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  • #71804

    The URL (for one that’s not active yet) is I’ve just switch Bad Behaviour back on, and IE7 is just sitting there ticking away. Chrome still loads it fine though. I haven’t had anything like this before, and am on Vista Home Premium with the default firewall active.


    Can anyone help me with this issue. I knew that didn’t have paid support but I thought I could get some assistance from the forum or community. My developer can’t get it fixed and I need some assistance. Now the problem is that when you make a post it says that it is interfering with the topic header and the post is left blank. Here is the error message.

    bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘t posted was that when is Rugby Canada going to have a stadium policy. Are we g’ at line 1]

    INSERT INTO bb3_posts (topic_id,post_text,post_time,poster_id,poster_ip,post_status,post_position,forum_id) VALUES (’57’,’

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/a/l/e/alexander9999/html/forums/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /home/content/a/l/e/alexander9999/html/forums/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 232



    I’ve see IE 6 behind a firewall be a bit tetchy about Bad-B before. You can Contact Michael about generic errors like that. I suspect it’s IE and/or your ISP.


    Thanks _ck_. This thread can be dumped unless you think it’s of use to others.


    Akismet has been getting worse and worse each week with false positives and unfortunately some of your posts fell victim to it. I have restored them.


    I updated a thread ( as I’d added some files, but can only see the last two posts when I’ve logged-in. Has something gone wrong, or have they been hidden as they’re multi-posts or something? As I said in one, it’d help if we could edit for 24 hours to save double posting. Also, a theme upload link similar to the plugin one would be useful.


    Not sure I grasp all that, but I’ll have a shot at it and see where it goes, so thanks for the advice. Hacking around in the files is as good a start as any. Not sure what you mean by ‘do a global’ though… (Never done any php programming, and am new to bbPress too).

    A related question (for anyone); is there any simple documentation for how to hook things into bbPress via plugins, etc., that is, the correct way?


    This would be a very good beginners plugin to write, it’s very simple (other than the admin interface).

    bbPress fetches stickies via a separate query (which I have always found to be a waste, except for this case) and you could manipulate the results before the final template is loaded.

    For example on the front-page if you looks at index.php

    you’ll see that

    $super_stickies = get_sticky_topics();

    and then there is

    do_action( 'bb_index.php', '' );

    so you hook the action bb_index.php

    and then you do a global on $super_stickies

    and then you manipulate the order of the array as desired.

    for forum pages it’s

    $stickies = get_sticky_topics( $forum_id, $page );


    do_action( 'bb_forum.php', $forum_id );

    same concept

    That part would take less than an hour to write.

    and you’d store the order in the topicmeta

    But the part that will take much more time is the admin interface.

    Instead you could simply add an extra field on the post edit page that only admin would see and let them chose the topic stickiness priority.

    (this is not a plugin I will be writing)


    @parallax view;

    my provider uses subdomain vhosts …

    i presume the problem is in cookies / vhosts + bbpress + wordpress


    In reply to: Discussion Boards


    Ouch. I’m pretty savvy at some computer stuff, but not php or css. I’ve been working on two forums for community groups, one of which may grow quite large if it works out as hoped. So, I tested just about every forum package out there. I settled on Vanilla, but had problems with plugins crashing it, and having to hack around for days to try and get something working. Their support is good from a few community members, but there isn’t enough and it often isn’t timely.

    I’ve settled with bbPress because I found it very simple to install and set up. My problems were minor, forum members have helped me very quickly indeed, and in a non-geeky manner. I’ve read lots of other posts where people have had WP integration issues, and the help given has been quite extensive. One other thing that I like is the fact that they use it with 100,000 members and 500,000 posts, and it’s still zippy. Also, modifying themes isn’t so bad if you delve into just a few files and play around. I love simplicity as well as my user group, so I created a vanilla clone(ish), which you can get at (Check the posts at the bottom).

