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  • #73448

    Okay, I’ve managed to figure some of it out, I’m using:

    <br />
    <pre><code><?php $posts = get_thread( $topic->topic_id, $page ); //pulls posts fo each topic?>
    <li <?php topic_class(); ?> style="border: 1px solid green;">
    <?php foreach ($posts as $bb_post) : $del_class = post_del_class(); ?>
    <ul class="TopicStarterInfo">
    <li><?php post_author_avatar(); ?></li>
    <li><?php post_author_link(); ?></li>
    <li><?php post_author_title(); ?>
    <li><?php printf( __('Posted %s ago'), bb_get_post_time() ); ?> </li>
    <li><?php echo $bb_post->forum_id;?></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

    But its pulling all the post authors. I think I need to limit to the first one, but I’m not exactly sure how to do that.

    Edit: figured it out from:


    <?php $bb_post = $posts[0]; unset($posts[0]); $del_class = post_del_class();?>

    instead of the foreach.


    In reply to: Always ..Unread

    Hm, when I set


    tracking of new posts stops and all topics appear as read. :(

    Does there have to be an actual logout of bbPress to see results?

    Which is not a good option cause most users won’t log out (untill the cookie expires).


    Today I did the reverse integration of an existing WordPress blog (2.7.1) and BBPress forum (0.9.4). I described my plans here. With some help from bobbyh and a lot of digging into these forums, things worked out well.

    Here are the steps (all but the final 2 are database operations, which I did using phpMyAdmin):

    1. I didn’t need to do backups because I was using a test site, but if you are trying this, don’t go any further without full backups of everything.
    2. Copied the “bb_users” and “bb_usermeta” tables from the BBPress database to the WordPress database. I was a bit worried that the row sizes weren’t exactly the same in the destination copy, but as it turns out, that wasn’t an issue.
    3. Added a “user_activation_key” field to the copy of “bb_users” to ensure that the schema matched my current “wp-users” table in the WordPress database.
    4. Renamed the “wp_users” and “wp_usermeta” tables to “wp_users_old” and “wp_usermeta_old” respectively.
    5. Renamed the new “bb_users” and “bb_usermeta” tables to “wp_users” and “wp_usermeta” respectively.
    6. Added WordPress admin rights and metadata to the new admin user. To do this I ran the following query:

      INSERT INTO wp_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (‘1’, ‘wp_capabilities’, ‘a:1:{s:13:”administrator”;b:1;}’);

    7. Added WordPress user metadata for the rest of the users (since I’m using the BBPress user tables as the starting point they know nothing about WP capabilities). Here is the query:

      INSERT INTO wp_usermeta (user_id, meta_key, meta_value) SELECT user_id, ‘wp_capabilities’ AS meta_key, ‘a:1:{s:10:”subscriber”;b:1;}’ AS meta_value from wp_usermeta WHERE user_id NOT IN (SELECT user_id from wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key = ‘wp_capabilities’) GROUP BY user_id;

    8. Changed the user_id references in the “wp_posts” and “wp_comments” tables so that they pointed to the correct users (you need to do this because equivalent users don’t necessarily have the same ID in the previously separate WordPress and BBPress databases). Here are the queries I ran:

      UPDATE wp_posts SET post_author=NEW_ID WHERE post_author = OLD_ID

      UPDATE wp_comments SET user_id=NEW_ID WHERE user_id = OLD_ID

      NOTE that you need to think carefully about the order in which you do these changes. You don’t want to change a user’s ID to one that already exists in the WordPress table.

    9. Installed superann’s plugin to downgrade WP 2.7.1’s cookie handling for compatibility with BBP 0.9.4:
    10. Told BBPress to find its user data in the new WordPress user tables. This is done in the BBPress admin page for WordPress integration: […]/bb-admin/options-wordpress.php. You need to follow the instructions carefully. In particular, note that the WordPress database secret should be copied from the current WordPress setting and not vice versa.

    Some other notes:

    • This is not something to do in a rush. I checked the results of each step carefully before moving on. This included browsing the database and, later in the process, logging in to the blog and forum to check whether things were working as expected.
    • This worked for me. Your mileage may vary.


    matiaspunx I am receiving the same error as gavinj77, I tried to download your fix at but the file was no longer available. Could you kindly repost the updated file?




    In reply to: How do I hide Tags ??


    You need to provide more information than that. Are you trying to hide the whole section where the tags are, or are you trying to hide just specific tags? Are you trying to remove all tag functionality from your site altogether? Also, what version of bbPress are you talking about?


    To anticipate the question: secret keys match each other :)



    BBcode Buttons is showing but is not working !!

    and BBcode Lite for bbPress is not working !!

