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  • #68747

    In reply to: How to move a forum?

    Those plugins come default for 1.0alpha2 under the plugins tab, you have to turn them on. I suspect it’s POSSIBLE if you downloaded the alpha version, they might work in a non-alpha install, but it’s untested.

    But really, if you’re just moving your domain, you can pretty much do what you’d do for WordPress or any other PHP/SQL driven site. You have two basic options.

    1. Download a copy of the main bbpress files from your OLD server to your hard drive and edit wp-config.php to suit the new server.
    2. Go back to your OLD forum and go to options and change the url (both of them) to that of your new site.
    3. Download your database (but keep the old one just in case), upload this new database and the copy of the wordpress core files with the edited bb-config.php to your NEW server.


    1. Install a new forum on the new server.
    2. Export the forum content from the OLD server into a BBXF file
    3. Import the data into the new forum.


    Where can the above code be stuffed, _ck_?


    We are setting up a private forum and need to have a few paragraphs show, describing what it’s about and who should consider registering. At this point, to the unregistered/unlogged in there’s no text at all

    How do I go about adding it? What file in the template is controlling this?


    I am super new at this so please be gentle.

    I copied the database info from my wp-config into the bbpress config but i am getting these errors.

    Warning: Unexpected character in input: ” (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/wpb0776/public_html/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 7

    Warning: Unexpected character in input: ” (ASCII=92) state=1 in /home/wpb0776/public_html/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 8

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/wpb0776/public_html/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 10

    I have no idea what this means? please any help would be great.


    Ben L.

    Blocks common (and sometimes accidental) human-generated spam automatically.


    I need to move bbpress forums to another host. I’ve looked about for an import/export function in the Admin area, but didn’t find one.

    Is there any solution besides manually tinkering with the database?

    Thank you.


    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!

    Jorja Fox: Online and the Forums are finally done.

    I’ve had the blog up for a couple years (it got taken down and revamped when it crashed my server with bad code and bad bandwidth usage). No ‘hacks’ involved, though I did tweak some plugins.


    • Akismet
    • Allow Images (commented out two lines to allow for images without blowing up code)
    • Bad Behavior (the generic file provided by the creator, with a plugin header added to allow it to be pluggable)
    • bbPress Smilies
    • Comment Quicktags for bbPress (added in my spoiler tags)
    • Mass Edit – Moderate Posts
    • Spoiler Tags
    • Unread Posts

    The design is based on the Dignity Theme, and then hacked to kingdom come to make it, among other things, variable width.


    _ck_, I think the “Options -MultiViews” is a 1&1 specific thing (turning that off so you can use the good rewrite rules.)


    timskii, that makes a nice little plugin:

    function meta_keywords() {
    global $tags;
    if (!empty($tags)) {
    foreach ($tags as $t) {$keywords.=$t->raw_tag.', ';}
    echo "n".'<meta NAME="keywords" CONTENT="'.trim($keywords,", ").'">'."n";
    } add_action('bb_head', 'meta_keywords',8);


    In reply to: Styling 404 page


    I believe 1.0 has 404 support like WP does but the unthemed die page is something I’ve complained about for over a year now to no avail. They just don’t want to add a hook for it so you would have to hack the core to change it unfortunately. It’s really unprofessional.

    essentially in functions.php

    find function bb_die( $message, $title = '' ) {

    and change

    bb_install_header( $title );



    then change




    One easy way for them to solve this is to move bb_die into pluggable.php, so Sam if you are reading this?


    Hi, there.

    I have been able to get numeric pretty permalinks to work on my bbpress site ( but not the name-based permalinks, which is what I’d like to have.

    I’m using 1and1 hosting, and I followed the setup at I added Options -MultiViews to the top of the code generated by /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php in my .htaccess file (as detailed at In addition I have set $bb->mod_rewrite = true in my bb-config.php. My forums are in the same database as WordPress.

    Any idea on how to get the name based permalinks working?



    Topic: Styling 404 page

    in forum Themes

    Hi, there.

    I’m trying to figure out how to get my theme ( to use the 404.php page that I’ve styled to fit with my theme. Currently all 404’s are using the default provided by my host or the bbPress die page.

    Any ideas?



    Hey, there.

