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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #67960

    Regarding permalinks, you will find lots of people expressing some problem with permalinks on GoDaddy. Just check the tag for other discussions.

    That .htaccess would not work for the forum directory. That just looks like the WordPress rewrite rules changed slightly for your forum directory. You need to follow these directions:


    Norvu, those version are incompatible. You don’t integrate the cookies. If you want integrated logins, you need to use bbPress 0.9.* with WordPress 2.5 or bbPress Alpha with WordPress 2.6.


    OK, on the second issue, if I am already logged into WP but not bbPress, the link at the forum page works. So it is being logged into one or the other but not both at the same time. Oh..hum


    WordPress version 2.6.2 and bbPress version


    I installed bbPress and tried to integrate with WP 2.5 site. The two are at and http://www.mysite/blog under the root directory. I have two issues:

    First is with permalinks set to the default (/forum.php?id=1), no problem, I can view profiles and posts within bbPress. However if I use either of the other settings for a permalink, when I click on any profile or post topic within admin control panel or site view, I only get a blank page, no error. Example: the post should be at “forum/post-name”, which is exactly where the link takes me but a blank page exists. However I can view the user profiles registered at bbPress within the WP admin area, so I believe the two are at least partially integrated.

    The host is GoDaddy and there are no problems with WP permalinks. I have tried the using the following htaccess code with the /forum directory:

    # BEGIN bbPress

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteBase /forum/

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

    RewriteRule . /forum/index.php [L]


    Also just having one line:

    Options +MultiViews

    Also the exact code generated at bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php

    Second issue is after login to bbPress, a simple link to the WP admin requests me to login again. Does this take more than a simple link to “…/blog/wp-admin/”? I have checked the cookies and both look identical.

    Thanks for any help


    Have you tried with a different browser? I have seen a weird problem that I can’t consistently reproduce where after submitting info to the login form, it just redirects to the login form. I was able to log in with a different browser once before, and I haven’t seen the problem since.


    Norvu – what versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?


    If you click the tag integration, you will see lots of people discussing it.

    What do you mean by integration?


    matchfox: did you already try this?

    If your site works without permalinks, it’s most definitely an issue with the rewrite rules.


    You were right about the templates. I used Dreamhost’s webftp client to move my wordpress site. It tells you to create the folder first. I took that to mean the main folders, and didn’t create all the many subfolders. I’m assuming that had something to do with why our template folder was not quite there. I could see it in webftp, but my ftpclient on my computer wasn’t showing it. Once I’d ftp’d all the files back, the site reappeared.

    Dreamhost is saying that can’t happen, but that’s what I experienced.

    Thanks for the help.


    I was thinking this might have something to do with the fact that when I log in through the WP admin, I do not have access to the bbpress admin interface (though I show up as logged in as admin there, and can do admin functions that are on the forum pages etc). I need to login through bbpress to be able to access the bbpress admin. But this DOES allow me access to the WP admin too (as it should).


    I have a WordPress 2.6.2 installation ( sharing a user tables with bbPress 1.0 Alpha ( There are two separate databases, and bbPress uses the user tables from the WP database. The installations are integrated, but something strange is happening.

    If I try to integrate WordPress into bbpress (I need to for everything I am doing), using the following call at the beginning of bb-config.php:


    then my keymaster accounts immediately become admin accounts (and lose the admin tabs of “design”, “settings”, and so on in the admin interface). They show up as admins instead of keymasters on the user page in bb-admin. As soon as I take the call to wp-blog-header.php out again, the accounts go back to keymaster status. Any idea why this could be happening?


    Plugins not activating in alpha

    Problem is verbatim to what that poster experienced though I’m confused as to whether it was actually resolved.

    I am using Alpha Unstable 1.0. Maybe I need to go down to the last stable version (or maybe Alpha 1 will become stable this week?!).


    In reply to: Racing News Digest

    FIXED IT – Mostly.

    It did not like my div=main being a position: relative. So that took care of that. At least in IE6 and FF2. I will check FF3 later.

    The one problem is the search results page. That pesky drop down menu is still hiding the nav bar dropdown ONLY IN IE6.

    My problem is that I can not find where to modify that.

    ANY HELP???

    And to answer the other question about the TAGS,

    Yes that is intentional as far as hovering over one and others “light up”. I am playing with it and may or may not keep it. It is the Enhanced Tag Heat Map plugin found here –

    Like I said, may or may not keep it.


