’t get to them, why are they there?


    Hey, i try to add my own bbcode with

    In BBcode-lite.php, i do that:

    $simple = array('t' => 'h4','b' => 'strong', (etc)

    but in my page, the source say that:

    <p></p><h4>Quel statut?</h4>

    so, the normal code must be:

    <p><h4>Quel statut?</h4>


    why the formatting is not correct?



    It’s not related to this is it?

    All the forums set to categories? Just a SWAG.


    It’s OK to start a new topic for a new problem.

    To change the language, you need to make a change to the bb-config.php file, and you need to install the language files. There is an Arabic language file shared here:

    check out this very nice R-t-L Arabic bbPress

    To install a language file, the instructions are right in that area of bb-config.php:

    // Change this to localize bbPress.  A corresponding MO file for the
    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.
    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BB_LANG to 'de'
    // to enable German language support.
    define('BB_LANG', '');


    You put the file (downloaded from Google Code) into the `bb-includes/languages/ directory. Then enter the name of the file here in between the single quotes for the BB_LANG constant. For Arabic, I think the file is, so your config line would be:

    define('BB_LANG', '');

    There are more files available at that site for an Arabic bbPress. It’s actually very nice that someone shared all their work. Looks like there is a localized version of bbPress there as well, possibly with more items translated that were not translatable with a language file.

    Erica S

    I don’t think that’s possible, and probably something that the makers of BBpress should change. It says under settings that: “Changes do not affect users with existing roles in both WordPress and bbPress.” I’ll have to delete my user and then recreate it. Then that role will be assigned. But I don’t think it will change any existing members. Thanks again.


    Hello everybody!

    I’m working on a new software based on Perl. But I’m also a fan of bbpress and the plugin browser that this site has. I wanted to ask you, how I could do a similar one using bbpress. Especially the connection with SVN and the pages a plugin can have. How can I do this? Could you help me? Thx a lot!


    Yes – you just need to do it for the proper user in the wp_user_meta table. Sounds like you’re getting somewhere. You need to look in the wp_users and wp_usermeta tables for your new bbPress users.

    Erica S

    Thanks for the idea, I didn’t think of it that way. I just assumed that if I had accounts in WP then I didn’t need to create any in BBpress. Well, I tried that just now and something weird in the database. After registering a test member in BBpress I looked in the database and all I saw was the “non-existent” keymaster, the newly registered member wasn’t even in there. I looked in the WP user tables and the member was there but not in BBpress even though that’s where I registered them. This is a clean install, so there’s no plugins and editing the config file didn’t work either.

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