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  • #67678

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    With so many structural changes underway in 1.0, will there be difficulties in upgrading from .9 to 1.0 stable?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers


    Don’t modify your bb-config file until after you have installed bbPress.

    Even then I can’t guarantee it will work with Trunk as it isn’t tested for deep integration yet.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    I just can’t wait for 1.0 Stable, as I’m going to use it as core for new version of my Open Cafe.


    The essence of this is that it screws with the usermeta data in the database once you try and integrate WP functions, up to a point where even your admin account for WP doesn’t work anymore.

    Here’s an example:


    1. Upload bbP to the Server

    2. Change the bb-config.php including the require_once line

    3. Run the Installer

    4. After Installation is finished you can’t log on to your WP admin anymore because the admin user suddenly has insufficient access rights, requiring a database restore.

    Variant 2:

    1. Upload bbP to the Server

    2. Change the bb-config.php excluding the require_once line

    3. Run the Installer

    4. Add the require_once line after installation is finished

    5. Your WP admin account is still working as it should and you can even use it for bbP, but with the Inactive user status.

    Doesn’t make much sense, does it?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    Post revisions? You mean like my Edit History plugin?


    By the way, i am also having the problem with the some of the forms, like the reply forms, disappearing. No html is posted whatsoever. I haven’t looked into it thoroughly yet though.


    I am making this enquiry on behalf of the tech guy who is supposed to be migrating over to a uni intranet a bbPress forum I customised.

    I originally hosted it on the server of my own web host, and all was working fine. There were also a few posts by various members of the uni faculty I was designing a website and the forum for.

    The tech guy has been having trouble getting the customised version of the forum working on the uni intranet. I know very little technically, but I was thinking maybe it would be easier for him to simply download a new version of bbPress then copy and paste my customised pages.

    Not sure how he’d get the posts to show up with the posters’ names and dates of their posts etc, though. I did email him the database of the bbPress forum I customised for them. Would this be all he needs?

    I can’t recall for certain which pages I customised, but I can look back through this forum to find out, I guess. Anyway, interested in the advice of techies here as to the easiest way for this uni tech person to approach the migration task.



    The absolute path works completely, I don’t understand why, but it does.

    Thank you so much.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    I was tired of self pingback and just a few days ago I installed no-self-ping for wordpress and now it turns out it’s going to be a new cool feature in final version of bbPress! omg…

    so how abou adding some kind of post revisions? good idea as well…



    thanks for your reply. You are right, there’s not much general sense in that problem to begin with.

    Unfortunately the issue already starts with the use of a relative vs. an absolute path because the absolute variant isn’t even recognized. The only two options available seem to be either the relative take with


    or something that could be called absolute, but is pretty inconvenient to use:

    define(‘WPPATH’, dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . ‘/’);

    require_once(WPPATH . ‘wp-blog-header.php’);

    Both of these result in the availability of WP commands like get_header etc. which would be needed to visually integrate bbP with WP, but with the major problem that all my accounts in bbP are Inactive for some weird reason.

    Every other attempt where the path to wp-blog-header.php would really be false would just result in the forum link to not work any longer. Therefore it does seem much more likely that different elements of bbP are more or less able to deal with this way of WP integration or access to that file. I would love to give you more detailed error information about the 500 error but I’m not sure where to aquire it.

    Furthermore, that problem with Inactive accounts doesn’t seem to be entirely new. I did some research via google and it does pop up every now and then, here’s an example even from way back in 2006:

    > > > There is an issue with posting:
    > > > bbpress shows the users (admin) as Inactive. This lets me login, but
    > > > I cannot post since the post form is hidden.
    > >
    > > You must have integrated an old bbPress install with WP (that is, you
    > > must have run the bbPress install script before integrating the
    > > two). If that's the case, none of your bbPress users exist anymore
    > > (they're not defined in WP's user table), and your admin account is
    > > inactive. To fix your admin account, you'll have to change the usermeta
    > >
    > > bb_capabilities = a:1:{s:8:"inactive";b:1;}
    > >
    > > to
    > >
    > > bb_capabilities = a:1:{s:9:"keymaster";b:1;}
    > >
    > > for your admin account. (Where 'bb_' is your $bb_table_prefix.)

    Unfortunately the usermeta in my database is already set as a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}, but it’s still acting as if users are inactive.

    It really is pretty tiresome and after many many database restores and bbP reinstalls I come to the conclusion that integration of WP Functions is somewhat poorly treated so far.

    For now my best bet seems to be to either try and replicate my WP scheme within bbP which would take a lot of double work and maintenance when I apply changes to my blog or go with a different forum solution altogether. : /


    In reply to: TalkPress


    This topic is old – bbPress has not been hacked – there was an exploit for all of a day or two back in 0.8 that was quickly fixed.