    If you have some spare time and a nice cup of tea/coffee, click ‘integration’ in the front page tag list and have a good read. I don’t use WP, but I get the impression that many haven’t found it too difficult with a little assistance. There’s an integration plugin too. PS. Read some of your blog; just a body? Nooo…


    I wonder how hard it would be to do something like a bbMU? Not hosted (like but just like WMPU?


    Topic: Discussion Boards

    in forum Themes

    The complexity of discussion boards simply exceeds my patience level for user “Unfriendly” software. I have played with a few of them (phpBB, SMF,bbpress) and have concluded that they are just to damn difficult to integrate into a web site. Most will install easy enough, and the default themes are about as ugly as you can get. Every one of them claims to have easy configuration etc. What a pile of crap. The worst of the lot is the BBpress board. Which is surprising since their blog is so easy to install and changing themes is a snap.

    The “how to” support pages for all of them must have been developed by computer geeks who rarely speak English. Instructions which should be simple are garbled and about as user friendly as a wet cat.

    My intention was to attempt to integrate a discussion board with my blog ( something Word Press should have developed a long time ago. How difficult can it be to extend Comments into a simple discussion board? Until something is developed that easily installs and easily integrates with the existing web site, I will hold off on using BB.


    In reply to: Language


    Thx, bruinfelix!

    I’ve read a post about installing languages into the bb-includes/languages folder in in bbpress, but it simply doesn’t work for me. I think it was an older version (not 1.0 RC, which I currently use). In the RC your setting was the good solution. (“my-languages” folder). And of course the editing of define(‘BBLANG’, ”); in the config.php.


    You should just be able to edit your bb-config.php in /forum/bbpress/

    Look for $bb_table_prefix = ‘englisl5_’; and change englisl5_ to what ever is set in your WordPress wp-config.php


    I tested Vanilla for a while, and liked its simplicity, as do one group I’ve set up a forum for. One neat thing Vanilla has is a Sticky Order plugin. It allows you to drag-move sticky topics in Admin, so that important ones stay where you want them. I can’t find anything like this for bbPress. Is anyone up to creating it? (Hey, _ck_!)

    Vanilla’s plugin modifies the sticky db field from 0/1 to 0-9, then uses the value in outputting sticky topics. I’m not up to coding it, but I’m sure many would find it very useful.


    the first thing I would do at this point is get a backup of your database. In Cpanel, (i don’t use) i’m sure there’s a myphpadmin button somewhere. Call you’re host and get em to point you to it. once there.. hit export, and get a .sql format and export again to one you can read (excel). I’m guessing here, but it looks like the prefix on the user tables is the problem. englisl5_bulletinboard. is not being found but the rest of your tables are.. or perhaps when you tried to “doing something” with wp-admin, you meant wp-config.php check in that file .. and this line. “$table_prefix = ‘wp_’;” .. or if you can give me more info on what you did perhaps i can help.


    It would be nice to have only one point of signin.

    If nothing else works, I guess I’ll just use Hidden Forums and a custom message or something.


    I’m guessing that Automattic built something similar to bbMU for TalkPress?

    Not sure what if they plan to release that or not… I’m guessing they will, but that it’s not a huge priority?


    bbPress was not built to work like that with WMPU. As for how to enable that functionality, I’m not sure. I think you would have to install bbPress on each blog. I’ve not heard of a way to have something like WPMU for bbPress (i.e. BBMU.)


    Hmm. I think that because it doesn’t recognise anybody I can’t get to that page at all.


    let’s take that as a no. go to this page bb-admin/options-wordpress.php

    go down to User database table prefix the value there should be “wp_” is it?


    Ermm, is that my sql database in the cpanel of my hoster?


    i just tried to register and see you’re problem..

    [Table ‘englisl5_bulletinboard.wp_users’ doesn’t exist]

    …so you were installing to share your user table with wordpress,

    are you able to look at your database?


    maybe a bit more about what you did “something to do with wp-admin”? are you sharing the same database for wordpress and bbpress?


    I forgot to give the address:

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