    I want bbcode

    Iam sorry i do not speak English well ..


    In reply to: Always ..Unread


    Its working much better, but sometimes unread post are not highlights…

    yes my theme is custom ..

    e: the topic aren’t highlights when i’m not the autor i think ..


    It’s probably a bug when starting a topic that immediately gets flagged by akismet.

    Adding a post to an existing topic will probably just come back with a missing post.

    Since bbpress sets the status to “2”, it will be treated like a deleted post/topic to the end user. Moderators and Admin will see deleted post indicators.


    I’m using bbPress 0.9.2. When my posters have their posts flagged as spam by Aksimet, they see the following error message:

    <h1>Not Found</h1>

    The requested URL /topic/ was not found on this server.

    <address>Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at [domainname] Port 80</address><address>


    When my users see this, they assume that their posts didn’t go through and then they re-post their message again – and then get the same error message again. They usually repeat the re-posting from 2-10 times, before giving up…

    I’d greatly prefer it if these users got a nice little message that said something like, “Your post has been put into moderation. We will review it shortly!”

    Is giving an error message after an Akismet positive result standard behavior for bbPress?

    Sam Bauers

    Seems there is lots of ham being incorrectly sent from bbPress as spam. This may be having a knock on effect elsewhere. I’m trying to track down the problem with these false reports from bbPress at the moment.


    In reply to: Username Issue


    Ok it seems the only solution to my problem would be to reinstall everything.

    It’s ok since the forum have not been used yet, it’s hidden in a folder.

    How can I “reset” the forum installation and reinstall bbpress?

    Or maybe try and install a different forum solution. Would a different solution clash with the new database tables that have been created by bbpress?


    _ck_ – I’m using your skip-akismet plugin and thank goodness! At least my authors/moderators/admins are spared this.

    Akismet is going absolutely bonkers on all nine of my bbpress and WordPress installs… it just started a few days ago. I thought maybe it was connected to skip-akismet, but some of the *press installs aren’t using skip-akismet and they are still having problems!


    I assume you aren’t using any of my plugins?

    Because I won’t be supporting alpha 7+ this year.

    Now that there are options to use bbPress 0.9 with WP 2.7

    there’s no excuse to use the alphas.


    In reply to: Always ..Unread


    Sorry about that, I will have to look at it this weekend.

    What version of bbpress are you using.


    In reply to: Username Issue


    What is VIP Users?

    I think the recommendation is to use the Hidden Forums plugin rather than the Private Forums plugin:


    In reply to: Username Issue


    I have the following plugins installed:

    1. Private forums:

    2. Akismet

    3. VIPUsers:

    I downloaded this on somewhere.

    I don’t have the bbpress signups separate from wordpress. The 2 is integrated. But you probably know that from my first post.

    In wordpress every user has the option to give themselves a “nickname”. I would actually like the forum to display that….if possible.


    In reply to: Always ..Unread


    In reply to: Username Issue

    Ben L.

    It’s not the template. Line 4 of post.php is <strong><?php post_author_link(); ?></strong><br />, so it should be showing the post author’s name, not email. There’s no functions.php, so it has to be a plugin.

    What plugins do you have active on your bbPress installation?


    In reply to: Username Issue


    I don’t think it’s the template either because inside the forum area, bbpress shows that the username is the same as the email used when signing up to wordpress. that doesn’t make sense because when they signed up with wordpress they chose a real username.


    In reply to: Username Issue


    My WORDPRESS theme/template shows the usernames correctly.

    The BBPress forum template does NOT.

    The template I’m using for BBpress is the “blank 3 column

    1.0 by refueled”

    BBpress version

    I’m using wordpress 2.6.2.

    I cannot change my wordpress version under any circumstances because I have certain vital plugins that only operate under that version and it’s a paid membership site.

    So what can the problem be here?

    Thanks for the support so far!


    In reply to: Username Issue


    Wherever the username is displayed properly – what theme is in use there? And what version of bbPress and WordPress did you integrate?

    If you are seeing the username displayed incorrectly in bbPress, maybe the template author used the wrong function to display the username, or something like that.


    In reply to: Username Issue


    Are you talking about the wordpress template theme or bbpress?

    I wouldn’t mind paying for help also.




    My bbpress forum was working just fine for about 1 year – then last week this message came up when i went to to my forum :

    Oh Dear!

    An invalid configuration file was found at bb-config.php
The installation cannot continue.

    Usually this is caused by one of the database connection settings being incorrect.

    Make sure that the specified user has appropriate permission to access the database.

    I did not set this forum up originally – a previous web designer did – who i can’t get a hold of –

    now i need to fix this problem and have no idea how to do it.

    I hope some one out there can help me.

    Thanks in advance,


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