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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #67698

    If you include bb-load.php in that file, you will have access to bbpress functions. Why not do something like this in that page:



    Are you describing bbSync?


    I know this has been talked about before and some people disagree… but i will ask cause i am not wanting you to work for me.. i just need some guidance…

    I know some php and mysql.. i understand queries , functions.. and all that basic php/mysql implemantation… i also understand relational databases… what i dont understand is how plugin works… hooks, api…. and all that techninality people talk of at

    Having sad that.. this is what I am trying to accomplish in order to integrate both bbpress and wordpress..

    Create a forum category in wordpress, so when i post i select the regular category..(ex: news) and if I want that news to be posted in the forum i also select the “forum” category.

    Then i create a relational table that contains all post ids.. and the forum posts ids… that way i can quickly pull the info in bbpress and/or wordpress..

    What I dont know is how to integrate this in the Write Panel… because i donĀ“t understand it how it works. If someone can help me to understand it.. i could create a query on the write panel to post to the forum whenever i select the “forum” category

    that could also be a plugin.. but i dont kno whow to make plugins… mabe somone can point me out to a tutorial…

    Anyway… bbpress is nice.. and wordpress is awesome. Thanks for working so hard to make this possible.


    If you didn’t hack the core and just templates, all they need to do is install the same version of bbPress you have installed, send them your custom theme files to install, and then send them a full export of your bbpress db to replace their default install. Then it should be identical.


    Remember, the problem with MATCH AGAINST is it will not do partial words or words under 4 characters.

    It’s not too hard to replace the search, you just have to decide which way you want to go. The regular expression will at least do 3 character words which I find is more common than you’d imagine.

    The problem is that the time for any way without an index is going to increase dramatically once you start adding sorting and other options that cause full table scans. You can see this happen if you try to add a simple option to the regex demo like sorting by reverse post_id (which is a trick that should be a little faster than sorting by date).

    SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_text LIKE '%test%' LIMIT 5 ORDER BY post_id DESC;


    SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_text LIKE '%test%' AND REGEXP ':<:%test%:>:' LIMIT 5 ORDER BY post_id DESC;

    You might want to test a worse case scenario by using three character nonsense words that will cause a cache-miss like “zzz” and “aaa”. Change them each time so mysql cannot cache the results and give you faster times.

    If the above example returns in an acceptable amount of time you can just replace bbpress’s built in search with that simple method. By parsing a query you can also AND words together instead of bbPress’s default OR which to me is incredibly annoying and useless (you’ll notice no major search engine like Yahoo or Google does OR by default).


    Hi all,

    I have installed bbpress,bbsync, and wordpress. I would like to redirect comments (the link) to the bbpress discussion.

    How do I do so?



    Well you have a point in that it’s important to you and you are expressing your feedback in the feedback section, however again, it’s an alpha issue so I can’t be motivated.

    Oh and I would never actually delete you.

    It was a just my own “feedback” you might say ;-)

    So don’t take it personally.


    I thought that’s why someone created Requests and Feedback forum – to let people express themselves and write what they expect from bbPress

    in MY opinion it’s the most important missing feature and checking other threads on this site looks like I’m not alone in my opinion

    and yes I know, it’s 1.0 Alpha and it’s me who takes full responsibility for using the application but thanks to people like me you can spot some problems and solve them before it goes stable and official

    now I’m feeling deleted


    Oh and looking at a MySQL performance guide for text search, apparently bbPress’s search is using ALL of the slowdown triggers:

    order by

    group by

    and worst of all SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS

    How long does this query take without the modifiers:

    SELECT * FROM bb_posts WHERE post_text LIKE '%test%' LIMIT 5;

    because that’s as fast as it can possibly get without an index and should be used as a baseline.

    Looking at the original query, I believe they are causing a FULL scan of the entire table to rank and group it first. That’s going to be insanely slow.

    You might be able to just use LIKE with a simple sort by post date DESC.

    The largest bbPress install I have access to has nearly 100,000 rows and still only takes 0.04 seconds for that trimmed query. The original queries you posted take 0.5 seconds so that’s 10x slower.


    But keeping a full-text index can get rather huge, which is probably why bbPress doesn’t use it by default.

    BTW, MySQL 5.1 apparently has some nice improvements in fulltext search.

    If you have your own dedicated or vps server you can tinker with some mysql settings to speed things up. (You never did answer if you have mysql cache turned on)


    If I had the ability to delete accounts it would be for people who insist their “missing feature” is the most important ;-)

    Fortunately they are smart enough to not let me delete accounts, lol. Your missing feature is the least needed feature for thousands of other people.

