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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #4193

    The test profile that I created cannot Reply to a comment or post a new topic. However they can post a comment in WordPress. Under the User tab in the Admin panel the profile is listed as having no role. When I update the users role, click save and return to Admin user tab they still have no role. In the bbpress/wordpress intergration tab All wordpress roles are marked as member (aside from admin). What is going on?

    Also while user info is shared between the two you have to log onto wordpress and bbpress seperately. Also if you are logged on to bbpress it won’t let you log on to wordpress. You have to log ouut of bbpress first then you can log in to wordpress. How do I fix this?


    hey josh,

    can u tell how have u integrated both of them ?

    how did u manage to get their logins work together ?

    if you can show a demo it`ll be great



    I have WordPress 2.6.2 and bbPress 1.0 Aplha 2 running and integrated in my site (a .me domain). Logins from both WordPress and bbPress work. I have it set to only use the WordPress login just for consistency sake, but have tried logging in from both sides and once I am logged in to one side I am automatically logged in to the other. If I register using the WordPress registration, the user information carries over into the bbPress user details and likewise the other way around. Also if I login via bbPress and visit my user profile and update my bbPress user details, those same details are updated when I visit my WordPress profile!

    Seems to be working well! Nice job guys!!




    When I input the code to include the image in a post, my image is surrounded by the post-form colour. In other words, I have an image with a white background which is surrounded by the post-form colour. The image is the only content in the post.

    Posts without images are surrounded by the post content colour. In other words, the text has a white background throughout. No post-form colour as in the outer edge of the image.

    How can I change so that the image is surrounded by the post content colour, in this case white, instead of the post-form colour?

    Using bbpress .9.0.2, with allow images .7.1


    What would be the impact of launching the forum prior to getting the integration working? What would happen to the users/posts if we get the integration to work later?


    Okay, I reverted back to the configs I had before, then added the lines recommended here one by one. Each of the following, when added one at a time, caused me to be unable to logout or enter the admin.

    //$bb->user_bbdb_name = ‘addivanet’;

    //$bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    //$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;

    //$bb->sitecookiepath = ‘/’;

    Both WordPress and BBpress are at least functional now, but no integration.

    We’re on Dreamhost. WordPress 2.5.1 and BBpress

    Anyone see any clues here?


    Plugin: _ck_’s Hidden Forum v.0.0.4*

    I did this:

    //$hidden_forums['label']="[H] ";
    $hidden_forums['label']="<span id='shield'>&nbsp;</span>";

    so that I could use a background image. The ugly thing with this is that you see span blah blah as the browser title…

    Is there a better way to do this?


    Works for me.

    bbPress 1.0a2 and plugin v.0.0.4*

    Didn’t bother me before (just deleted double H’s) but this is progress!

    Um, _ck_, while you’re looking at that file…peek at another minor thing ;)


    I have the use XML turned on in my admin settings. I have no security issues with any part of wordpress or bbpress as it stands, and SecFilter’s turned off on the server.


    In reply to: Error on logging out


    This happens because there was a bug in early bbPress 1.0 alpha where it does not handle a blank query OR your HTACCESS file is missing a way to handle empty topics names.

    Edit your .htaccess file and add these two rules to the bottom of the rule list (before </ifmodule>)

    RewriteRule ^topic(|/)$ /forums/ [R=302,L,QSA]
    RewriteRule ^forum(|/)$ /forums/ [R=302,L,QSA]

    Note that you have to change /forums/ to the base of your forum path, whatever it might be if it’s not forums. ie. /discussions/


    whatever, etc.


    Only one of the hidden forums had the double [H], the one that I edited the name, the others were single.

    I made the change you suggested. Back to single [H]. Thanks CK!

    Can you also check my other problem which relates to the hidden forum too?


    I read earlier in this post where _ck_, chrishajer et al weighed in on what may generate a bbPress error.

    I am increasingly running into the standard Your attempt to do this has failed message, which is better than browning-the-internet but not as good as ice-cream.

    From a user perspective, my issues appear to be form related, as I only step in it once I click on it, haha.

    The plugins are used by others with dissimilar complaints ;) This points to my environment (patch level etc.)

    If it’s the blend of bbPress + plugin, I’d like to be in the position to start beating on errors with my hammer.

