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  • #68286
    Bharat Karavadra

    Nice customisation to the theme.

    I see you don’t seem to be having my issue at

    did you get this issue at at all?

    Bharat Karavadra

    Thanks for your help anyway Epiphone, it’s much appreciated.

    Let’s see what the bbPress team come back with.

    Thank you again :)

    Bharat Karavadra


    I’ve mapped the roles.

    I’ve set the wordpress and blog addresses which are the same.

    I’ve put in “auth” cookie salt.

    I have NOT put in “secure auth” as my WordPress admin options page did not have one

    I have put in “logged in” cookie salt.

    I’ve copied the foolowing to my wp-config.pgp file

    define(‘COOKIE_DOMAIN’, ”);

    define(‘COOKIEPATH’, ”);

    and added the “Manual bbPress config file settings” to the bb-config.php file, however in this section it says “Afterwards, the settings in this form will reflect the hard coded values, but you will not be able to edit them here.”

    What is hard coded where? I didn’t see any difference to this page after adding these speedup settings to the bb-config.php file.


    Do you know if your web-host supports multi views? Might be a idea to ask them. Although I am new to bbPress myself there might be something else causing problems. But from reading various topics permalink problems seems to be connected to the .htaccess.

    I can’t really offer anymore help but im sure a moderator or other member will post help. When they see you topic.


    Yeah the bb-config has to have BB_ defined, no need to change.

    Have you checked in your bbPress admin panel:

    Settings > WordPress Intergration

    That all the stuff it wants if filled in with correct information

    Bharat Karavadra

    I’ve chedked them about 5 times but with the hope that your suggestion and good energy might find an issue, I just checked them again but they are the same apart from the fact the the bbPress ones have BB_ before the variable names.


    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘phrase 1’); //

    Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘phrase 2’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘phrase 3’); // Change this to a unique phrase.


    define(‘BB_AUTH_KEY’, ‘phrase 1’);

    // Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘phrase 2’); // Change this to a unique phrase.

    define(‘BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘phrase 3’); // Change this to a unique phrase.


    I think on the admin panel (bbPress) there’s a link in the description of the permalinks settings part, that when you click it will display the .htaccess code thats meant to be in your .htaccess.

    Now I don’t quite know why your having problems but I have also come across problems with something called multi views.

    Sometimes permalinks won’t work because of multiviews not being ables. Try adding this to the very top of your .htaccess:

    Options +MultiViews

    Bharat Karavadra


    Just one more topic separated from the release topic to make life easier.


    Installed a zip package of alpha 2 and it went OK and as I couldn’t quite get the logins to work for WP and bbP and tried installing it again.

    I saw a few messages about install packages not being complete so I downloaded this second one.

    Now when I try to install it, on the final screen it give the following PHP error – but the install seems OK.

    Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: Operation not permitted in /home/1295/htdocs/ on line 1021

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/1295/htdocs/ in /home/1295/htdocs/ on line 2902

    I tried a few times but got the same thing, then I comared my first and second packagas and saw that bbpress/bb-admin/class-install.php is very slightl different from line 264

    The file in the first package has 2 if statements and the second has 1 if statement as follows:

    class-install.php from package 1:

    if (!defined(‘BB_INC’)) {

    // Define BB_INC

    // Tell us to load includes because bb-settings.

    php was not loaded

    // bb-settings.php is generally not loaded on

    steps -1, 0 and 1 but

    // there are exceptions, so this is safer than

    just reading the step

    $this->load_includes = true;

    define(‘BB_INC’, ‘bb-includes/’);


    if (!defined(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’)) {

    define(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’, BB_PATH . BB_INC . ‘



    class-install.php from package 2:

    if (!defined(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’)) {

    // Define BACKPRESS_PATH

    // Tell us to load includes because bb-settings.

    php was not loaded

    // bb-settings.php is generally not loaded on

    steps -1, 0 and 1 but

    // there are exceptions, so this is safer than

    just reading the step

    $this->load_includes = true;

    define(‘BACKPRESS_PATH’, BB_PATH . BB_INC . ‘



    But the weird thing is that when I put back the first class-install.php I still get the error. I’m not too fussed as the install goes OK but it could be quite off putting if users get this PHP error.