    Let me express this for the 100th time (not just to you, to everyone). 1.0 is *alpha* – it’s not stable, it’s not final, it’s not even close to final. They are adding and changing things daily. Sam just changed something this morning.

    The bb-sync author (fel64?) did a fantastic job. But bbPress changing is not their fault (or their problem unless they want it to be).

    If they go and spend hours to make it work now under 1.0 alpha, it may break again tomorrow. And the day after that. They are still changing 1.0 alpha and will change it again.

    You running 1.0 alpha right now for a live, active site is exactly one person’s problem, yours.


    a few days ago I successfully integrated bbPress with WordPress and installed this amazing plugin bbSync; for a few days it all worked seamlessly – every comment in WordPress was going to relevant topic in bbPress and if someone went straigtforward to forum and commented there their comments were included inside relevant post in Wordpres; just brilliant!


    I upgraded to WP 2.6.1 and integrated with 1.0 Alpha (trunk) and it all went wrong; it’s true, even in WP 2.5 + 0..9.2 there occurred some errors but integration between the forum and the site was perfect; and now it does nothing at all and all I get is the following error:

    “Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /users/adado/www/ on line 20”

    it looks like the author of the plugin doesn’t maintain his project and it’s really sad ’cause this is THE PERFECT INTEGRATION of both applications

    I would be in seventh heaven if I woke up one beautiful morning, checked the bbPress.or and.. there it is! a new built-in feature of bbPress 1.0 which makes what bbSync used to do

    I’m PHP amateur so I cant’ do this by myself but I strongly believe there are some brainy people who could make life of many people happier; and looking at the list of plugins: bb Reputation, New User Notification, Post Count Plus, bbPress Signatures, Unread Posts… and many many more I’m talking about one specific person

    all I’m begging for is one more plugin



    I’m running WordPress 2.6 under root; bbPress under /forums and also using K2 1.0RC7 as my WordPress theme.

    I have made a new page called ‘Forums’ on WordPress which is now in the navbar and have used the plugin ‘Page Links To’ to make this page point to /forums.

    However, what would be the best way to get the blog acting like this one, for example: …. clicking ‘Forum’ lets bbPress load underneath the header.

    There is a K2 theme floating around for bbPress but it doesn’t have the top nav…..

    Any help would be appreciated!


    I thought I made a mini-plugin to fix this.

    Yup, I did.


    In reply to: Hackers?


    I think that’s one of the default javascripts scripts loaded in the topic.php page.

    It only shows in mini-track because it’s generated by a php file.

    Most of the javascript in bbPress can be disabled and makes for faster loading pages (ajax goes away however).

    So the answer is no, it’s not hacking. But you will see the attempts sooner or later – there are thousands of bots out there scanning sites and most people are unaware.

    I’ll put in some code to exclude bb-includes in the next mini-track.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable

    Sam Bauers


    We hope there will be no difficulty at all.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 Stable


    I just checked the plugin (Edit History) and it might be quite useful (I wouldn’t mind having this integrated in next version of bbPress …) which I can’t tell about Post Revisions in WordPress….

    IMHO every new feature should have option to disable it within admin panel without resorting to tinkering with wp/bb-config files

    hopefully the stable version packed with new features (like the i-Phone related one) will leave users the choice to use them or not


    Topic: Hackers?

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I am using mini track and am getting people listed as navigating towards random urls such as


    That doesn’t sound like somewhere they should be…are they bots?

    One has signed up and is navigating to strange places such as the one above.

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.


    I agree with the ideas of having a plugin that will do the integration of both standalone BBPress and WordPress.

    One of the strength of WordPress is its easy installation & expansion through plugins. But the only missing thing is good plugin that will do the integration with forums seamlessly.

    I’m really looking forward for this.


    So here’s what I found, though I wasn’t personally able to get it to work myself, I’m almost positive that someone with a bit more PHP knowledge would have been able to:

    This plugin:

    + _ck_’s advice in this post:

    He details how, using substr, you can truncate the amount of words being pulled from the any piece of content. Theoretically you could use:


    But with the truncation method he mentions. I, unfortunately, just don’t know how. :(


    Hello Sam,

    yes I thought as much, but I had a database backup ready so it’s all good.

    So is it safe to assume that one is better adviced to wait with deeper integration until 1.0 or a stable beta is released?




    Super-Search is currently over 20k and only about halfway done in what it needs to do. All the bbPress core needs is a proper way to and/or words and disable partial matching instead of defaulting to just searching for every single fraction of each word.

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