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  • #71577

    a wiki-plugin already exists:

    a revision tracking plugin also:

    But it seems like it does much more than we basically desire.

    I just tested the Edit History plugin and it does indeed track all that data – last edit, last editor and number of edits. But it does not output the message in the normal topic view. Instead it uses a separate page with all the revisions of a post. And that page is not visible to everyone.

    I guess it is not hard to add that feature to the plugin. Wish I had the programming skills to do it!


    Hi, new here and looking to add bbpress to WPMU.

    I searched the plugins for ‘WPMU’ and for ‘Integration’ but could not find the plugin mentioned? What is teh name and where can it be found?



    I have the following:

    Version 1.0-alpha-6 and WordPressMU 2.7.1 The problem lies with the instructions: Your video is excellent but when you read other posts they approach it different, and everyone has different ideas about this token, and the plug ins. Its just so dam confusing. I have two con fig files that have so much different code I just have no idea what is going on.


    Hello everyone!!!

    I have installed my wp and bb and there is a problem: there is no common session between them.

    When I’m logging in my bbpress forum word press is automatically logging out(( and the same when i’m logging in word press… Please help me to solve this problem))


    No, not the wiki-post. We want to be able to output a message under any post that has been edited by its author or by a moderator. phpBB has that functionality and it prints something like:

    “This post has been edited [number-of-edits] times. Last edit by [username] at [time].”

    And since bbPress has the option to edit posts it will be good to have some kind of indication about edits. It’s a forum board and integrity of posts is important.

    Sam Bauers
    Sam Bauers

    This is becoming more of a problem with the newer release of WPMU and with so many people wanting to integrate with it to use BuddyPress.

    I’m looking into WPMU integration specifically at the moment in an attempt to make it easier for 1.0

    It is actually possible right now, it’s just too damn convoluted to be within most people’s ability. If you can sit tight on just the DB integration for now, then try again with 1.0-rc-2, things should be better by then.

    I hope to have that version out within a couple of weeks.


    I have followed every video out there and every instruction link on this Migration and I am about to go crazy! Can someone please explain step by step on how to get cookies to work between these two loads! I have the two apps sharing the same data base I just cant get cookies to work. someone please help !


    For what it is worth, from my XXX_forum database in phpMyAdmin.

    -I can get my username and pwd from bb_users, but when I enter it at my actual forum, it does not work.

    -in bb_usermeta, i can find (or change) umeta_id, user_id, meta_key and met_value ; but I don’t see any file with format similar to what you said above, e.g:




    All I am looking for a way to back-out/unistall or fix it by changing the datbase mapping or any other trick you brainiacs may have up your sleeve.



    A quick solution might be to just remove all links to the WordPress login and registration pages… and only have links to the bbPress registration and signin.

    I did that for a long time, and it eliminated the problem with having two signups…


    It sounds like you’re describing a wiki?

    I haven’t tried that plugin yet, but it sounds like it might be up your alley!



    I am looking for the same things. Number 1 can be set in the admin-panel on a clean bbPress install (no need for hacking or plugin). But I would like to know how to pull the info about edits…


    How exactly do you go about redirecting? Can it be done through a plugin or does one have to hard-code files? Which files need to be edited? I am trying to do the same thing, (almost… I’d like profiles, etc. to be managed through bbpress, but registration through wp only since I use invite codes).


    I’ve the same issue too with bbPress 1.0RC. I tried everything described in but it doesn’t help.

    I found that, after I Log-in into bbPress forum, I can’t log in into WPMU, but if this process is done conversely – it is possible to log in into bbPress.

    After firstly logging into WPMU and then into bbPress, there are two the same copies of cookie files.

    Any suggestions?



    In reply to: bbPress database error


    to be honest im not sure how to awnser that directly.

    I had wordpress already.

    I installed bbpress, went to the settings and filled in the intergration settings in hopes of having it work.

    But.. alas it doesn’t.


    In reply to: makeover


    When you go to edit a post you’ve previously made? Weird, it still happens for me. Odd for sure. No big deal though, just figured I would put it out there.



    When I go to phpMyAdmin, I do see bunch of tables under XXX-forum. For example, when I open bb_usermeta, it shows some entries such as umeta_id, User_id; but when I try to ‘browse’ them , I don’t see the the contents where I can see user name etc, instead I see something like:

    SQL query:

    SELECT COUNT( * ) AS Rows , user_id

    FROM bb_usermeta

    GROUP BY user_id

    ORDER BY user_id

    LIMIT 0 , 30

    Is there a guide as to how I can work with this. Or do you know what is the best way to delete bbpress without affecting my wordpress, I will try to re-install it.



    I had WP2.7.1 and bbPress1.06a working perfectly.

    Now I’ve replaced 1.06a with RC1. Kept exactly the same settings (apart from a duplicate bbp database – which is identical in all but name). Same wordpress integration bumpf in the bb-config file.

    Then I run the database upgrade. And it all works as expected apart from the cookie integration.

    Logging in via WP does log me into bbP but I can’t log into WP unless I go through /wp-admin (cookies spat out by each login all correspond.)

    Anyone else had a similar problem or offer a solution?

    I have upgraded the bb-integration plugin in WP and if I switch back to the previous version of the forum it all works fine again. So I can only pressume something odd is happening in RC1.


    It’s not in your folder, it’s in your SQL database.

    As I said, you’re going to need phpMyAdmin or something to fix it.


    I am having the same problem as well. Using WordPress MU 2.7.1, bbPress 1.0-rc-1 and buddypress 1.0. WPMU and bbPress successfully share the user database, but users still have to log in seperately.

    WPMU seems to store the login information in a cookie called “wordpress_logged_in_”, while bbpress uses “wordpress_logged_in_[bunch of letters and numbers]”.

    I already tried adding “define(‘COOKIEHASH’, ‘[same bunch of letters and numbers]’ );” to wp-config.php, but it had no effect whatsoever. No hash appeared in the wp-login-cookie.

    I also tried making bbPress use “wordpress_logged_in_” (without the bunch of numbers) as login cookie. This resulted in the same cookie name being used, but the logins were still not shared. When I switched between bbpress/wpmu, I got logged out from the application which was the last to be logged in to.

    Interestingly, there is another hashlike string behind the user name in the value of the cookie. Like this: “admin%[bunch of letters and numbers]” This hashlike sting is different between wpmu and bbpress. Even for the same user.

    I would guess that means that some hashgenerating constant is off, but I do not know which one. I synched those with their bbpress equivalents: AUTH_KEY, SECURE_AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY, NONCE_KEY, AUTH_SALT, LOGGED_IN_SALT, SECURE_AUTH_SALT.

    For AUTH_SALT, LOGGED_IN_SALT and SECURE_AUTH_SALT I did use the values from the wp-config.php because I could not find them in the WPMU admin interface. I guess that’s a difference between WP and WPMU?

    What am I missing?


    In reply to: makeover

    Ben L.

    Strange… The boxes are rounded for me…

    Ben L.

    dbosch: you can always upgrade. You just can’t downgrade.


    In reply to: makeover


    Noticed one little weirdness that most people wouldn’t ever run into. If you go to edit a post, the boxes are not rounded like everywhere else. This is with FF 3.0.10 on Windows XP.

    Other than that, things look great. Thank you.

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