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  • #73143

    I’ve been interested in this myself, and have asked a few questions regarding spammers. One mostly private forum I’ve built will remain very small, perhaps 40 to 50 members max. Another, though, might grow quite large (though not in the thousands, I think). I’ve got the approve-user-registration plugin active on both, and caught one hand-spammer (sic!) with it, and just denied him.

    I’m going to leave it active on the larger one too, and perhaps modify the register page so that ‘Website:’ becomes ‘Reason to apply’ (or similar). Then check for anything like a URL in any of the fields (even I can do that), and disallow if one is found. Saves me having to look at a stack waiting for approval. All I’ll need to do is read through those waiting, approve any that look fine, or email them to ask for validation of some kind if not. That’s my theory, anyway.


    The issue has been resolved and no problem with BBPress Latest Discussion. Only issue is with the Reputation plugin. Can’t get to work in adding and deleting reputation points and developers don’t seem to know how to change so that it does not add reputation points for merely making a posting.


    I think you’d have to go to the guy who actually wrote BB in this case :) I just ‘pluginized’ it.


    This plugin gives registrants a math test before they sign up:

    This lets you easily delete spammy signups (you should back up database first, of course!):

    This is a bit hardcore, but you can actually hold new registrations for approval:

    Hopefully one of those will do the trick!


    Topic: Secure Auth?

    in forum Troubleshooting

    I’ve been living with bbpress and wordpress integrated badly for a while now. I suspect it’s because I can’t really work out where my wordpress secure auth salt is.

    I don’t see it in the options.php for wordpress

    I’ve tried adding the secure auth key from the config file, an the nonce salt but these don’t work.

    I am tired of being logged out of wordpress or bbpress when switching between them.

    I have searched this forum, and googled my head off, but there’s no clear explanation I can find on where this simple bit of data lives.

    Where is the secure auth salt?


    Is there any way to control how people register on my bbPress discussion board. I can delete the spamers after registration but it would be nice to have a way of controlling who gets to register. Any solutions to this?



    I’ve turned Bad Behaviour off today, so that may explain why IE6 was ok..?

    The plugins I have enabled now are (just in admin order);

    Enhanced Registration

    Moderation Suite

    Auto Add Favorites

    Terms of Service

    Related Topics


    Tweaks (incl. _ck_’s IE8 fix)

    Approve User Registration

    Admin add user

    Private Forums

    Avatar Upload

    Human Test for bbPress

    Web Compression gzip

    My Views module – Started/Participated Topics

    Year Long Cookies

    Post Notification


    Moderation Notify

    I did have Akismet, Skip Akismet for admins, and Bad Behaviour too, but have now removed these. Interestingly enough, Private Forums now works perfectly, even when I disable and re-enable other plugins or change their settings.

    These plugins give me the essential functionality I need (apart from user roles which would be neat) so I think I’ll go with Human Test and watch for spam. If things do get silly spam-wise then I’ll have to invest some more time in stopping it, but for now I have a lot of other things to do to get it all up and running. Many thanks for checking it for me.


    Odd… IE 6 works fine, and it’s generally more stupid than IE 7+

    What plugins? There may be a conflict.


    Thanks, though I did try Hidden Forums on my bbPress. It didn’t work as expected, hiding the first forum when it shouldn’t have done. I’ll give it another look though, as Private Forums is going to have me demented within a week.


    From my other topic on Bad Behaviour just now: I did have Akismet, Skip Akismet for admins, and Bad Behaviour too, but have now removed these. Interestingly enough, Private Forums now works perfectly, even when I disable and re-enable other plugins or change their settings.

    Private Forums looks and works exactly as my inexperienced forum users expect. A consistent interface is far less worrying to technophobes than various displays appearing when triggered by different plugins. Private forums are just marked with an asterix, and all not-logged-in ‘errors’ now go to the same page, which looks identical to the rest of the theme, asking the user to register/log-in.

    You can see what I mean at Select a private forum to see the display. Then go back, view the Important Information forum, view a topic, then select ‘Key Master’ (for profile) or ‘PM this user’; same display. (This is a more open forum than the other, but I set a few forums as private to keep community bods happy).


    Hey i got this working, the only problem is, when i log into WP or BBpress, it logs the other out. Its not a big deal but i was just curious if theres a way to fix this. :) Thanks


    I used to use Private Forum myself, and that drove me crazy!

