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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #69208

    You probably need to see a breakdown of queries between bbPress and WordPress to understand what’s going on. There may be a plugin in WordPress that’s causing it to lag for you.

    But in general, bbPress 0.9 is faster than WordPress 2.3-2.7

    It’s similar in concept WordPress 2.0 before it got bloated with too many “features” that should have been optional plugins.

    bbPress 1.0 unfortunately will change that and slow down somewhat because of a radical increase in complexity and a doubling of the number of files needed to load to execute a page. Mysql queries will also increase by at least 50%

    1.0 will be easier to cache however so that will probably compensate.

    Thanks first for your help.

    I had an old version bbpress 0.8. Did not upgrade for a long time, thinking to do it for the beta version release. Now I guess it is a good time to do the upgrade, since holiday season my web traffic is low.

    But what should I do to upgrade from bbpress 0.8 to bbPress 1.0-alpha-2 released?


    Thanks but the quiries doesnt work. might be because of my theme. anyway, most of the paid server out there are much faster than the virtualhost. all other cms template like phpbb3 and mambo i’ve tried are slower than the previous version of them. i already max out my cache on the server but it’s still slow :( . sometime it’s crash after a week or so. dont have budget for the bladeserver though.haha


    I have a new bbpress forum integrated with WordPress 2.5.

    I have 2 topics and 2 posts so far. However ,when I go into the admin panel and click on Manage and Topics and/or Posts there is nothing listed. It looks fine on the Forums page but nothing under Topics and Posts.

    Why is that? How do I fix it?



    More queries in WordPress vs. bbPress?

    You can add this to your template footer.php (one for WordPress and one for bbPress) files and it will add a comment that is visible in the source with the amount of time taken and how many queries it took to generate the page.


    <!-- It took <?php bb_timer_stop(1); ?> and <?php echo $bbdb->num_queries; ?> queries -->



    <!-- It took <?php timer_stop(1); ?> and <?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries -->


    Maybe you can spot some differences there.


    No, I meant what I said. A lot of sites are just WordPress sites, so gets you WordPress and gets you bbPress.

    The point was only to show the relationship between the folders though. With this information, you can probably figure out where it all needs to go.


    well, one more piece of info – on my site, rating works in IE (with automatic page refresh) and it doesn’t in FF (it used to work, but without automatic page refresh) but also I can’t now login into this bbPress support forum from FF and it doesn’t give any error – weird things going on now


    Another thing I’ve just noticed – plugin rating on this site doesn’t work either. It says

    Your attempt to do this has failed.

    Please try again.


    Doh, now the rating itself – bb_rating_dingus() – doesn’t work. I can click on a star, but it doesn’t go into the database :-(

    Another thing I noticed, we’ve got different line numbers so maybe you have a different version from mine?


    _CK_: sorry to bother you again, I’m sure you know the answer and I just can’t resist asking. How would the code change if I wanted to list the Forum along the top rated topics?

    If you get round taking a look at it I’d be very grateful.


    Thanks for this forum integration into WP.

    Just what we needed for the blog.

    I have one question here….

    Why is BBpress much faster than WordPress?

    They are freshly installed into a same debian server and wordpress would take a while to load. Most amazingly BBpress just take les than a second to load. Anyone got suggestions?


    In reply to: Unable to Login

    I know what you’re thinking, that it probably *should* be mentioned either here:


    but it’s not :(

    BBpress, great software, also useful for testing your abilities to mind read!


    In reply to: Unable to Login

    That is why…

    2.6x and .9 series won’t integrate or play nice together…

    You could either go back to the 2.5 series of WordPress, or move up to the 1.0 beta version of bbPress…


    In reply to: Unable to Login


    BBPress Version-

    Wordpress Version- 2.6.3


    I’ve done some research, and it appears the API route is a no-go: bbPress won’t support API’s until version 1 (and I’m on 0.9).

    Anyone have any other possible angles on this one?


    In reply to: Unable to Login

    Which versions of bbPress and WordPress are you using?


