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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • _ck_

    Good news, Sam has backported the fix from 1.0 into 0.9 also.

    You can either download the 0.9 branch version or wait for


    In reply to: Edit Welcome Email?


    The “welcome email” (just really the password) message is sent via bb_send_pass which is sadly hard coded in registration-functions.php without any filters or actions to affect it.

    The non-emailed registration success message is in the register-success.php theme template which can be edited.

    However like all things bbPress, there is always a way around limitations, it’s just a bit more complex than it should be.

    The “send password” trigger is done inside of the pluggable bb_new_user function which can be completely replaced, or supplemented.

    To replace the function, you could copy it right out out pluggable.php and put it into a mini-plugin and edit away. The part that needs to be changed is near the end where it says bb_send_pass( $user_id ... ) You would basically copy how the bb_send_pass function works and replace the text inside.

    It would be ever so slightly easier but probably more messy for the new user to send an additional email beyond the password email via the do_action('bb_new_user', $user_id, $password); trigger.


    The question I’d like to know is can one use Facebook Connect to login to bbpress? So if I had a bbpress installation on my site, instead of users signing up in order to post, they could just use Facebook Connect.

    Any examples of sites already doing this? Or do you know of any other forum software that has implemented it?


    Ok m8, finally i have users integrated!

    but what’s now? All my old forums users disapear since im using wp_users… LOL!

    There is some way to use bbpress users table in wp?

    Thanx in advance!


    In reply to: bbPress Integration

    Jimmy B.

    Alright, so good news, it’s all working. I actually ended up including bb-load into my sites login script, then calling the login function when a successful login happened on my site, this then set cookies for my site and bbPress. I also have it so that when a successful registration takes place on my site it also inserts the user into the bbPress users database with the proper information. I snagged the MD5 password plugin for bbPress, modified it to change passwords to sha1 (which is also what my site uses).

    Then I snagged the freshly baked cookies plugin for bbpress so that it also sets WordPress cookies. I got the external DB auth plugin for WordPress so that it uses the bbPress users table for authentication. I’ve killed registrations through WordPress and bbPress…so you can only register through my site. So now it works that a user registers and logs in through my site, and when they have a successful login they can use my site and WordPress and bbPress.

    Thanks for the help! :)


    In reply to: What is what?


    Since I don’t have much to loose – I just started with the blog and the forum – I went with alpha. Everything went smoothly and I have already made my first post.

    All in all, I do like this bbPress thing. Not intimidating, intuitive, help is there when you need it.



    In reply to: can’t log in anymore



    That solutions seems to be for bbpress 1.0 alpha…

    i’m making a new install with a new phpbb import ’cause i have no way to login as key master…


    Also note that you edit the es_ES.po file which then makes the new file when you save the changed in poedit.

    Their es_ES.po is here:


    The program you need is poedit.

    WordPress has pretty good instructions for doing it, and the process is similar with bbPress:


    In reply to: can’t log in anymore


    @matiaspunx: what version did you integrate? The cookies are not compatible with the version of bbPress and WordPress versions greater than 2.5 (like the latest 2.7.1 version.)

    Also, did you try clearing all the cookies or using a different browser to log in?

    These two solutions exist for making logins compatible with WordPress latest and bbPress


    In reply to: can’t log in anymore


    i have a same issue, but my user already exist in bbpress, when i send a password recovery bbpress send me an email with the new pass, when i try to login i cant…

    I think i do sometthing wron with integration :(

    PD: i still can login in wp…


    noyz319, I hope you get an answer soon, because the keys are giving me fits, too.


    In reply to: can’t log in anymore


    It seems I have a similar issue as hijen. Was there a resolution to this stream?

    In my instance, I cannot login as my administrator (or any other user) via BBpress, but I can via WordPress. The users are still in the DB, and the password reset option also displays that ‘user does not exist. Register it” drivel.


    Ok, so i need to delete my installation and install bbpress again.

