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  • #72745

    Thanks for the feedback!

    I guess for the username/password stuff, I’m just mentioning what we get emails from our users about. We get requests almost every day from users who forgot their username or want to reset their password.

    Rather than deleting the account, maybe a username shutdown would be a good compromise? The account would have signin disabled, and the profile would show “this username has been shut down”. Old comments from that user would still appear on the site, and link to the “shut down” profile page.

    Ben L.

    Other than changing and deleting their own username, those are all great ideas! Changing usernames messes up lots of code, and deleting your own account?!

    The Role Manager has been submitted to the bbPress Plugin Repository – in some future version, it will have 0.9 compatibility (if 1.0 isn’t released first).

    The BuddyPress PM plugin is for WordPress MU, not bbPress, so you’d be switching over from a forum to a blog hosting social network. The existing PM plugin probably needs to be scrapped — it would be easier to start over (for me, at least), but importing the old data would help everyone that had Private Messaging installed.

    The avatars plugin (in my opinion) is doing the right thing the wrong way. By making the plugin a “real plugin” (no editing core files, no putting files into other directories) and splitting the avatars into separate folders, the plugin would be a lot better.

    As for resetting passwords, or for that matter, the entire password system of bbPress as a whole, the idea is already being discussed.


    A good role manager would be awesome. Right now I have to create a new plugin every time I create a new Role… kind of a pain.

    If someone took the existing PM code and then refactored it and removed security holes… that would be huge. It’d be particularly awesome if it used the same database model, so the old PM’s were still readable! I’ve heard BuddyPress is working on a PM plugin, so I was considering just switching over to that (if I could use it without installing BuddyPress).

    The Avatars plugin out there is hard to configure (there are at least 3 separate files you have to install in different places), and it dumps all avatars in a single folder (not sure if that scales). It’d be fantastic if someone could clean that up.

    Fundamentally, bbPress needs better user account management. Users can’t easily reset their passwords or look up their usernames… and there’s no ability to change or delete your own username. Those would be huge additions.

    Thanks for asking!!

    Ben L.

    Okay, I’ll try another, less confusing question.

    What features are missing from bbPress that in your opinion, a good forum software should have?

    (Can a mod please add that to my first post?)


    Yes but defining ‘better’ is really subjective! :)

    Look, better for ONE of my sites is a barebones bb. Better for the other is Invision. It has to do with what you, as an admin, want to support, what kind of users you have, what you need to integrate your site with, etc etc etc.

    In short: Any answer you get will be based on the specific individual needs.

    You’re never going to get a definitive answer. Instead, you need to ask a better question: “What features do you feel are important in forum software?” Then you get a list of the default features in each board software and list them all.

    From THAT, you can make a breakdown of ‘Who handles which plugin better?’ and have multi-choice.

    Which would kind of be a cool app to help people pick the right forum software, but it still rolls back to ‘what’s right for you?’ :)

    Ben L.

    There have to be some features that phpBB does better than bbPress. Otherwise, everyone would be on bbPress and nobody would use phpBB! I just need to know what they are.


    Better is subjective.

    I don’t want a cash mod. I don’t want PMing. I don’t need a full role manager.

    So I vote for ‘other’ as ‘none’ :)

    Ben L.

    • The users tab was because I couldn’t find any good place for it. The plugins tab actually sounds pretty good.
    • I’ve added that and it will be in the repository shortly.
    • Yes. I’ll work on that right away.

    Edit: It’s now in the repository, so the development zip should update soon.


    Topic: AJAX Spell Checker

    in forum Plugins

    Has there ever been an attempt to integrate a spell checker into bbPress or planned for future releases?


    There should be a pulldown on the bottom of the page that let’s you move topics? There’s a nice description of what it looks like here:

    Does the pulldown show up for you when you’re logged in as keymaster/admin/moderator?


