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  • #70280

    I followed all the steps and did ‘Complete the Installation’ and it said everything was correct but then said the forum failed to be created. When I try and go to the forum it will load for a little while and then say Firefox can tell that this process won’t end. I tried taking everything off my server and retrying it and I’m following the instructions again and now I can’t get past Step 1. When I try and click to go to Step 2, I get the same page from before saying Firefox can tell that this process won’t end, or something to that effect. Any idea of what the issue could be?

    I’m using WordPress 2.7 and the newest Alpha build of bbPress.


    A quick note… A new user registered and not only do I get the error message when trying to edit their profile, the role map tool also doesn’t seem to want to line his profile up.

    I think I’m going to dive into phpMyAdmin and delete the role maps all together, then see if the tool works.

    I’m guessing that because the Role Map Alignment tool doesn’t overwrite existing values, that the partial values the integration are setting up aren’t enough, so even though the admin tool thinks they have a role, their profile doesn’t…

    I’ll have more time to look into this after the weekend.


    haha that makes 2 of us then :) just adjusted the stylesheet as I noticed when lot logged in the login form went over the header section, been fixed now.

    Trent Adams

    Did you mean this one?

    The original is still in



    Is this plugin still available? Anyone got a copy of it?

    Or I’d better use the old one…

    My concern is forward compatibility because bbPress 1.0 will soon be around and hopefully PM functionality will be in core someday.

    Trent Adams

    You could pretty much make a codex out of your plugins and tips _ck_ :) Another great one!

    Sam Bauers

    @gogoplata, see my reply to jimgroom two posts above yours.

    Sam Bauers
    Trent Adams

    Being a sucker for orange, I really like your design on that one! Good work!

    Trent Adams

    It is all part of of bypassing the content filters. It is dangerous, but I wrote a plugin once for allowing embeds by the administrator and _ck_ wrote a better one!.

    Not recommended for an open forum though since it would just be the biggest security risk ever to have it open to everyone….




    I’ve been using wordpress for a while was looking for a good way to integrate a forum with my site tried out bbPress seems great so far.

    I’ve made a template to match my main site you can find it at

    My site is a tutorial site for web design with tutorials and forum to get further help/chat.

    Let me know what you think.

    Trent Adams

    Jim has it. As well, the bbPress integration shouldn’t work with WPMU 2.6.5 to be honest from my understanding for the “buddypress” parts. It works for login and cookie integration, but needs SVN until release of WPMU 2.7 for the buddypress side.




    I was having the same problem, then sambauers told me this:

    You can either define the COOKIEHASH in WPMU or define each cookie name individually in WPMU

    The COOKIEHASH is the letter jumble part of each cookie name after the last underscore.

    So, put define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ” ); in your wp-config file, and place the cookie hash between the single-quote (I found this by viewing my cookies after logging in through the brower and taking the alpha-numeric string following the wordpress_

    I saw something like this:


    Make any sense?



    That worked beautifully, many, many thanks.


    I’ve sync’ed the keys/salts between bbPress and WPMU, defined COOKIE_DOMAIN (‘ and COOKIEPATH (‘/’) in wp-config, installed the wordpress plugin, and defined the COOKIEHASH in WPMU (wp-settings.php) based on the speed-up settings in bbPress and still no luck with cookie sharing.

    I’m running bbPress 1.0-alpha-4 and WPMU 2.7.

    Is there anything I’ve left out and/or overlooked?



    Went to upgrade to current version bbPress. Got stuck at 2) Upload uncompressed files? To where, how? “cause then I visited URL and was not greeted by installer, so I guess I did not upload files correctly. It said to rename config.php to old and save, but then does not say what to do with it. I am getting horribly spammed. When I get moderate emails from WordPress, follow link, it will not accept my password to delete or mark as spam. So I want to install Bad Behavior. Can’t figure that one out either. I go to admin page and can’t admin anything. At this point I think I should just shut the blog down. Do you think there any hope?

    Huda Toriq

    Thank you for your response. I’ll take a deeper look into the BB_Query class.

    After reading this question, do you think of a plan to extend the bbPress live plugin so it can transport the query as well?

    I think it’s a great idea. Just my opinion :-)


    A little about me: I’m working on a hobby web site. It was going to have a forum, a few database-based applications I’ve written the back-end for, and in the process of deciding what should go on the front page, I figured I should start a blog too. I have a version of the site sort of written using phpBB as the the forum and the templating engine for the web apps, but it’s very frustrating getting phpBB to do what I want it to do…you really can’t do much without editing the core code. On the recommendation of a co-worker, I decided to check out WordPress/bbPress. I’m not sure WP/bbPress is the right solution, but I haven’t found anything I like better….it seems like it’s pretty easy to rearrange things on the page and add new elements as needed.

    What I want: My forum should appear on the site similar to a Page. I don’t think I need “deep integration”…I’m not terribly concerned about data integration, other than the fact that signing into WP should sign you into the forums and vice versa. I don’t need the forum to be able to interact with other pages on the site…if I need data from my other apps in the forum, I’ll just grab it from the database using a forum plugin. But I am concerned about appearance integration…I want the WP header and footer, including my logo and nav bar, to show up at the top of the forum page, and I want the forum theme to be similar to (if not identical to) the WP theme.

    What’s the safest way to make this happen? I’m very new to WP/bbPress, but I’m not afraid to write code…a certain major website pays me a good bit of money do so during the week :)


    I’m currently testing both versions of bbPress on my site, and I can’t seem to find any way to get the forum to send the registration email to new users from version .9.0.3. On 1.0.3, I have been using the SMTP Mailer plugin with great success…is there anything similar for .9.0.3?



    In reply to: Link WP and BB


    I think I would ask about that here:

    Looks like a very nice theme with some neat tricks.


    I tried creating that test.txt file first and it failed with the same problem. Looks like someone else got the information you needed anyway.


    I suspect the buddypress support forum is your best bet unless Trent happens to know the answer (and notices the question here).



    Just wanted to see if anyone had a fix for a salt value. I’m working on installing the latest bbpress alpha 1.0.4a intp wordpress mu 2.6.5 with working buddypress integration. I can log into wordpress and bbpress independently, but the values aren’t passing.

    Here’s how I’ve mapped the keys and salts (notice one is missing):

    ????? –> WordPress “auth” cookie salt

    SECURE_AUTH_SALT –> WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt

    LOGGED_IN_SALT –> WordPress “logged in” cookie salt




    I’ve tried almost everything, and was hoping someone had a solution.



    Sam Bauers

    Not possible using bbPress Live plugin I’m pretty sure. You would have to do separate calls and then merge them somehow.

    It’s probably possible using the BB_Query class inside bbPress though.

    Sam Bauers

    The warnings are now gone in the latest trunk version. There may be other issues to do with users not receiving roles automatically when they visit the bbPress site.

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