    @sc0ttbeardsley, it’s really a bad idea to edit the core files – pluggable.php is specifically designed to have replaceable functions – you can take the function you edited, copy it to a new file and make it a plugin.

    Save the plugin with the appropriate header and a filename starting with an underscore and it will load instead of the function in pluggable.php

    Then when you upgrade, you won’t have to edit pluggable over and over.


    Unfortunately does not have theme browser yet like (which was just recently revamped). is overdue for a makeover and I suspect they will get to that after 1.0 is released, maybe early next year.


    >> This meant once I’d logged in via bbPress, when I was browsing WordPress (although it set the ‘auth’ cookie fine and I could view wp-admin/) it ‘appeared’ that I was logged out (log in and register link, instead of log out and site admin). <<

    I’m still having that problem, even after following those directions.

    I have my WP site URL as root, but the wp-home is set to /blog (since that’s where the blog folder is).

    Cookiepath is set to /forums/

    sitecookiepath is set to /blog/


    I suppose the overriding feeling i’m getting from this is that, how can we, as a community, who want BBpress to get better and fit the needs of many know where to start if we’re not given any indication.

    I’ve searched these forums, I can’t find one single solitary post with with phrase “XML-RPC” in it. There’s not one tag with it in it. So why build it? Well obviously it was a feature requested by someone at Automatic, which is fine, but lets not pretend then that the community has anything to do with this. If it’s a feature the community didn’t want, didn’t need, has 0 support questions over, has discussed 0 times in in forums, etc etc then lets not pretend that the community of developers have any real input.

    So i take back my earlier comments about there being no project manager, feature list, or road map. There clearly is all 3 of these, we the community/users/developers apparently just aren’t worth the money to it would cost to post the existing documentation online.

    I think, we’re all happy to be the people on the bottom peg of the ladder. The people that are giving up their free time, in the hope that it provides a better product for all of us at the end of the day. But this whole thing just doesn’t sit right with me anymore…


    “Oh one big thing I should point out – the features in bbPress, and the time of the main developers are first and primarily geared towards the need of Automattic and – people forget or don’t realize that.”

    We don’t get or realize that because… it’s not written anywhere.

    We’re not mind readers.

    “The features that are “missing” from bbPress just happen to be the features that Matt decided weren’t a priority for and the other Automattic forums.”

    Oh. See, now that’s a totally different light on the subject. I didn’t realise i was building something for Matt to fit Matt’s needs and for the needs of Matt’s companies. Maybe that should be written down somewhere too…

    “It’s also why there is no documentation, remember Matt has to pay the coders, why does he need documentation for 3rd party plugin developers if it’s just going to cost money.”

    I do understand that, but surely the actual developers have some form of documentation too. Couldn’t we all see that to make ‘Matts’ product better? And it’s not like Automatic is short of a few bob.

    Surely, from a business point of view, having documentation to increase the number of theme and plugin developers will increase the take-up rate of BBpress.

    “bbPress 1.0 and the backpress integration are now being driven by Matt’s goal of TalkPress for members.”

    So, what this means is that we can’t, as a community, do anything about anything, because we’re all following Matt’s plan, to which we have no feature list or roadmap or really any visibility of?

    I dont expect Matt, or really any WordPress/Automatic employee, to have to run things by anyone in the community – i’m not saying that I do. But the… pretence that this is an open source project is totally nullified if we’re all coding against a grand plan and road map we’re not allowed to see.

    If the new standard answer is going to be “that’s not on Matt’s wishlist but we’re not going to tell you what is on it – go on GUESS” then can start to see why so many people have left the BBpress community, and why all the themes/forums we’re seeing all look the same.


    I see what you mean. I will get those changed over the weekend and release it again.

    By the way you may know or not but can you add a theme to the bbpress extend section so you get svn access?

    John Doe

    Glad to help musnake!

    Thanks for the heads up with the custom WP login :D


    And where could Matt possibly find the money to pay for these develoeprs with the $29million he got in January…

    (thats a joke btw)

Viewing 25 results - 54,476 through 54,500 (of 64,076 total)
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