    What’s happening is that OTHER programs on the same account or server are being hacked and what they do is attach themselves to the bbPress templates though those other programs.

    In over 4000 sites, I’ve only detected 8 XSS hacks so it’s obviously coming in through other programs and not directly (or the problem would be far more widespread).

    (And by the way, if you keep getting hacked, that means your server has been compromised and need to be wiped and re-configured. Just re-installing the PHP programs won’t fix the issue if there is a a hidden backdoor elsewhere. )


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    That roadmap is wildly inaccurate and just guesses.

    Not only does 1.0 gut huge sections of code that were perfectly working under 0.9 and need to be replaced but it also replaces entire concepts (like the new object cache). There is a huge amount of work to do and I don’t envy Sam and Michael’s jobs right now. Then it will need lots of testing and debugging.

    Then there is plugin stability since everything is in a state of flux. I can’t even keep up with the changes anymore, I’ve stopped updating my plugins until things settle down a bit.

    Sam is currently working on trackbacks (pingbacks) now which was suppose to be the big new “feature” for 1.0 IMHO it’s a huge waste of time that could be spent elsewhere in the code but pingbacks on forums was something Matt wanted, so he gets what he wants obviously. However it will be the first feature I delete (not just disable, but delete) since XML-RPC was the #1 security problem with WordPress over the years. It’s also going to be a spammer’s delight.


    Actually, the best thing to do is completely replace the search facility. That’s what I do in Super Search. bbPress’s search is very weak, so weak that there wasn’t even a link to it on any page in 0.9 (it’s similar to WordPress’s search, which also sucks, it’s the ugly truth no one seems to talk about).

    I assume you are using the bb-benchmark plugin to watch those queries happen (if not, you should be).

    Stupid question but you DO have the mysql cache turned on? I only ask because on many server configs (like CPANEL) it’s turned off by default. What does your my.cnf look like? (do a cat /etc/my.cnf in your shell)

    Try going into phpmyadmin (or command line) and test that first test query against adding AND post_text REGEXP ':<:%test%:>:' to the query like so:

    SELECT p.*, 0 AS search_score, MAX(post_time) AS post_time FROM bb_posts AS p JOIN bb_topics as t ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_text LIKE '%test%' AND p.post_text REGEXP ':<:%test%:>:' AND p.post_status = '0' AND t.topic_status = '0' GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 5;

    I suspect in the end due to your huge db size you are going to need to completely replace the search functions with something like this which has a PHP api. Fortunately in bbPress it’s very simple to hook the internal search and bypass it entirely without even template hacks. A quick google shows that a few WordPress plugins have sphinxsearch support so that would be easy to copy over to bbPress. If you find the keyword “sphinxsearch” on this source for example, you can see how it’s done:

    Mark Barnes

    In other words, bbpress is not using MATCH … AGAINST at all, it’s using the horribly slow LIKE %…%

    You couldn’t tell me the hook for manipulating the search facility, could you?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    The only problems that I ran into were:

    1. The setup script didn’t properly enter the secret keys in the config file so the forum didn’t function until I manually entered this info in the file (I ran setup twice clean just to be sure).

    2. Not sure if it’s related or not, but at one point my admin account’s password stopped functioning after updating my display name…? Strange.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    I hope we’ll get the stable version from Santa ;)


    azsportshub: what version bbPress and WordPress did you install?


    Hmm – that makes no sense to me. What is the exact error you get if you do not include the if (file_exists statement?

    Mark Barnes

    I tested this on a very large database under very low load. The standard bbpress search creates two queries, namely:

    SELECT p.*, 0 AS search_score, MAX(post_time) AS post_time FROM bb_posts AS p JOIN bb_topics as t ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE p.post_text LIKE '%test%' AND p.post_status = '0' AND t.topic_status = '0' GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY p.post_time DESC LIMIT 5;


    SELECT t.*, MIN(p.post_id) as post_id, GROUP_CONCAT(p.post_text SEPARATOR ' ') AS post_text, 0 AS search_score FROM bb_topics AS t JOIN bb_posts as p ON ( t.topic_id = p.topic_id ) WHERE t.topic_status = '0' AND p.post_status = '0' AND ( (t.topic_title LIKE '%test%') OR p.post_text LIKE '%test%' ) GROUP BY t.topic_id ORDER BY t.topic_time DESC LIMIT 30

    I ran both queries five times with different search terms. On my very large database, with no optimisation, the first query took (167s, 104s, 36s, 29.7s, 24s), the second (33s, 21s, 22s, 20s, 21s).


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    Topic: bbPress 1.0 Stable

    in forum Showcase

    so, when (approx.) can we expect the stable version of bbPress 1.0?


    I’m using the functions get_header and get_footer in my front-page.php etc. and it’s working just fine as you can see on my site.


    What did you do to convert the XDForum plugin to bbPress? Did you import content, or export content from XDForum?

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