    WordPress 2.6.* is not compatible with bbPress The alpha bbPress release is cookie-compatible with WordPress 2.6.* and the 1.0 release will be compatible as well.

    The solution is to use compatible versions of the software.


    In reply to: Racing News Digest


    Thanks for the response and input, I appreciate it.

    The spelling error is corrected.

    The Ryan Newman News And Information page is completely separate from the Racing News Digest.

    I started Racing News Digest as a little project just for me….and of course that is not what it is now.

    But Racing News Digest is currently at and the forums are at

    You can currently access that site through and my next project is to get it off the domain an get it onto

    Now, as far as the drop down menus.

    I am using IE6 and Firefox 2.

    I am a little stumped on this. I don’t see the problem at all on the Ryan Newman Information site.

    I do see the problem at the RND forums though. It seems to disappear at the start of the forum page or more specifically where something starts on the forum page (like words or a form or something.)

    But this problem does not exist on the RND site.

    I COULD REALLY USE SOME SUGGESTIONS ON HOW TO FIX THIS. That would really be appreciated but I will keep working on that today while watching the race!!!

    The signature, I agree, I just got it in there for testing and playing. My signature will probably have a little more in it.

    Also the social network icon don’t have links. I figured people could go to the profile page to access someones info.

    The social networking deal is something I modified from bbsocialize. You can check that out here.

    Maybe I will at least add a link to the profile page in there.

    Thanks for any help or comments you may have.


    Very good. I created my config by hand, and always have since I first started using bbPress. Not sure why that didn’t work for you the first time around.



    The answer up I gave in this thread is the answer to Vadi’s question on the bbPress Avatars plugin. That plugin generates a random avatar for users with no Gravatar. Once you have a Gravatar account, you can change your avatar whenever you like.


    Same boat as ctsstom, my wp users can log into bbpress just fine, they just can’t post. It looks like it might be a problem with the assigned user roles?


    can somebody answer Vadis question here? i have the same problem


    In addition to the info in the previous post, I’ve looked at the cookies themselves.

    I see that when I log in through bbpress, the cookies are from When I log in through wordpress, it’s just (no www prefix). Under the configuration for both sites, is set as the main page. I also see that wordpress puts four cookies, while bbpress puts six. They both put wordpress_test_cookie and wordpress_logged_in_xxxxxxxxxxxx

    but wordpress puts just two other ones, named wordpress_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx with the paths

    /wp-content/plugins and /wp-admin

    While bbpress also includes the bb-press directories. Is this why a login through wordpress does not get me access to the bbpress admin?


    I’m having some trouble and am smacking my head against the wall… I hope someone can help me.

    I’ve got WordPress 2.6.2 installed at

    and bbPress 1.0 alpha at

    They are in two databases sharing the user tables.

    My problem is that the user must Log OUT from the site that he/she logged IN from. If they logged in at the bbPress login form, then they will be logged in properly on the wordpress site, but if they try to logout there, they will get kicked back to the main page, but STILL BE LOGGED IN. They will only be able to properly log out from bbPress. And the same is true in reverse — if they login from wordpress, they will be logged to the bbPress too, but they will have to log out from wordpress.

    A second, less severe problem, but maybe it will help point to the reason for the above problem, is that if i sign in on wordpress, I will not be able to access the admin panel on the bbpress. I will be logged in as admin, and can perform admin functions on the site, but I cannot go to /bb-admin — I get kicked back out. However, if I sign in on bbPress, I CAN access my wordpress admin section.

    Any ideas? My wp-config and bb-config files have the definitions for SECRET_KEY, AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY (with BB_ prefixed for the bb-config ones).

    They also both have

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');

    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    Is this correct? It should be the same for both?

    One thing that might be the root of the problem, or at least I was not sure about, is the setting for “WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt ” in the WordPress integration settings in bbPress. I have left this blank because I have no such entry on my options.php page in WordPress. I did fill in the other two “salt” items, though. I confess that I don’t really understand what this salt stuff is for, but any advice would be appreciated.

    I’m on 1&1 hosting, if that makes any difference.


    bbPress is linked into Gravatar. You have to get a Gravatar account, and then go into Settings in the bbPress admin. At the very bottom is a checkbox for enabling Gravatars. Click that and you should start to see avatars on the forum.

    If you don’t like the “mystery man” no Gravatar picture, I’d recommend trying the bbPress Avatars plugin, which will let you integrate avatar generation scripts.

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