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  • #68355

    In reply to: stripping down bbPress


    I have no computer literacy. If you don’t mind…

    What is CSS? Where are my templates?

    Can I make the text larger?


    Happy birthday bbPress and a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone involved and the nice people answering questions here.


    Yes, I think this is what it is.

    I’ve run into it on every theme I’ve tried, including the default. It always shows the same forrest-green box with the bbPress logo and an error message like “You need to actually submit some content!” It’s really jarring when coming out of my theme, which has a kind of handmade-look (

    So, is there no hope for me to be able to restyle this myself?

    Thanks for your help, everyone!


    In reply to: stripping down bbPress

    tdrinker, you can do all that in your templates. Either use CSS to make it invisible or remove it from your templates.

    Bharat Karavadra

    Well _ck_,

    Your Post is in good time, it’s the birth of the Set Forever forum powered by bbpress 1.0 alpha 2 (as it’s called currently).

    So bbPress installations are surging to nearly 5001 forums and todays bbPress installations may have just been 11 with the one on Set Forever.

    Please take a look and be gentle as it’s my first work with bbPress.


    First let me say, bbPress is great!

    Say I want to remove “Hot Tags”? Can I do that? Say I want to remove other stuff, like the option to put tags at the bottom of your post? Is that possible?

    You see, I am all about fewer options.

    Bharat Karavadra

    That’s good,

    I first sounded as if we should take a step backwards.

    Sorry for my misinterpretation!


    Well, the issue has not been resolved and it is a problem with Alpha 2. For now I myself am going to stick with Alpha 2 until an update (or plugin for wordpress as the keymaster mentioned in the linked topic above) is released. This problem would probably require some code modification, but I don’t have time to carouse the php at the moment. At least they forewarned us by calling it alpha :)

    Joss Winn


    My server seized up yesterday and it looks to me like the bbpress-live plugin was the root cause of the problem. I could be wrong and would be grateful for some other’s opinions on this.

    Details here:




    In reply to: rounded edges in IE7


    I have a trunk installation and the rounded corners don’t work when viewed in IE7. I think the “border-*-*-radius” stuff is a CSS3 property that IE7 does not support. It degrades nicely, but the problem is with IE7 not bbPress, I don’t think. I like that is a non-javascript way of doing it.


    Hooray! I can’t wait for a stable 1.0 beta release! Thanks to everybody who helped get bbPress this far, and will take it farther in years to come.



    I tried to install bbPress 1 Alpha 2 + wp_2.6, but in the second step configuration appears :

    “logged in” cookie key, but I can not find it. What is it?

    Can anyone help me?


    bbPress turns 2 years old today!!!

    It’s been a big year with new features being added at a rapid pace thanks to hard work by Sam and Mike. It’s an easy guess that we should see a stable 1.0 beta by the end of 2008.

    But don’t let the modest sounding “1.0” fool you, it’s practically a “2.0” inside with all the changes since 0.9 including BackPress integration (merges core functions from WordPress) and an XML-RPC api like WordPress as well.

    While Matt Mullenweg (Automattic/WordPress founder) created bbPress during Christmas 2004 to power, version 0.7.2 (nicknamed “bix”) was only officially released for public consumption on Saturday October 14th 2006 making it two years old today.

    Regardless of being summarily deleted from Wikipedia this year, bbPress has never been more popular. I’ve been tracking bbPress growth via the Top 100 and Top 1000 lists for over a year now and this month shows the list surging to nearly 5000 forums, with bbPress being used in over 80 countries and in dozens of languages.

    Roughly 10 sites a day have installed bbPress over the past two years and over 70% them continue to use it. The largest bbPress forum is about to break a million posts by the end of the year and just to be on the Top 100, a forum now needs at least 7000 posts.

    bbPress hosted forums via TalkPress (ala are on the horizon, and with new forum conversion software being developed and more plugins and themes available than ever before, bbPress will definitely make it’s mark in 2009 and should have a very exciting third year!

    Bharat Karavadra


    Are you suggesting we go back to alpha 1?


    I am having the same problems a Nekita. As soon as I ad the line

    // require_once(‘pathto/wp-blog-header.php’);

    to my bbconfig file

    I cannot access my admin anymore… It takes away the ability to reply to posts too..

    when I switch it back.. fine again. Its the same problem I was having before upgrading to BBpress 1 alpha..

    Too bad… I had a perfectly integrated Theme BBPress/Wpress before I upraded WP to 2.6.1.. i Will look before I leap next time.. oooops.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    Yea that was me disabling some plugins.

    Thanks but I don’t know anyone that knows how to fix this type of thing.

    I tried refreshing another page over and over and you are right it did the same thing only with more gibberish errors over top of the default bbpress error page.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    Interestingly, I just checked the forum again, and it was inaccessible. So I tried the main website, and it came up. Then I tried the forum again, and it came up (so, it appears that the forum was down about 10 minutes this time.)

    But I got this error on the forum page for:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: avatarupload_display() in /mnt/local/home/harrismarine/ on line 7

    There were supposed to be 6 posts to that thread I think, but only the first one comes up, with this error, then there are no more replies.

    Then, I refreshed the same page, and I got this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: show_view_count() in /mnt/local/home/harrismarine/ on line 9

    That error kept coming up over and over when I refreshed the page.

    It seems to me that right now you’re disabling plugins, but the call to the plugin function is still in the template, which is causing these errors. That points to a totally different problem, not the one that was causing the 503 before. This is something new and only because I think you disabled some plugins.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    You might need more help than can be offered via a forum.

    The missing topgrey.gif file is not your problem: that’s just a 404 file not found error. That won’t bring down your forum. The missing.html file being missing is probably because the server is configured to display a custom 404 page, but it can’t find that file either. But two 404 errors will not bring down your server.

    Upgrading to alpha will not fix your problem. You need to find the specific problem with your installation.

    Also, just loading page one of that topic 9, TWICE, caused the blank screen. So I doubt it even has anything to do with that thread having two pages. Just try loading any page twice and see if you experience the same thing I did (503 error, Service Not Available.)

    To me, it sounds like something in the bbpress forum is overloading your server. Could be one of the plugins causing an excessive amount of database queries, could be something exhausting PHP RAM. You need someone close to the server to be able to troubleshoot this. If it’s a shared server, you might have a hard time finding the information you need.


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    After checking my logs I basically have this over and over again…

    File does not exist: /mnt/local/home/harrismarine/, referer:

    File does not exist: /mnt/local/home/harrismarine/, referer:

    Every time that image is missing (that’s the first error), there is a missing file after that called missing.html.

    These are the only errors that look like they link to the url that is causing the issue but I am no expert.

    I have fixed the image problem anyway but it didnt seem to fix anything.


    Disregard this thread, as I have chose to downgrade to WP 2.5.1 and Install bbPress 0.9.2 and I have managed intergrate my theme and the database with no problems. Any errors occuring before hand have been fixed.

    Sorry 1.0 your just not ready for me yet.


    Slightly off topic, but im not sure if having a space in your keys is a good idea. Might want to remove the space in them. If you do make sure your wp-config and bb-config match after the changes


    I have also had this error.

    However when I installed bbPress, the errors we’re occuring because my Site Forum name was James’ Forum the ‘ seems to throw the installer off and cause a error.

    However it doesn’t seem to affect the installer completing the installation


    Same issue here…

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