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  • #73747

    please help


    When I activate the pretty hyperlinks, they don’t work.

    I see mention about the .htaccess but not 100% sure what needs to go in that ?

    Or just a blank .htaccess in the root of my bbPress install? (done under a directory of /bb/)

    It’s currently a sub-domain of my main WP install.


    http://<WP install url>/bb/


    Got it!


    I’d be happy to help edit / format and update a wiki. I’m not the best at writing stuff from scratch for tech doco. But happy to help with formating and keeping it clean!


    In reply to: threaded forum ?


    Wouldn’t WordPress do most of what you’re looking for? WordPress supports threaded comments now, so replies to a post take on the shape of a threaded conversation. Also, email notification of replies is built in. What are you looking for in bbPress that WordPress does not offer?


    Wish I could be there, but unfortunately I’m stuck in Miami.

    Good luck and have fun Sam!


    In reply to: threaded forum ?


    I haven’t tried this one yet, but there’s a plugin that supports threaded comments:

    Maybe worth trying out?


    I just would like to know if it is possible to run this forum with “threaded posts” ?

    In order to see who has replied to a certain post – in order to get more “structure” into the forum.

    Also, is there a chance to receive an e-mail in order to be informed when somebody replied to my forum-post ?

    Are these features already build-in into BBPress ? If not, is there a plan to make this functionality happen ?

    Many thanks,



    Hello All,

    I’m working on installing bbPress, everything goes perfectly fine except when I hit complete installation.

    I get these problems:

    Forum could not be created!

    Key master email not sent!

    I would love to do something about it to fix it, unfortunately “Forum could not be created!” does not tell me anything about how to debug the problem.

    Could someone point me in the right direction of what needs to happen for me to fix this?

    Also the key master is created, so I know that the database can be accessed and modified.


    – legit


    Yes, I have access to phpMyAdmin but did not really know how to fix it through there…

    I managed to automagically fix it with a WP plugin that manages the DB (cause I have WP and bbPress integrated). Now I can make new posts but the links to the erroneous(missing) posts still remain and recounting does not remove them.

    Anyway I think I will just use the backup DB. Just about 10-15 replies will be lost but it’s not a pain since nobody except their authors saw them because of the error.

    Thanks for the help!


    I’ve been trying to recreate some of the very stripped down simplicity of Vanilla in bbPress (for reasons explained in the zip’s readme file). In thanks to everyone who’s hard work on plugins and in these forums has helped me such a lot, here’s a link to the theme in case it’s of use to anybody;

    It’s a very light version of Kakumei Blue, and when (if) I have some time I may strip it even further, whilst retaining its subtle look. Do let me know if you find it useful or encounter any problems or mistakes I’ve made.


    Sure, I’d be glad to help rewrite and edit info on on a separate site – as well as contribute to a codex wiki.

    But just to be clear: I’m not attempting to evangelize bbPress on Wikipedia. I think of Wikipedia as an fairly comprehensive encyclopedia, and as such it should have an article on software like bbPress. Some outside references would help on that front, which is where the impetus for this post came from.

    Just let us know how we can help with the copy editing and codex writing, and I’d be glad to pitch in!

    Sam Bauers

    The deletion from Wikipedia was pretty random and I think a better structured and written page would probably survive. Interestingly the BuddyPress page has only one self-published reference.

    I appreciate people’s desire to evangelize bbPress (thanks johnhiler) but I at least agree with kevinjohngallagher’s sentiments about putting the cart before the horse. If there is willingness to write something to promote bbPress, then how about we put some effort into our own site?

    If anyone wants to have a go at comprehensive editing and/or rewriting any of the information on I’m happy to help with that process. I think this would be far more valuable to us.

    So I guess I’d like to hijack the enthusiasm that some people are showing and direct it closer to home. I can easily create a sandboxed WordPress install that volunteer editors can use to re-work the existing content. Then once we are happy with it, we can migrate it over to the main site.

    I also think that a “codex” wiki site for bbPress would be beneficial at this stage but I need some reassurance that it won’t just sit there empty either. So take this poll and we can see if there is traction for that to be created…


    Ok, let me phrase it another way.

    Given BBpress’s track record (alpha’s that fail, lack of communication, wrong communication, skipping of beta’s 2 weeks after telling everyone that you’re skipping alpha7 for beta1, lack of integration, lack of coherance with wordpress, prettey dubious documentation etc); what possible good can come out of having a wikipedia page before the RTM1.0 ?