    Sounds like a cookie problem.

    Have you made sure that your wp-config and bb-config have both defined the special keys like:



    And of course the secret cookie key?

    Bharat Karavadra


    related indirectly to the post:

    I thought it may be something to do with the permalinks settings so I tried to revert back to “None..” in ADMIN > SETTINGS > GENERAL, but I cannot seem to change back from “Name based” to “None”; it just goes back ot “Name based” when you click “Save changes”, but I can set it to “Numeric”

    I thought you might be doing something clever like checking for ther .htaccess file that needs to be uploaded to get the numeric and name based links to work, so I deleted the .htaccess file but still no luck.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Bharat Karavadra


    On 1.0 alpha 2, I just noticed that when your are NOT logged in and you click on “ADD NEW” wherever it appears (front page, tag, etc) I get the following PHP error:

    Warning: parse_url(/forums/bb-login.php?re= [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /home/ on line 186

    I never noticed this after first installing as I never felt the need to click on it when not logged in.

    I see you don’t have it on your support forums, so I’m not sure what’s happening here.

    I tried the sambauers plugin from

    but when trying to activate it I get “Plugin could not be activated; it produced a Fatal Error.”

    I guess this is because it was a fix for a 0.9 release.

    Please help!


    Well I’ve finally done it, Intergrated my WP blog theme with bbPress. It’s not as hard as you think once you look around. Anyway check out my intergration here: (blog) (forum)

    (There are still 1 or two minor CSS errors but the intergration of WordPress functions has been done successfully.

    It’s taken me a few days to figure it all out, but I’ve finally done it. Although it does sound like im bragging alot. I also want to share a website that could also help you do theme intergration:

    This site provides blank themes that are literally the bare minimum of CSS, but even better they provide blank themes in type so for example my blog layout is a 2 Column design. I would also find this layout on and then begin editing it.

    Being able to get a pre-coded layout with the bare minimum needed within it, certainly helped me alot. And I was able to understand and modify to intergrate my blog theme into it.

    I hope this website can help you to in intergrating your bbPress installation


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    Error log access is highly dependent on your hosting setup. If this is a shared server, you might have a control panel and in there might be access to logs. What is your hosting setup?

    If you don’t have or can’t find logs, then you can setup error logging for bbPress, then just log to a file for a while and try accessing this page 2 and see what gets logged. Then, find and fix the problem. I can post the code for custom error logging, or you can google for it.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    > I can’t really switch the theme as my clients

    > customers are using the site as we speak…

    > changing the site now wouldn’t be a great look.

    Yeah, but it’s broken now anyway, so what’s worse? If you don’t want to change it, I understand.

    How about just creating a duplicate of it, duplicate the database, copy over all the files from bbPress, then change the domain name or something, or just access it by subdirectory, all on the same server. See if it’s still broken there. If it is, good, you have a good test environment. Now, try the stock theme, and try turning off plugins one by one (all twenty of them) and see when the problem goes away. You have far from a stock installation, so something in your forum or on your server has changed enough to create this problem.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    Thanks for the help.

    Plugins I am using are…

    Allow Images 0.7.1

    Terms of Service 0.0.3

    Human Test for bbPress 0.7.1

    Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More! 1.1.5

    bbPress Smilies 0.0.1

    Quote 0.2

    BBcode Lite 1.0.1

    bbPress Attachments 0.1.11

    Avatar Upload 0.8.3

    My Views 0.1.2

    BBcode Buttons Toolbar 0.0.4

    BBPress Private Messaging 0.80

    bbRatings 0.8.5

    Mini Track 0.1.5

    My Views module – Started/Participated Topics 0.1.2

    Tweaks (mini-plugins)

    bb Topic Views 1.6.2

    Simple Onlinelist 1.5

    My Posts module – Most/Least Posts 0.1.1

    Unread Posts 0.9.0

    I cant really switch the theme as my clients customers are using the site as we speak…changing the site now wouldn’t be a great look.

