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  • #66107

    I’ve checked and double checked all the steps to coodinating wp-config.php with bb-config.php but no-go. I can only log into bbpress if I’ve already logged into wp, but even then it doesn’t let me into the admin.

    One possible area of confusion, I couldn’t figure out how to get the .zip file that would display cookies to work. How is it supposed to be implemented?

    I got the bookmark cookie check to work, but it gave a number of different sets of numbers.






    Which string is relevant?


    Ooops – please see my conversation with Donncha in the ticket above.

    The short story: defining COOOKIEHASH as md5(get_option(‘site_url’)) will work for the main blog but not any other blogs if you are using VHOST (subdomains).

    There is a fix/hack: calculate the md5 hash of your domain, and use that value to define COOKIEHASH.

    define('COOKIEHASH', md5('');

    No subdomains, no trailing slashes, will work fine.

    You can also get this value from bbPress speedup settings, found at Settings, WordPress Integration, and the bottom of the page.

    $bb->authcookie = 'wordpress_biglonghashvalue';
    $bb->secure_auth_cookie = 'wordpress_sec_biglonghashvalue';
    $bb->logged_in_cookie = 'wordpress_logged_in_biglonghashvalue';

    In your wp-settings.php,

    define('COOKIEHASH', 'biglonghashvalue');


    I’m about this close to making my new forums live. I’ve got WP 2.6 and bbPress alpha tied in together pretty well, but they recently announced the lockdown on 2.7, which means that may come out by years end.

    Has anyone started testing with 2.7 yet? I’m not asking if I should not go forward and get my forums started, just wanted to know what kettle of worms I was opening ;)


    musnake –

    One thing you could try, which seemed to get everything working for me. Copy the hashes/salts directly from your wp-config.php file and prefix each one with BB_. Might be excessive, but seems to work for me.

    define('AUTH_KEY', 'blah');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'blah');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'blah');
    define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'blah');
    define('SECRET_KEY', 'blah');
    define('SECRET_SALT', 'blah');
    define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'blah');


    define('BB_AUTH_KEY', 'blah');
    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'blah');
    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'blah');
    define('BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'blah');
    define('BB_SECRET_KEY', 'blah');
    define('BB_SECRET_SALT', 'blah');
    define('BB_LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'blah');

    I just couldn’t get the descriptions in bbPress setup page to match all the keys in wp-config.php, so I copied them all over in a brute-force cop out. I am on a subdomain install, not folder, so this might not help.


    musnake –

    I think this must be a big source of the problem for MU and getting it to work with bbPress. And why some get integration to work (standalone) and other can’t (wpmu).

    In the WP standalone install, it does indeed appear to be there (is that where you got the code above?).

    In WPMU 2.6.2 ( wp-settings.php, line 317:

    // Used to guarantee unique hash cookies
    $cookiehash = '';
    * Used to guarantee unique hash cookies
    * @since 1.5
    define('COOKIEHASH', '' );

    if( defined( 'MUPLUGINDIR' ) == false )
    define( 'MUPLUGINDIR', 'wp-content/mu-plugins' );

    if( is_dir( ABSPATH . MUPLUGINDIR ) ) {
    if( $dh = opendir( ABSPATH . MUPLUGINDIR ) ) {
    while( ( $plugin = readdir( $dh ) ) !== false ) {
    if( substr( $plugin, -4 ) == '.php' ) {
    include_once( ABSPATH . MUPLUGINDIR . '/' . $plugin );

    Want to know the funny part? I actually debugged it instead of going to the source in WP standalone. At least I came to the same conclusion. This should probably be reported as an MU bug – I’ll let Donncha know.


    Caught wearing my underwear on the outside. It doesn’t make me immune to cosmic cookie rays?

    This was a cherry install so I didn’t have any experience with bbPress and its issues etc. The ‘add forum’ button issue existed before I added the quick fix…I found it on my first pass through the support forums trying to see how other WP2.6 success stories started out…

    Did I mention that I have the bbPress files located in a subdomain called ‘forum’ i.e. ?

    I’ve just gone through the phpbbb vs SMF review again, just so I can get something going while these small things get cooked off, but I think I’ll stry bbPress as a stand-alone in its own db and integrate later…Do you see any drama with that path?

    I just noticed that I didn’t add the SECRET_KEY value from wp-config.php (sic) to wp-settings.php as per a comment in that file…but it turns out that’s an artifact. Strike that.

    These are some of the cookies that FireBug reports:

    wordpress_logged_in_f004625b18565e7c579076261d01b3a5 105 B /forum/ Session

    wordpress_f004625b18565e7c579076261d01b3a5 95 B /wp-content/plugins Session

    wordpress_f004625b18565e7c579076261d01b3a5 95 B /wp-admin Session

    wordpress_f004625b18565e7c579076261d01b3a5 95 B /forum/my-plugins Session

    wordpress_f004625b18565e7c579076261d01b3a5 95 B /forum/bb-plugins Session

    wordpress_f004625b18565e7c579076261d01b3a5 95 B /forum/bb-admin Session

    wordpress_test_cookie 36 B / Session

    I’m checking…


    Have you read this?

    That allows you to use WordPress functions (like get_sidebar, get_header) inside bbPress.

    There’s no way I know of to load bbPress in a WordPress page, or anything like that. It’s not a WordPress plugin.



    Is it possible to load bbpress inside wordpress ?

    I am using bbpress (latest from trunk) + wp2.6.2

    I have designed a theme for wp2.6.2. And my wp2.6.2 has a lot of plugins. I wish to load bbpress into wordpress. Is it possible ?


    I too am facing the same problem.

    I am trying on a local server (apache) wp2.6.2+bbpress alpha releases and also the latest version from the trunk

    I have tried on ,

    mysql version 5.0.16-nt

    mysql version is 5.0.67-community nt

    I think it is a bug.