    Well I finally got around to validating my feeds. They do in fact validate, but I’m still getting the document tree intermittently on Firefox 3.0.3 for Mac OSX. I don’t seem to be having a similar problem on Safari (though I haven’t tested it as extensively). Here’s the output for the feed at

    <!– generator=”bbPress” –>

    <rss version=”2.0″>



    Agitainment Forum: Forum: Stan and Jess – Recent Posts



    <description>Pulse-Pounding Agitainment Letters-Page and Forum!</description>


    <pubDate>Sun, 02 Nov 2008 17:36:29 +0000</pubDate>


    <title>admin on “Stan and Jess is on the way!”</title>



    <pubDate>Wed, 22 Oct 2008 22:57:57 +0000</pubDate>


    <guid isPermaLink=”false”>30@</guid>


    <p>If you haven’t already been to, there is currently a place-holder cartoon on the site. Rest assured, the real cartoon is coming soon and will be updating weekly. I’ll be sure to let you all know when I roll out the first strips.






    As I mentioned before, if I page back on the browser and hit the feed again, it usually works.

    Is it possible this is a Firefox issue?

    Any ideas?


    OK, the little “admin” is your username, the big “Admin” is the link to your administration area. That’s the screenshot I am looking for – when you click “Admin” what does the screen look like. Does it look like this?


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    thanks a lot !


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    You can make my bb-benchmark work on WordPress with a few changes.

    Most notably you’d have to add the line:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'bb_benchmark_output',999);

    if (bb_current_user_can( 'administrate' ) ) you just have to take off the bb_ part and make it current_user_can

    Oh and all $bbdb has to be changed to $wpdb

    It won’t be able to calculate the timing between sections until all the hook names are added which unfortunately I don’t have the time right now to lookup. But it will still show you overall times and mysql queries.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    You are getting an error with admin_email because in bbPress 0.9 they decided to change it to from_email with no support for the old variable (bad move). That plugin obviously never got updated.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    by the way (and perhaps off-topic) : is there a benchmark plugin for wordpress ? can’t seem to find one in the plugins directory for wp



    In reply to: bbpress slow


    That’s better but your query counts are still too high.

    Way too high.

    You could post the list of queries from bb-benchmark here and I can take a look at what’s causing that.

    eAccelerator is probably the way too go.

    It’s a tad slower than Xcache but it’s far more stable.

    Assuming you are using a 2ghz+ cpu that is only lightly loaded, you should be seeing page render times around 100ms on an optimized setup with proper mysql and php opcode caches.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    have a look at the forum now (

    runs a lot faster now, doesn’t it ?

    I have made a couple of changes to the php.ini file :



    variables_order = “GPCS” (still need to verify that this doesn’t break stuff)



    closed & saved the file, and php runs must faster now

    (windows 2008, IIS7)

    Also, one of the plugins that I’m using (EnhancedRegistration) was reporting repeated errors in my php log file

    “bbPress ER: Failed to send report”

    I looked up the function, replaced the bb_get_option(‘admin_email’) with a static email address, and now the errors went away as well

    Not sure whether this has improved the code as well, but it certainly couldn’t hurt, could it

    wtih regards to the opcode cache : what would you recommend using ?


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    Your front page is now showing 56 queries which is excessive. Something is very wrong there too. I’ll know more after I see what plugins you have installed.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    By the way, even when we fix the plugin problem, your setup could benefit greatly from a PHP opcode cache (eaccelerator, xcache, APC, etc.) We just have to find one that’s compatible with Windows and IIS which will take some research. It should cut your page times in half, on both bbPress and WordPress.

    Here’s one possibility:

    That site has pre-built windows binaries for eAccelerator as well as good install directions.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    Give me a list of what plugins you are using and I’ll guess at the culprit.

    If you are using firefox you can copy just the column of the plugin names from the admin menu by using control-click on the table cells.


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    update : benchmark results :

    total page time: 5.3 seconds.

    time to reach each section:

    bb_underscore_plugins_loaded = 0.172

    bb_plugins_loaded = 5.210

    bb_init = 5.211

    bb_index.php_pre_db = 5.215

    front-page.php = 5.217

    header.php = 5.220

    logged-in.php = 5.247

    footer.php = 5.298

    so apparently one of the plugins takes a long time to run

    how can I find the plugin without having to disable all plugins ?


    In reply to: bbpress slow


    this is a dedicated host, running at home – no option to move it because of too much integration with other stuff…

    I have full access to all components

    anything I can do to get you more info ?

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