    I modify one converter that convert php db to bbpress very nice…

    if anyone need it justo ask…



    That sounds like something printed by the refresh theme. I can’t seem to find a copy of that theme online anywhere. Can you look through the theme files for that language?

    Also, what version of bbPress did you install with WordPress 2.7.1?


    Poedit will automatically re-save the .mo file when you edit and save the .po file by default unless you’ve changed the default settings.

    the mo file is in here, it’s all you need

    in bbPress 0.9 put it into bb-includes/languages/

    in bbPress 1.0 put it into my-languages/

    and change in your bb-config.php



    Good news! I am integrated 100% for the first time in over a year!! Woo!

    The only thing I need to do later is I am going to redirect any logging in or logging out through bbpress. Because I can’t log out from wordpress now, but if I log out through bbpress, then it logs me out of bbpress and wordpress correctly. So this is really not a big deal, I will just change any log in/log out links in wordpress to the bbpress log in/log out links.

    The way I was able to get my reverse integration to work was by following the normal reverse integration instructions, then I chose to install Ann’s plugin which downgrades the 2.7 wordpress cookie set up to the 2.5 cookie set up.



    People!!! Thanks for the replys!

    @chrishajer: I have installed the latest stable version of bbPress: The “Brubeck” version

    @_ck_: I have rebuilded the .po file… (¿do i have to rebuild the .mo file too?…)

    I will try with the´s translation… let me test it and i will talk again.



    yeah, im looking at the users table and every field is filled right.

    I convert from phpbb with bbpress everything works fine. Then i upgrade to 1.0-Alpha-6 and everything works wrong :P

    there are some NEW tables like term_taxonomy with 1 row only, just my user is ported to term_relashionships table, i dont have many knowledge with mysql, what im doing wrong?


    I set up bbpress for – it’s at I integrated with WordPress. In bbpress, the registration page says “Registration is closed for a while… sorry!” I can’t find any source for this message, or any helpful reference to it online. I have no idea how to “open” registration again. I’m assuming that this means, with WordPress integration, that registration must happen on the WordPress side, but I’m seeing references that suggest it can happen on both sides and they can be integrated. Also in that context the “registration is closed” message wouldn’t make sense – wouldn’t you just refer them to WP registration?


    I am using the same database and user table. I was using wordpress 2.6 so that explains why it didn’t work. But, since then I have switched to wordpress 2.7. Are the cookies from wordpress 2.7 compatible with bbpress 0.9? I’ll look over the Intergration 101 again to see if I’m missing something.

    I don’t know if this will help but, if I log into my forum, and then go to my blog’s login page it will say in red “Please login again.” So, wordpress knows that I was logged in, but there must still be something wrong with my cookies that it is not keeping me logged in.


    In reply to: What is what?


    johnhiler, thank you so much for that link — the plugin is great, just what i was looking for


    In reply to: Spam Registrations


    Definitely make sure you are using the newest Human Test.

    If you are, and they are bypassing it, I need to know so I can break out the next level of protection.

    I have not tried this plugin but it might help somewhat:

    New Stop Forum Spam API Plugin; Block Fake User Registrations

    Last but not least, if you have wordpress integrated they might be sneaking though there even if you have the links to it’s registration page disabled, it still leaves the api open (you’d have to physically rename/remove wp-login.php)



    I’ve been using bbpress for months without any big problem. But this time, I don’t know at all what happens :

    When I post a new topic or reply to a topic, everything goes well except that instead of redirecting me to the topic, bbpress shows a blank page.

    I see nothing special in error logs…

    I tried to delete my cookies and post again but this doesn’t solve the problem.

    Do you have any idea ? What could it be ?

    I took a look at bb-post.php. If I echo “test”; before this line :

    $post_id = bb_new_post( $topic_id, $_POST );

    Then it works. But if I put it after, then it doesn”t display test.

    So bb-post doest post the stuff, but there may be an error after that.

    Thanks a lot for your help… I’m stuck!


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