    Hi All,

    I am running bbPress “Brubeck” version However, it seems like bbpress does not have a built-in function to move posts from one forum to another forum. This seems like such a basic necessity for a forum platform to have. Does anyone know of a plugin that can accomplish this and will work with bbpress version

    Thannk you,


    Ben L.
    Member Vote here if you’re too shy to post.


    No, I hadn’t tried asking in the WPMU forums. I just went ahead and uploaded the non-alpha release. I’m running into a situation where the installation is asking me for a Secret Key, though, and all I have are:

    define(‘AUTH_KEY’, ‘…’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_KEY’, ‘…’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_KEY’, ‘…’);

    define(‘NONCE_KEY’, ‘…’);

    define(‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘…’);

    define(‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘…’);

    define(‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘…’);

    instead. Also, what the “database secret” is, I don’t know either.


    Ben L.

    Now, before you say “it isn’t”, I’m not looking at the forum software as a whole. My plan is to make all of the important features of phpBB available to bbPress users.

    So far I can think of a few things:

    • The Cash Mod – I accepted this project over a year ago and I still haven’t released the first version.
    • A private messaging feature that doesn’t have 24512 security vulnerabilities
    • A full role manager

    Ben L.

    bbPress shouldn’t be tightly integrated with WordPress. There are too many things that won’t work. Try removing the line of code that includes WordPress into bbPress.

    Ben L.

    /bb-admin/admin-base.php?plugin=bbpress_moderation_suite_modlog is the only place moderation logs are. I know the way I talk about it is a bit confusing. :P


    bycbyc there are only a handful of active WPMU users here,

    did you try asking on the WPMU forum or did they send you here…?


    1. Ah thanks for adding that!! Boo for bbPress having no hook for moving topics…

    2. Ah so sorry to have missed that… :-)

    One last thought: what do you think of merging the various moderation logs into a single page? As a keymaster/mod, it’d be a lot easier to monitor what’s going on on the site if all the logs are on the same page.

    Or maybe as an alternative, the various moderation logs could all have convenient links to each other?

    ps I owe you a contribution – please email me at john at weddingbee dot com, and we can coordinate!

    Ben L.

    1. I have not programmed a logging function for topic moving and deleting. I’ll make that right now. Edit: There are no hooks in the functions to move topics, so there’s no way I can make a log for it. However, I have programmed the topic deletion log.
    2. will help you.


    Just installed the latest development version on 0.9 – it looks like it’s working!!

    Two quick questions:

    1. Where is the moderation log for moving/deleting topics?

    I activated all four parts of the moderation suite and then moved one topic and deleted another. Then I started digging around for a moderation log, to see if they showed up… I found a moderation log here, under the users tab:


    I didn’t see a log of the topic moving or deletion though… are those logged somewhere else? I must be looking in the wrong place.

    2. How do users Report another user

    I didn’t see a place where users could report another user… is there a tag for that I should stick in the template?

    I *really* love the idea of being able to warn and ban users – for now, I’ve been PM’ing users manually which is a real drag! Thanks for porting this to 0.9!!

    Ben L.

    Forum is located at:

    Downloaded and installed version of bbPress, into WP 2.7.1.

    Thanks for the help.


    Hi Quick question regarding WordPress and BBPress integration of users. Can this be done across different domains? Say I have WordPress MU installed on, and from there i have Blog1 installed on and Blog 2 installed on, and then BBPress installed on, would the users still be able to be sync’d across the domains?

    All of these are running off of the same server, and Multi-Site is running on WordPress MU. Can users be sync’d between MU and BBPress this way?

    (I know it sounds horribly convoluted. This is for an event that’s being put together, and while we don’t want users to have to register to N sites, we do want them all to be separated out like I described above.)

    Edit: I should add that I’m not concerned about whether or not a user stays logged in when they switch from one to another, but just a shared user table or automatic user syncing is what we’re looking for.

Viewing 25 results - 51,751 through 51,775 (of 64,087 total)
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