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  • jpmendoza

    Sweet. I’ll definitely look into this.



    I’m not expert enough to give advice on what hooks to use… but it might be worth checking out this related plugin (and ck’s recent comment about its general approach):

    Good luck!


    In reply to: Beginner


    In case it helps, when I connect to my server with an FTP program, there are a stack of folders on there. The one I have to put my forum (and other website pages) in is named ‘public_html’. Of course, I can create a folder within that, and transfer bbPress into it, as cldnails says.

    I think the public folder on a server I used a couple of years ago was ‘_html’, not ‘public_html’. You just need to be sure you’re uploading to the right place, or you may not be able to run the installer from your browser.


    Hi guys,

    This is my first post here, but I’ve been building an wp/bb integrated site for a few weeks now, and I’ve come to the point where I think it’s time to write my first plugin. I want this plugin to redirect users to my WordPress login page if they are not logged in. It is important that the forums remain private and also that there is only one point of entry to the site for users, so as to avoid any confusion.

    I have _ck_’s Hidden Forums plugin set up to control access to forums, and that’s working fine, but I need some advice on how to handle an issue or two in the code I’ve written so far. Now, I don’t do a ton of programming, and this is my first attempt at anything like this, so bear with me if I’ve committed any cardinal sins.

    function login_redirect_init()
    global $bb_current_user;
    $id = (!empty($bb_current_user)) ? intval($bb_current_user->ID) : 0;
    if( $id < 1 )
    $redirection = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/caa/wp-login.php?redirect_to='.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if (function_exists('status_header'))
    status_header( 302 );
    header("HTTP/1.1 302 Temporary Redirect");

    As it is now, accessing bbPress redirects to wp-login with the proper redirection URL (I’m using the WP Members Only plugin), but then logging in from there kicks me back to the wp-login page again. I’m thinking that perhaps bb_init is not the hook for me, as it appears that the login process is not getting a chance to do its thing, and thus I’m getting booted out. As a test, I tried bb_head, but of course the headers have been sent by then, and the redirect does not work.

    So, if this is in fact the issue, what hook should be using? Or am I going about this all wrong? I’d really appreciate any and all input into this. Thanks, guys.


    Don’t you have a backup? Things are definately possible to resolve here but it would be simpler if you can restore backup and then integrate them. I havn’t tried integrating WP 2.7.1 with bbPRess rc 1 as it makes no sense to me doing that on a live site. WP 2.8 and bbPress 1 will have integration features that will work out of the box.

    Consider integrating the stable releases of both WP & bbPress only. I have written a tutorial on this on my blog : Let me know if you need more help.


    Don’t you have a backup? Things are definately possible to resolve here but it would be simpler if you can restore backup and then integrate them. I havn’t tried integrating WP 2.7.1 with bbPRess rc 1 as it makes no sense to me doing that on a live site. WP 2.8 and bbPress 1 will have integration features that will work out of the box.

    Consider integrating the stable releases of both WP & bbPress only. I have written a tutorial on this on my blog : Let me know if you need more help.


    If you are using the stable release of bbPress (, then my guide should be enough :

    Let me know if you need more help.


    I do have got my cookie salts set up properly;








    all set in WP

    and their BB variaties in bbPress

    and ive got the bbpress integration plugin up and running (and active …)


    There is an excellent WordPress plugin that I use for one of my blogs that might be a good starting point for making your own plugin for bbPress if you can’t just outright convert it for bbPress.


    In reply to: looping installation

    Just noticed this with the current trunk myself.

    For my particular installation, it looks like the forum didn’t get put in the DB. No forum in bb_forums forces bbPress into install mode.

    Can you open up phpMyAdmin and verify if you have any forum in your bb_forums table?


    Hi, I successfully complete the whole installation process of the bbpress but even after a successful installation it always divert me to the installation everytime I visit my forums wordpress mu is install on the root.

    plz help me.



    Sounds like you need to sync up all of your salts and keys, and check out the cookies that get dropped from both sides when logging in.

    Remember you will still need the bbPress Integration plugin on the WordPress side to drop the bbPress cookies.

    The way I do this, is to use Firefox, login through WordPress, and look at the cookies. Then delete them. Login through bbPress, look at the cookies. Which ones are missing from either side? Which information doesn’t match? That will be your clue to getting them synced up.

    Once you know what you’re looking at, this process shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes.


    Sounds just like the problem I have. Check out this topic:


    _ck_ mentioned something about a higher-level htaccess file that sounded promising:

    Htaccess files vary from server to server, which may explain why you’re seeing this but other users aren’t consistently hitting the same issue… could that be a potential source of the issue?


    bbpress 0.9.04

    wordpress latest post 0.20

    Reputatioin 0.0.6

    BBpress Latest Discussion 1.3


    What version of bbPress, and what versions of the plugins are you using?


    and BBPress Latest Discussions. It says someone posting and there name and then their name and post is not appearing inside the topic. In BBPress Latest Discussion will say last post by So and So and then that persons post does not appear and a different topic will then be displayed. Also the number of posts is incorrect. I am not sure if this means that Database is corrupted. Also reputation cannot be fixed unable to have it take away reputation points.

    Anyone able to look into this offer solutions. I need this on a emergency basis. Thanks


    I’m attempting to write a help page for my forum users.

    My first aim is a page that will automatically build based on the features available to the user. For example, the “How to write HTML markup” section, would loop through all the valid tags, explaining each of them. If I block or add a tag via an addon, the help file would reflect that. Or, the section on “How to moderate” will only show up for users that are logged in with moderation capability.

    It also occurred to me that plugins could be written with help built-in, both for the administrator and user. Just as a plugin can currently write itself into the admin menu.

    Are there any protocols for creating help features for BBPress users? Standard structures, hooks, places to write the data, anything?



    In my web site, I have a mybb. I would like to trasform it in bbpress.

    What are the steps to this transformation?

    I imagine there isn’t a converter, but, can I convert mybb in phpbb and then in bbpress?

    If it is yes, how?



    I use Bad-Behavior and I feel it’s worthwhile. Mind, I routed all registration through my WP side, where I have BB and hooked up

    Check for info on BB and bb ;)


    You mean to pull from you bbPress database to populate the members of your mailman list?

    In theory, anything that worked for WordPress to do that could be tweaked for bbPress. Just be careful that the default is to leave people NOT getting emails, so they can opt-in if they want. Otherwise you’re practically spamming :)



    Does anyone know a good tutorial / documentation on how to use user’s meta data in bbpress? I assume, they are meant for storing user custom data.

    If there are no good tutorials on subject, can somebody point me to a good and simple plugin, which uses meta data for storing custom data? I could read the code and learn it by myself.



    tried a fresh install of bbpress

    no success still


    I fixed it with the popular WP DB-Manager plugin. I just used the options “Repair DB” and then “Optimize DB”.

    Here are the plugins I use which IMO might have smth to do with posting:

    Post Edit Look Behind

    Live Comment Preview

    bbPress signatures

    Ajaxed Quote

    HTML Tag Attributes Validator

    Related Topics

    BBcode Buttons Toolbar

    Post Count Plus

    bbpress SEO tools

    bbPress Polls

    Post Notification

    bb Topic Views

    BBcode Lite


    Forum Last Poster

    bbPress Smilies

    Things have been going fine for the last day so I hope it does not happen again :) And I’ve increased the backup frequency in case of an emergency.

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