    Also, with RTM1.0, won’t that in itself generate alot of blog/article posts once the automattic “it’s all fine here, these aren’t the droids you’re looking for” marketing; why have ‘bad/negative’ facts written on teh wikipedia page?


    Wikipedia isn’t a promotional brochure… it’s an encyclopedia that captures the state of knowledge on a given subject. We can definitely write up that Automattic skipped the last alpha/beta and moved up the RC… that would just be part of the article.

    I agree that Automattic staff should focus on whatever it is that they do. I’m just a user though, and I’d love to see the current state of bbPress captured on Wikipedia (especially since so many other message board apps are on there).

    Anyone seen any mainstream articles on bbPress out there? Would love a few more before I resubmit the article… thanks!


    Hi I have buddypress 1.0 and bbPress 1.0-Alpha-6. I unzipped and have a dir where Buddypress resides. bbPress is at When I click on the forums directory I get a error ‘sorry that page was not found’

    Any ideas?



    P.S. I unpacked the zip and loaded the files again.


    Ignoring the index.php permalink thing, which should be addressed at the forums, were you able to install a plugin that will redirect a page to a URL you select? Actually, it used to be necessary to use a plugin, but maybe now you can do it with php and a WordPress function or a template file. Were you able to get that part working?


    I have the exact same issue and in addition user base is not shared.

    Created a new topic for the issue Missing Users After Integration


    I’m trying to integrate WordPress 2.7.1 with bbPress 1.0 rc1

    I have few of issues going on

    1) Logged in as Admin in WordPress, but bbpress doesn’t recognize it. I have to login in again into bbPress.

    2) If I log out from bbPress, it logs me out in wordpress too.

    3) If I logout from wordpress, it doesn’t log me out in bbpress

    4) After integration, users data from bbpress is not shared i.e. only Admin is listed under the bbPress Admin > users. There are 231 registered users in bb_users table.

    5) Since users are missing, all the existing posts by the users are displayed as Anonymous

    Root cause for all the above – I tried to integrate with 2.7.1 and later realized that its not straight forward process.

    I’m trying to get the forum backup and running, atleast map the existing users to their posts.

    Thanks for your help.


    In reply to: Performance comparison


    I have only a couple hours of experience with Vanilla but bbPress 0.9 is probably faster than any other forum software out there with the same features (that changes with bbPress 1.0 however).

    bbPress 0.9 is so fast it doesn’t even have a page cache (yet) like wp-super-cache and doesn’t even need it. Just watch out with some old plugins that have performance issues and you’ll be fine.


    i`ve changed the cookies several times

    the problem isn`t pc depended, tried it under Win/IE8 and Lin/FF3


    Topic: No Password

    in forum Installation

    I am trying to integrate wpmu2.7, budy press and bb press.

    The first two work.

    However, when I follow the directions for integrating bbpress I get an email with a new keymaster but no password.

    When I try to login it i kep coming back to the install menu.



    I’ve been running 0.9.4 for about six months now without major problems but today something happened. No new posts can be made and the following error displays:

    bbPress database error: [Duplicate entry '7582' for key 1]
    INSERT INTO bb_posts (<code>topic_id</code>,<code>post_text</code>,<code>post_time</code>,<code>poster_id</code>,<code>poster_ip</code>,<code>post_status</code>,<code>post_position</code>,<code>forum_id</code>) VALUES ('6','

    test post text text text text
    ','2009-05-25 11:56:28','3','','0','121','8')

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /path-to-bbpress/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /path-to-bbpress/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 232

    New posts get registered in the latest-discussions list but the link to them is “#post-0” and they don’t display in the actual topic, nor in the admin panels. They actually don’t exist in the DB.

    The last existing post in bb_posts is with post_id of 7581

    Luckily I have a working backup before the error occurred but I want to know what might have caused it.


    In reply to: Performance comparison


    I tested Vanilla out for a week or so, then bbPress (I’d tried every other flavour out there in the two weeks before). Vanilla is cool, and I love the look of version 2, but bbPress is what I’m going with now for 2 community forums.

    As to speed, I haven’t done any ‘proper’ testing, but find bbPress very fast. Also, all the plugins I need worked first time without problems,and the default theme is very easy to adapt. bbPress only uses 8 core tables compared to 14 in Vanilla. I guess that might speed things up a little, as there are less eggs in the air..?

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