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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • _ck_

    This mini-plugin will fix your layout/graphics

    for visitors that insist on using IE 8.0

    function fix_ie8() {if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],"MSIE 8")) {header("X-UA-Compatible: IE=7");}}
    add_action('bb_send_headers','fix_ie8'); // for bbPress
    add_action('send_headers','fix_ie8'); // for WordPress

    Essentially it makes IE8 render like IE7 by sending a special (invisible) header only to IE8 users.

    Problem solved.

    It blows my mind that a page that can render perfectly in Opera – which is THE standards browser – can be messed up by Microsoft attempting to conform to standards. What a (continued) waste of everyone’s time.

    ps. For those that don’t want to install IE8 permanently to just test their sites, this version will run in it’s own virtual box so it doesn’t affect the rest of your system:


    In reply to: question about update


    Yes – to upgrade, just remove the old files, saving any you’ve added or modified (bb-config.php, my-templates and my-plugins, at least) then install the new version. Then, you normally access a URL like which takes care of the database changes.

    Always back everything up first (both filesystem and database) so you can go back if something goes wrong.



    i use the alpha 1, if i want to update, i just simply put the new files and erase the old? with wordpress, the bdd is updated too, what about bbpress?

    thanks. bye!



    I updated my test install with svn and get

    Warning: Missing argument 1 for __construct() in /foo/bar/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/class.bp-roles.php on line 11

    and trying to post a messages issues :

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /foo/bar/bbpress/bb-includes/backpress/class.bp-roles.php:11) in /foo/bar/bbpress/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 213


    How about this for the Latest Discussions on the front page:

    Not sure if that affects the number of topics shown in the forums or not. I suspect a quick look through the plugin would tell you.


    I tagged this for Sam Bauers, the developer who posted the original information at the GSOC page. Maybe he will stop by and add some insight.


    Hi everybody,

    i use the bbcode-lite plugin by ck, and i want to add a <h1> in the list !

    So, i have this:

    $simple = array('b' => 'strong','i' => 'em','u' => 'u','center'=>'center','quote' => 'blockquote','strike' => 'strike','s' => 'strike','list' => 'ul','code' => 'code','h1' => 'h1');

    but i have a br space after in the post: how to remove this? I think is the same thing that for li list




    Thanks! Haven’t found anything, but I’ll do a lot more searching, thanks for the link! =)


    I don’t think were any changes. The original poster had problems I don’t think anyone was able to recreate. I had no trouble with it; same as your experience. Maybe their configuration was different in some way.


    The last I heard was that import/export was going to be a Google Summer of Code project, but I can’t find any updates there:


    I was thinking when I read the subject line that this would be criticism of the amount of change between versions and the amount of work required to update the plugins for each new release. It took WordPress a while to get to their “automated notification” for plugins. Maybe it will take a while for something like that for bbPress.

    1. Number of tags: in your template file, where the tags are displayed, there is a call to bb_tag_heat_map – that accepts parameters, the last of which is the number of tags to return. Put whatever you want in there. The first two parameters are font min and font max size, and the next parameter is what measure to use for the font sizes.

    <?php bb_tag_heat_map( 9, 38, 'pt', 80 ); ?>


    That’s 9pts minimum, 38pts maximum, return the top 80 tags

    2. No suggestions for you there. Not sure I understand the concern.

    3. This can be done in your template files as well.


    I loved bbPress to start with, but it’s become a pain now. bbPress is a lightweight piece of software, although there are some functions that should come with the installation that can be enabled/disabled via the admin panel.

    There are just so many add-ons that most forumers want, and I think that bbPress has gone a bit extreme on the lightness, although I love it, other (annoying) forumers don’t, so now I’m stuck between moving to phpBB3 or just opening a guestbook lol.

    Three of the main things that should change is being able to simply modify the number of tags in the sidebar. On the same page, it’d be nice to be able to have seperate options for the numbers of latest discussions and actual forum topics shown. People just don’t see the forums with the ‘Latest Discussions’ in the way.

    Thirdly, it would be nice to see icons beside each forum, indicating new posts etc.


    I’m looking for the same thing. I want to move to phpBB3 without having to manually re-write all of the topics. bbPress is brilliant, but there are so so many issues that just get a wee bit irritating. Does anyone know if there are any updates on this front?


    Maybe it will be helpful for somebody:

    if you have a problem with bbpress logout after “wp & bbpress integration” — delete cookies in your browser and try agan.

    It works for me (wp 2.5.1, bbpress


    Hmm, I just installed bbPress and wanted to rename my folder from ‘forum’ to ‘forums’.

    I was searched for the correct way to do this and apparently, all i did was to change the directory I wanted bbPress to work on in the admin>settings section, then rename the folder.

    maybe seeing as this topic is 3 weeks old, there may have been changes to the system regarding this.


    Yep, that’s the only thing that doesn’t work. I was able to register another user, post to a forum, etc.

    The install is on a linux box. The directory for the install is /var/../…/bbpress


    ok i figured it out, there was an issue where the bbpress and wordpress were using two different databases for users, once i made them coincie with each other, everything worked…..

    thanks for your help!


    People have had trouble with godaddy and .htaccess before. I have heard that it takes a while for the changes to take effect? I don’t use them for hosting so I can’t confirm.


    Hack her plugin to use a custom time-displaying function instead of the bbPress ones. I’ve set up a ticket asking for it to be simple to do what you want but I don’t believe it’s that easy right now.


    Hey there

    i´ve just installed the files for the spanish version of bbpress in the bb-includes/languages and the files are and another one called the same but with .po or something… and when i go to the settings i cannot setup this… whats the problem? im using the Alpha version 1.0…



    In reply to: Private Message Popup


    You don’t need to use a function: you could add the functionality you want just by hacking the plugin. You can always refactor later to move some things into functions.

    Start simple. Find the place where the message is displayed to the user. Then, add some html there to display an image. Make sure you upload the image, then make sure you get the path to the image correct. I think that would be pretty simple.

    I thought there was a “newmail.png” already included though? I don’t use the PM plugin, but if that icon is present, where is it displayed? If it’s not on the page you want, I would use the same method they use to display it, just on a different page.

    Although the title of this topic is “Private Messaging Popup” you’re not looking to create a javascript popup when the user logs in that they have a PM, are you?

    You could also contact the plugin author:

    From that page:

    Visible representation of when a message hasn't been seen (in your inbox and sent box)


    Ah yes, thanks Chris, missed the space and dot. Thanks again.


    I think you left off the trailing “[space] dot” that indicates “put it in the current directory” or path. From the svn help:

    If PATH is omitted, the basename of the URL will be
    used as the destination.


    That means it creates “trunk” for you, which you don’t want.

    Just delete the trunk directory and cd into the forum directory again, and run this whole thing:

    svn co .

    There is a / then a [space] then a period at the end there. That will put it into the current directory with no trunk directory being created.

Viewing 25 results - 55,576 through 55,600 (of 64,068 total)
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