    How do I access the error logs?


    In reply to: e-mail-notification


    How about watching the RSS feed for the site, in various places, to see when there are changes?

    Or, something like this?

    Or this discussion?

    Google knows all


    In reply to: HELP!


    First off, thanks for integrating “Page links for bbPress” into the new Alpha2, I think it’s a very good feature.

    However, there seem to be some issues still.

    It seems to randomly assign page numbers to topics (see example). The marked thread has in fact five pages, but the correct number is only shown in the topic page (screenshot No.3):

    1. Front Page View:

    2. Forum View:

    3. Topic View:



    I have installed bbPress on local servers (MAMP / Apache that came with mac) and these installations made database tables with collation of “utf8_general_ci”

    Installed on online server, and this one made database tables with collation of “latin1_swedish_ci”


    And more importantly, does it matter?

    Either way, a lot of entries are not going to be in English, so anything in db isn’t human-readable, so if it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, I guess.

    Though, if there is any way to be able to read non-ascii stuffs in database, I would love to know, please…



    really the only functions I need is in my header the <?php wp_list_pages(‘title_li=’); ?> for my nav bar, and in my sidebar <?php wp_list_categories(‘title_li=’); ?> is there a way to do these functions in bbpress without loading the entire wp functions this way it may not be breaking. because its the require once wp functions that is breaking my login stuff


    I think it was pointed out by Sam that deep integration is still partially broken in Alpha2.

    Personally I think that this will always be a source for potential problems and decided to just emulate my wp scheme in bbpress.

    Bharat Karavadra

    With 1.0 alpha 2 I have found that the logins work independently for WordPress and bbPress when they have been integrated.

    So I can login into WordPress but also have to login to bbPress – the login isn’t remembered, and the same the other way aorund. When I login into bbPress, I have to then login into WordPress.

    But hey, at least the logins are being shared and this seems good enough for me to make the bbPress forums live.

    However there seems to be some partial login working between WordPress and bbPress as you will see as follows with respect to some analysis I did.

    I hope this is of some use to the team.



    Login OK and admin features OK on WordPress

    Not logged into bbPress (e.g. register link and login boxes appear)

    When trying to access /bbpress/bb-admin – redirected back to /bbpress

    Log out of WordPress and..


    Login OK and admin features OK on bbPress

    Not Logged into WordPress properly (e.g. comments section says login/register and no comments text area, register/login links appear in meta section)

    However, when trying to access /wordpress/wp-admin – appears as logged in as admin OK with all admin features in admin area only.



    SAME AS FOR ADMIN:Login OK and admin features OK on WordPress

    SAME AS FOR ADMIN:Not logged into bbPress (e.g. register link and login boxes appear)

    When trying to access /bbpress/bb-admin – redirected back to /bbpress

    Log out of WordPress and..


    Login OK and profile features OK on bbPress

    Not logged into WordPress

    However, trying to access /wordpress/wp-admin – appears as logged in (obviously with no admin features).


    ok I changed the require once to this code

    $bb->WP_BB = true;

    if (file_exists(‘../wp-blog-header.php’))



    if (file_exists(‘../../wp-blog-header.php’))


    it got rid of the errors, however, now when i click on the admin link, after logging in, it just refreshes the page and does not bring me to the admin so now im exactly where victor is with his problem


    ok I have removed alpha 1 and tried alpha 2, now it will log in however, when I click admin this is what I get Warning: require_once(../wp-blog-header.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/rosebud1/public_html/forums/bb-config.php on line 2

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘../wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/rosebud1/public_html/forums/bb-config.php on line 2

    im confused because it does the wp functions in the header before I login so im lost.

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