    I think the important thing missing here is what the “minor errors” were. Did you happen to check the box to reveal what the errors might have been?

    The installation of bbPress looks like it went fine otherwise. How was the plugin installation? Anything abnormal?


    It looks like plugin is just not working at all. It’s not converting those tags to embed the image.

    I have a installation and I just downloaded the allow images plugin. I activated it. I posted your image exactly as you typed it. It shows up fine. Not sure what is going on with your forum.


    I have released the enable WPMU users part as a plugin.

    You can download it here:



    Cherry install of 1.0a2 on WP 2.6.2

    COOKIEHASH fix in place.

    Besides the ‘can only be logged into one app’ at a time issue’, which I’m fine with as it’s a known issue, my new install is twitching a bit.

    I can not add a forum using the ‘add forum’ button (nothing happens). I can edit the original install forum’s description.

    Is this a permissions thing on some ajaxy file or a `<IfModule mod_security.c>

    <Files async-upload.php>

    SecFilterEngine Off

    SecFilterScanPOST Off


    </IfModule>` in .htaccess type of thing?

    If relevant: PHP5, shared db, siteurl/forum/ installation.



    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    phpBB3 > phpBB2

    phpBB2 > bbPress

    I don’t think there’s any how to written for the complete process. You could be the first.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Oh, it seems this will take a very long time to have a convertor for phpbb 3 :'(.

    Is there another way to convert a phpbb 3 to bbpress (tutorial ?) :) ?


    I have seen lots of posts with folks having trouble getting integration to work. I am on 2.6.1 and 1.0-alhpa-2 and I have everything working with no problems.

    The one gotcha that I found that I have not seen mentioned: COOKIEHASH in the wp-settings.php file. It currently ships empty in WP, and probably most people left it blank like me:

    define('COOKIEHASH', '' );

    The hash is calculated in bb-settings.php:

    define('BB_HASH', $bb->wp_cookies_integrated ? md5($bb->wp_siteurl) : md5($bb->uri));

    Since bbPress is hardcoded to use an MD5 hash of the domain appended to all cookies (when you are integrating), you need to have the matching hash appended to your WP cookies.

    The hash is added to the cookie to make it unique, like


    To fix this to match bbPress, set it up like this in wp-settings.php:

    define('COOKIEHASH', md5(get_option('siteurl')));

    Or even better calculate it once to avoid the get_option overhead and hard code it.

    define('COOKIEHASH', '3ffce08ac7419977b5ab9d68969a4cd0');

    Bonus points for anyone who can guess the hash above. Yes, it’s md5 and one-way, but on this forum, the answer should be pretty obvious.

    The form of the url passed to md5 should be ‘; with no trailing slash.

    One more cool thing: I do not allow registration on the support forum, only through the main WP site. In order to enable posting in the forum from the moment of signup, add a plugin in you mu-plugins directory containing the following:

    function enable_forum_new_user( $user_id )  {
    update_usermeta($user_id, 'bb_capabilities', array('member' => true));
    add_action('wpmu_new_user', 'enable_forum_new_user');

    Now your users can hit the forum and post the second they click their confirmation email. Cool, huh?


    In reply to: Problem deleting posts

    but in reality, administrators should be deleting the whole topic, not the only post in that topic. When you delete the only post of a topic, what are you expecting to be left over?

    Yes, it’s a case of user-error finding a bug that should be caught. The code should say ‘hey, this is the only post, he must mean delete topic’ and move on, or the ‘delete post’ option shouldn’t even be there if it’s the only post in a topic. You’re both right :) Code should know better, user should read more (and FWIW, I made the same error when I was testing bbpress).


    Nice layout, but isn’t it possible to change the URL structure? It would look a lot cleaner if it was rewritten.


    Nice concept.

    I’m away from WoW for 2 years now but it’s interesting to see that people still raid Naxxramas. ;)


    I’m using WP 2.5.1 and bbPress 0.9. I wasn’t able to get the logins to sync either, and so decided to revert to the more stable versions until that bug is worked out.


    How do I remove the option ‘Add this topic to you favorites’ from the topic.php page?

    I’ve been digging through the bbPress scripts for two days now –

    but I just can’t seem to locate the code creating the html for this feature.

    Please help, the bbPress Forum is awesome, but I really need to disable this feature.

    regards the AssBear


    Create the directory/folder called “my-plugins” right at the same level as bb-plugins. You can also create a folder called “my-templates” at the same time. You might need that.

    Then, put your plugins in the my-plugins folder and activate the plugin in the bbPress admin.

    Does the plugin show up in the bbPress admin? If it does, can you activate it, or does it error out? If it errors out, what’s the error?

    If it shows up there and you can activate it fine, then how are you trying to use it?


    In reply to: Second Page Gone!


    In testing this, the host, Dreamhost, suggested turning off mod_security, which was done, but the errors persist.

    One thing I cannot understand: when accessing this URL:

    Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Sometimes it gives a 503 error, service not available. However, when that happens, the main site on the same server still loads fine:

    Also, accessing this URL from another computer (at another location):

    is possible. So, why would a 503 error be served to some clients and not others, at the same time?


    I’d be glad if someone can help me put together a custom bbpress for a personal forum I’m starting.

    I want a simple but beautiful theme with the discussion, categories and tags in separate tabs, I will also need few plugins.

    It will be pretty straightforward and I can provide some example of what I want.

    Please get in touch if you will be willing to help for a moderate fee.

    My email is: info (at) naijanded (dot) com

    Thank you


    Oh OK, bulk delete topics, to get rid of the old ones.

    I only know of this “mass delete” plugin for posts, not complete topics.

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