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  • #72378

    I’m seeing this same problem in WordPress all by itself. Don’t think this is a BBpress problem but a WordPress problem. Don’t see anyone that seems to have a handle on it yet. :(


    Not sure if anyone is reading this but it looks like wordpress and BBPress are using different ashes. I tried putting the actual hash in the Freshly_baked_cookies.php but it did not help as in: (the Real Hash is different)

    define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ’16bc2175035323b2cf11e36e21a0ea32′);

    Anyone have suggestions? Anyone reading this?


    In reply to: bbSync


    It does not work at all with the alpha versions, and I think it was not working well with the 0.9* versions.


    Also, you don’t log in directly at bb-login.php like you can with wp-admin. You need to enter your login details in the front page of your forum, and if you are keymaster (or administrator or moderator), you will be shown the Admin link next to your name and that’s how you get to the back end. If you don’t have the Admin link then you’re not logged in as keymaster.


    Did you use something like one of these two solutions to integration the cookies with the two versions you installed? The cookies are incompatible otherwise.


    looking to match my wordpress to my bbpress.


    Hi All,

    Havnt seen any tutorials before doing integration, i guess thats the blunder i did..hence this problem.

    Problem: Cant login to bbpress admin, after WP integration, get message that User doesnt exist. However i CAN login to my WP admin without problems.


    WP :2.7.1

    BBpress :

    What i did: from bbpress integrate wordpress section i filled out following only, nothing esle

    1. Gave my WP url

    2. Gave my WP blog url

    3. Gave my WP secret key

    4. Gave the WP table prefix as: wp –

    thats all dint do anything else. and i UPDATED these details.

    Immediately got logged out. and now cannot login to (bbpress forum is in subdomain)

    What else i did: i generated new password thinking its a password issue. No luck

    Also installed Fix Admin plugin in Plugin folder of WP from Cpanel, as soon as i installed it took me to login page of BBPress, and i tried logging in, No Luck. User doesnt exist message.

    Error seen on left hand TOP side of bbpress login page when login fails:

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘saphruse_bbp01.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT ID FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘saphruse_bbp01.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘admin’

    Please help.

    Thanks a mill.


    here is my site its a forum about haunted house construction and how-to halloween props. well kind of, i just opened it like 5 days ago, 1 member haha.

    im really digging the stock theme so im sticking with that. i still need a little slogan/description. but the bbpress one works for now. ha.

    nothing fancy.


    I integrated WP 2.71 and the the bbPress v0.9.0.4.

    I used the plugin to downgrade the cookies.

    I no longer am able to preview posts in wordpress. I have another non-integrated blog and this is not an issue. Thus, it seems to me it is a bbPress issue.

    I cannot login to both at the same time.

    I want this to work but am finding the integration to be a problem. At times it makes me think WordPress and bbPress were developed entirely by seperate groups..


    im a phpbb user and im eally digging this bbpress software. figured i would give it a shot on a new forum i started.

    is there an SEO modification or even a way to add some meta tags to the header of the pages so a search engine bot can gather up some info or even pull from the tags? or is this already included into the software?



    I also was stuck on that for a while. I found it easier to downgrade WP 2.7 cookies with this plugin:

    Just make sure you juse just the old SECRET_KEY in wp-config.php and match it to the BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config.php

    Clear your domain cookies after activating the plugin and login again. Test login/out on both installations.

    Of course you mast have completed the integration steps described here:


    Chrishajer is right. I have bbpress linked with WordPress. I don’t want the users to change their own profile with wrong email adresses or new user names.

    _ck_ – where do I have to insert this piece of code???



    @ bruinfelix, I looked at your site and you did not integrate the header at all.

    @ caming, in my experience it’s not an easy thing to do. There is some info floating around here about using an include to get your WP header to show up on bbPress but it’s not pretty.

    My advice to you would be to rebuild it in bbPress and then spend some time making it look smooth. At a minimum this will involve you bringing your header over (either through the style sheet or the header.php) and then recreating your nav bar.

    You can see that I’ve done it here…

    If this helps at all I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.


    I use the latest wordpress MU version (trunk), and just the alpha-6 version of bbPress ;-)

    Ohw, and a recent version (also trunk) from the buddypress website ;-)


    first, never post your login info, mysql or otherwise on the web, now you have to change it

    second this is the bbpress support forum, not the wordpress support forum

    (but your problem does seem weird, there should be no error with that)


    What version of bbPress and WordPress are you using?


    In reply to: Theme Hybrid forum

    Justin Tadlock

    I just ported my new design over to my support forums:

    I hope you all like it.

    Working on a bbPress theme design again kind of gave me a little more inspiration. I’m hoping I can get out some bbPress theme releases in the next few months.


    I know this has probably been explained, but after sifting endlessly, I still haven’t found a complete answer. I just want my WP header/footer syndicated onto my bbPress.

    Any direction would be greeeeeeat!

    Thanks folks,



    Hi everyone,

    I’m sorry to post this topic knowing that there are so many similar ones on this forum, but I’ve been going round in circles for days. I have the user databases integrated perfectly on my site, but I still have to log in/out completely separately. My four secret keys definitely match in both the bb-config and wp-config, and I can’t find anything else I am supposed to do.

    Any help is much appreciated.




    Been reading these forums for over two days and not making progress.

    Have WordPress 2.71 (not MU) and then BBPress .9. WordPress is installed in a subdomain

    Installed the Freshly Baked Cookies plugin to allow bbpress to read newer cookies. Both WordPress and BBPress work fine on their own.

    If I create an Id with WordPress or BBPress I can log into both. Cookies are not shared. Have to login seperately.

    If (after loggin in both) I logout of WordPress, then I am logged out of both. If I log out from BBPress I am still logged into WordPress.

    The instructions on here are all over the place between various versions. Am thinking maybe tthere is other things that may have to be copied over from WP-CONFIG.PHP to BB-CONFIG.PHP. Could someone post something consise on what needs to be copied? Or anything else I should check?




    Hello, I’ve run into this issue twice now upon trying this. I’ve got WPMU installed on a subdomain, added the BuddyPress plugin, and that’s it. Then I go to add my BBPress as a sub-directory to said subdomain and install it just fine, using the same database – set up an administrator account, etc. I log into it, and try to do the integration to WP, add the secret code, add the cookies line to my wp-config.php, tell it to share users, etc. Once I submit that integration page I’m logged out, and I can’t log in any more with the administrator account i made for BBPress, but I can log in with my WP Admin’s account, but here’s the ringer, I no longer have any administrative privileges – so the BBPress install becomes useless. What do you think I am doing wrong, or should be doing otherwise? My goal is to simply have this forum integrated into WPMU/BuddyPress. Any pointers would be appreciated, thank you!


    In reply to: MySQL version 4.0


    In reply to: MySQL version 4.0


    bbPress has the same requirements as wordpress, so yes 4.0 is the minimum


    Yes, this works very well. Just google phpbb2bbpress

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