    And there’s the rub: to find the errors. I am bereft of grok.


    Minor gotcha’? The bbPress blog must have XML-RPC enabled in it's settings I was going to install this to take a peek but I see someone suggested that their site hung. I’m on this ice with my host (WPMu :D )and can’t risk it just now…

    I remember that there was much drama trying to authenticate with Flikr API via XML-RPC… It required a .htaccess file at the domain root with: `<Files xmlrpc.php>

    SecFilterInheritance Off


    Of course, the ‘Use XML’-thingy setting in the WP Admin/settings needs to be enabled too…

    Fingers crossed…

    I must say that I’m afraid of my shadow when it comes to turning off security filters to get something to work, especially since there was a recent thread on these forums about deleting that file altogether!


    Which version of bbPress and what theme are you using?

    It’s possible this is a bug introduced in the newest plugin release. Don’t delete the forum, it won’t solve anything.


    I dare say it’s one of the most SEO friendly forums out of the box (with a few options turned on). Doesn’t do meta keyword and descriptions but I guess most search engines don’t even look at that stuff anymore – would be easy to make a plugin for it though. There’s also a site map plugin available.


    beernews: yes, that’s what pretty permalinks look like. Looks like the options in trunk are now:

    None   …/forums.php?id=1

    Numeric   …/forums/1

    Name based   …/forums/first-forum

    It used to be “none, true, slugs” which correspond to the above options in order. I’m not sure if they’re on by default when you install the latest version. There was talk of creating the mod_rewrite rules automatically when turning permalinks on (like WordPress does right now), but I’m not sure if that happens automatically or not yet.

    But, with name based (the old slugs option) I think the links would be pretty good for SEO. The slugs might still contain stop words or otherwise be too long, but, they’re still pretty good.


    Looking into this now but your comment confuses me, Chris. Isn’t pretty permalinks on by default (even though the admin indicates that it is not in the options).

    Is this not pretty permalinks?

    Is bbpress SEO friendly???

    Wouldnt it say or something like that if they weren’t on?


    I’m not sure if this worked but …

    I added in the standard Plugin header to the bad-behavior-generic.php file (see below) and then copied it and the rest of the bad-behavior folder up to bbPress. It turned on. I’m trying to sort out how to hack the wordpress plugin. I’m running the same DB for wp and bb so, in theory, this should work easily. It’s not ;) Fatal errors.

    Plugin Name: Bad Behavior
    Version: 2.0.24
    Description: Deny automated spambots access to your PHP-based Web site.
    Plugin URI:
    Author: Michael Hampton
    Author URI:
    License: GPL


    Topic: Forums

    in forum Showcase

    No integration yet, just a lot of plugins from CK (I hope this guy is on the Automattic payroll!) and others..should make a donation probably ;)

    This board is for craft beer (or ‘microbrews’ which is a term the mainstream still uses but is dead in our world).

    Beernews. org Forum

    I should probably start a noobs forum for people that are interested and want to find out more about these higher end beers.


    I just created a plugin for WordPress that allows me to over-ride the authentication process and supply my own user account data. I was in the process of doing the same thing for bbPress when I hit a snag.

    In both cases the first step is re-writing the wp_validate_auth_cookie function. (conveniently pluggable in both cases)

    For WordPress, I was then able to modify the get_userdata function to pipe in my own data (reformatted for WP compatibility) rather than grabbing it from the usual database.

    The trouble comes in that the comparable bbPress function is get_user, within the BB_Cache class. (line 15, cache.php)

    So that means I have to ‘hack’ to make my plugin work. Fine for the meantime, but perhaps this is something to make pluggable in the future.



    – WP 2.6.2

    – BBPress 1.0 alpha 2


    I am passably decent at arrays, but when I toss in <?php bbpress_live_get_topics(); ?> or anything, I get no data at all. Not even a splorg of unsorted data (which at least would give me an idea of what I need to do). Frustrated me enough that I just gave up. I tried every method I know of to print an array, and I don’t even get an error message.

    An example of ‘Make a bullet list of the recent posts’ would be nice to help people get started.


    In reply to: Customizing gravatars

    meitershaker – In theory, the principle that worked for Adding default Gravatars to WP 2.6 should work for bbPress.

    Haven’t tested it yet.

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