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  • #70609

    Hi Istelie! Thanks for your answer :)

    I came across before the post that is suggested in your thread;

    but it is not exactly what I want because I can edit myself the database using phpmyadmin, I don’t need any script.

    What I want is to substitute topic_delete_link() function in my template for a new function that can permanently delete a post.

    I can’t believe there isn’t any. Can’t you use bb_delete_posts() to do this?



    It’s a classic :)

    Have a look here :

    BBPress has a very nice frontend, a fantastic engine, but no real admin (alpha level so work in progress..), hopefully, Santa got us PhPMyAdmin….



    Hot Dang! I finally got my radio station web site up and running using bbPress! You can see it here: … as you can see, the front page isn’t your out of the box bbPress front page. It’s actually driven by a completely different database on a different server all together. It rocks! Getting that one page to work as it currently does was a big pain. I still have some work to do on the site, like getting the search and request functionality working, but just getting what I did was a big hurdle. I’ve now got a handle on how bbP works, the rest should be fairly smooth. *crosses fingers…. arms…. legs…. hairs… knocks on wood*

    Go ahead, take a look, poke around a little. Just don’t sign up for the forums, as I’ll be clearing them out again after some testing. To get to the forums themselves, click the link in the left hand “TR Listener Forums”. The new front page was rendered using a plugin that I’m developing to integrate with the station’s database, creating a new file in the template to display the info, and creating a new root file “forums.php” which is an exact copy of the original index.php file. Index.php is then routed to the new front page file in the template.

    Some stats:

    Template: BlackLetterhead by Ulysses Ronquillo

    bbPress Version: what ever stable I downloaded about two weeks ago.

    Running SpacialAudio’s SAM Broadcaster 4.3.6

    Licensing via LoudCity

    Rendered using new & customized template and root files

    Driven by samPHPWeb-bbPress plugin



    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!


    I’m using the popular iNove theme for both bbPress and WordPress here…

    Barack Obama UFO


    bbPress Smilies

    BBcode Lite



    I’m not sure if this is a rant, a request for help, or a general gripe.

    I want to replace the default front page with something else. I’m building a website for an online radio station, and when visitors first hit the site, I want them to see current info, like what’s playing, what’s up next, and the last few that played. From there, there would also be a “Listener Forums” link that would take them to another page that would be the forums’ front page.

    Trying to be smart about it, I took index.php from the root, copied it, and renamed it “forums.php”. Then I went into the template, copied front-page.php and renamed the copy “station.php”. So far, so good. Then things went wrong from there.

    Back at the root, I opened the index.php and changed it to call station.php instead of front-page.php. I then went to my website, and made sure that index.php was still working, which it was. Again, so far, so good. At this point station.php and front-page.php are exactly the same, as are index.php and station.php, with the one exception. But I should still get the exact same thing from both index.php and forums.php (or so I thought). When I visited the forums.php of my site…. I noticed it was….. off… and not a little, the layout as a whole was jacked with very little in the wrong place.

    Careful scrutiny of the source for both pages led me to find out that on the forums.php version, I was missing the ID off of my body tag. Eh? I finally found the location in the bbPress file that returns the body id…. and sure enough…. because my “file” doesn’t fit into the list… I’m not getting a body id…. well, this isn’t very flexible. My first thought was to create my own version and include it in my functions file…. but that’s hardly a solution.

    So, am I stuck? Do I need to consider something else? How do I get around this? I’ve got other files I will be adding to my site like this… so this is just the first of several times this is going to happen to me. I’m just glad that I didn’t fully finish the plugin I was working on. I would hate to have wasted my time on something that I can’t use.

    annoyed and frustrated,



    This one actually works. bbpress in /forums/

    “^/forums/forum/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$” => “/forums/forum.php?id=$1&page=$2”,

    “^/forums/forum/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/forum.php?id=$1”,

    “^/forums/topic/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$” => “/forums/topic.php?id=$1&page=$2”,

    “^/forums/topic/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/topic.php?id=$1”,

    “^/forums/tags/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$” => “/forums/tags.php?tag=$1&page=$2”,

    “^/forums/tags/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/tags.php?tag=$1”,

    “^/forums/tags/?$” => “/forums/tags.php”,

    “^/forums/profile/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$” => “/forums/profile.php?id=$1&page=$2”,

    “^/forums/profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2”,

    “^/forums/profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$” => “/forums/profile.php?id=$1&tab=$2&page=$3”,

    “^/forums/profile/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/favorites/?$” => “/forums/profile.php?id=$1&tab=favorites”,

    “^/forums/profile/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/profile.php?id=$1”,

    “^/forums/view/([^/]+)/page/([0-9]+)/?$” => “/forums/view.php?view=$1&page=$2”,

    “^/forums/view/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/view.php?view=$1”,

    “^/forums/rss/?$” => “/forums/rss.php”,

    “^/forums/rss/forums/forum/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/rss.php?forum=$1”,

    “^/forums/rss/forums/topic/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/rss.php?topic=$1”,

    “^/forums/rss/forums/tags/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/rss.php?tag=$1”,

    “^/forums/rss/forums/profile/([^/]+)/?$” => “/forums/rss.php?profile=$1”


    I don’t have finished the template ( I only made the design in The GIMP ), so I don’t have it online now ( because I need more ideas, and this is one of those ) .