    I switched to Hidden Forums, which has all the same features without that annoying quirk (where the private forum opens up when the admin is touched):

    I’ve been using Hidden Forums for months now, and the private data has been secure the entire time… it definitely seems more robust and secure.


    In reply to: Adding a new User Type


    In 1.0 Release Candidate 1, roles change dramatically from 0.9.x. I appreciate there is Role Manager, but I wanted a simple fix for an existing tweak based on Fel’s original code.

    The code below creates a new role, adds capabilities that mimic the ‘member’ role, plus extra capabilities you specify.

    global $bb_roles; // Get the master list of roles
    $key = 'role_internal_name'; // Edit: Name of new role, as used internally by BBPress
    $name = __('Role Public Name'); // Edit: Name of new role, as shown in public
    $cap = array ( 'view_by_ip', ); // Edit: Add extra capabilities within this array. Must be pre-defined capabilities. Empty if you just wish to apply member capabilities.
    $r = new BP_Role(); // New role class
    $r->name = $key; // Assign the internal name
    $r->capabilities = $bb_roles->role_objects[ 'member' ]->capabilities; // Copies member capabilities to the new role
    foreach ( $cap as $add ) $r->capabilities[ $add ] = 1; // Adds extra capabilities
    $bb_roles->role_objects[ $key ] = $r; // Adds the new role to $bb_roles
    $bb_roles->role_names[ $key ] = $name; // Adds the new role to the list of role names

    Hooked using: add_action/add_filter( ‘bb_got_roles’, ‘my_function_name’ );

    I have no idea whether this is the most efficient way of doing this. So I’d welcome improvements.



    I hope that my request is in the right section.

    I would like to ask to the bbPress website admin if it is possible to have an RSS view of Recent Update, Newest Plugins and Highest Rated Plugins listed in page

    Thank you,



    Please file a ticket for this at



    I want to correct something here. Bbpress latests discussion is a wordpress plugin, not a bbpress plugin. It should not conflict with any bbpress function. :-)


    Are you using the “Admin can post anything” plugin? I heard that was causing a problem like this once.


    I’ve heard of a single quote causing problems like this in the past but I don’t think we ever had enough data on the types of server, MySQL and PHP version, PHP config, etc, to figure it out.


    Two questions:

    1) Do you still get that error if you deactivate the bbPress Latest Discussion plugin?

    2) Did you try upgrading the bbPress Latest Discussion plugin to the latest version?


    <bbPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘t posted was that when is Rugby Canada going to have a stadium policy. Are we go’ at line 1]

    INSERT INTO bb3_posts (topic_id,post_text,post_time,poster_id,poster_ip,post_status,post_position,forum_id) VALUES (’57’,”,’2009-06-01 05:18:02′,’13’,’′,’0′,’4′,’2′)

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/a/l/e/alexander9999/html/forums/bb-includes/db-mysql.php:130) in /home/content/a/l/e/alexander9999/html/forums/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 232>

    Here is message minus the post. The forum is on this site

    there doesn’t seem to be a problem with latest discussions but with postings on the Forum it seems that a long message and perhaps punctuation such as , or apostrophe can cause the error and the post not posting


    @englishlangprof please start a new topic for that question. Thanks.


    Looked in the archives here and couldn’t find a topic specifically about this…

    I am fairly well versed in HTML and CSS. I have no programming experience though. I’ve been using bbPress for a couple years now, and have used WordPress for much longer.

    I want to learn PHP but I don’t have previous programming/coding experience. I’d probably just use this to write plug-ins.

    Can you recommend a good book or online tutorial for the absolute newb?



    Just noticed – according to the developer notes on the bbPress Latest Discussion plugin, earlier versions of the plugin were using the “wrong table name for 9.0.4”:

    This has been fixed in the latest version of the plugin (1.3.9). I noticed you mentioned you were using version 1.3 along with bbPress 9.0.4, which would create a problem… I’m guessing that upgrading to the latest version of the plugin might resolve the issue?


    If you deactivate the bbPress Latest Discussion plugin, does the error go away?


    Actually I made such a mess of it all that I uninstalled and started again!! I only had a few posts.

    Thanks guys!

    My real need is to have nice big comment boxes like these ones on this page under my blog posts in my blog

    Does that mean that I have to choose a whole new theme do you think?


    Just trying to get my head wrapped around the issue: so bbPress is working fine for you… it’s just that when you activate the bbPress Latest Discussion plugin, you get the error you mentioned?

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