    I want only know if users prefer to navigate with the classical categories or with the bbpress tags ( I think it offers a more attractive way, an infinite number of “categories”, and users are free to create their own ) .


    Hello !

    As I don’t like the classical forums layout, I want to make something newer and original ( almost all BBPress forums have the same layout, except some original ones like 9rules, Punaji etc… ), I’m almost done with the design .

    And as I want it to look more “web 2.0”, I decided to hide the categories list and to force the user to use only the tags for navigation .

    What do you think ?

    PS : Sorry if this is the bad place for this thread !


    i wrote it assuming the conversion is done on a new empty bbpress installation. then integrating it later with WP. they call it reverse integration on this post


    Buen trabajo! (automatic translation; Good job!)

    Fernando Tellado

    Buenas :)

    Acabo de traducir bbPress 1.0.4 Alpha al Español. Si queréis descargar tanto el .MO como el .PO los tenéis en mi blog.

    ¡Feliz Navidad!


    In reply to: En español

    Fernando Tellado

    Buenas :)

    Acabo de traducir bbPress 1.0.4 Alpha al Español. Si queréis descargar tanto el .MO como el .PO los tenéis en mi blog.

    ¡Feliz Navidad!


    What versions of bbPress and WordPress are installed?


    It turns out that the problem was caused by removing the “pick a section” bit of the post-form.php file. Thanks for the help guys.


    Ok so, I followed this tutorial exactly but, still received an error when installing my bbpress. Here is a screenie of what the error looks like. It seems to be the exact same error as biscuit had. I’ve tried to install by following the video each time. Each time I start with a new database and I seem to get the same error every time. Did anyone have a fix to this problem?


    All I need to do is change the link for the topic as the first post’s content.

    Here is the original in the topics table on front-page.php

    <td><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> <a>"><?php topic_title(); ?></a><?php topic_page_links(); ?></td>

    It needs to become

    <td><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> <a>"><?php topic_title(); ?></a><?php topic_page_links(); ?></td>

    (saying I put a url in the post’s content) but post_text doesn’t work. Any way to get around this?


    I would think this would be best acheived with the post meta plugin. Sure its possible but I bet theres better software out there that might be more suitable for this type of task.


    I’ve been installing a copy of bbpress for a new site launch for a few weeks now. Mostly it’s been going pretty smooth, but tonight I realized I’m not able to change any of my member profile settings as an admin.

    My install is tied into WordPress, and I can change user settings from the admin panel there, but from bbpress I cannot edit any settings for any users but myself. It almost looks as if some required field isn’t being entered when I attempt to change anything. I get no error messages.

    I’ve been wracking my brain for an hour on this and am totally stumped. I disabled all of my plugins but the problem persisted.

    I need to be able to edit users! Halp!



    Because of the simplicity involved with bbPress, would it be possible to change bbPress into a link directory. I’m think this can be achieved by changing the new topic textarea into a url textfield. Then instead of the topic redirecting to the topic.php, it redirects to the link in the url textfield.

    I’d be willing to a pay a few bucks for this.


    Yeah, there’s years of posts I would lose and forum users.

    Is this integration NOT meant to be done with a existing install of bbPress? Is it the intended behavior for it to use the WP user tables and ignore the BB user tables?


    How nicely does this play with WP integration in regards to the users and existing WP accounts? I’m assuming that it would take another dump and update to merge the bb_ table this makes with the wp_ table necessary for user integration.



    Honestly, at this stage I would recommend deleting the bbPress files and database tables, and starting over. It’s so much easier to install correctly the first time than it is to track down installation errors and try to patch them. This is of course if there isn’t a whole lot of data to lose.


    Worked perfectly. Thank you!


    My bb_users and wp_users are in two different databases. I filled out the advanced settings in bbPress for that however, so I’m not sure why it wouldn’t be working.

    Just checked, both tables still exist in their respective databases.

    Trent Adams

    Compare the functions from the default theme and the theme you are trying to integrate. It is hard to say what you changed that caused you issues. It is pretty much guessing without knowing what you changed.

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