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  • Greg

    I have searched (and searched) to no avail for a solution to this seemingly trivial issue. I may be missing something simple.

    What I want to do is log out from an integrated bbPress (RC1) and WPMU (2.7.1 with BP 1.0) installation from within bbPress. The forum appears to do exactly this.

    What is stopping me is that I can’t generate the WPMU nonce value in order to assemble the logout URL.

    (bb_create_nonce() generates a different value, as one would expect)

    So I have two questions:

    1. Is there any way to do this *without* deep integration?

    2. If not, how do I achieve this *with* deep integration?

    Any help much appreciated. I’m tearing my hair out on this one.


    In reply to: Am I a bozo?


    Thanks Ipstenu. I just reposted that topic and once again it doesn’t appear unless I’m logged in.

    The topic is: “Sharing the nonce value with WPMU”. I’m trying to figure out how to call WP logout from within bbPress.


    I have searched (and searched) to no avail for a solution to this seemingly trivial issue. I may be missing something simple.

    What I want to do is log out from an integrated bbPress (RC1) and WPMU (2.7.1 with BP 1.0) installation from within bbPress. The forum appears to do exactly this.

    What is stopping me is that I can’t generate the WPMU nonce value in order to assemble the logout URL, that is, I need the NONCEVALUE for…

    (bb_create_nonce() generates a different value, as one would expect)

    So I have two questions:

    1. Is there any way to do this *without* deep integration?

    2. If not, how do I achieve this *with* deep integration?

    Any help much appreciated. I’m tearing my hair out on this one.


    Topic: Am I a bozo?

    in forum Installation

    Last night I posted here for the first time with my username. I can see the post if I am logged in, but not if I’m logged out. It think this is consistent with being assigned the bozo bit in bbPress.

    Also, my profile said that the post in question was a reply, where I had clearly started the topic. It said I had started no topics.

    On the BuddyPress side, my posts appear both when I am logged in and when I’m not, so I don’t seem to be a bozo on that side.

    Am I really a bozo?


    I completed Step 2 (WordPress integration) successfully. On step 3, I hit Complete Installation and I receive a blank screen. So I change permission on bbpress directory to 777. Now I am back on Step 1. Step 2 with the same values as I gave earlier now fails. So I skip step 2. Fill up step 3 and hit Complete Installation and I receive a blank screen again.


    hi, i’ve a deep-integration, wpmu 2.7.1 + bp 1.0 +bbpress latest trunk i’ve created a theme and integrated it in bbpress, i’ve added wp_head() and wp_footer() to show the buddybar (buddypress admin bar) but the buddybar doesn’t show… i’ve tested the same theme with bbpress and the buddybar is shown without problem.

    any idea to fix this problem? thanks for the reply


    I’ve started to translate bbPress into Swedish, using existing translations from previous versions (pre and found that it is more difficult than expected to find exact translations for some very commonly used forum keywords.

    The fact that I’ve been on the web since Mosaic 0.9 did – surprisingly not – make this easier…I’ve searched the web but couldn’t find any generic definitions of these words that tell the actual difference between i.e a post, a discussion and a thread. And what also surprises me is that not any translators (or regular forum members) seem to have asked this before.

    • topic
    • post
    • discussion
    • (thread)

    I’d appreciate if you (bbPress) forum gurus could clearly define what is actually meant with each keyword above. I included the keyword “thread”, although it isn’t used in bbPress.

    I realize that a the keywords represent a certain generic forum hierarchy but the definitions would really help me out to finish off the work I’ve started.


    In reply to: Secure Auth?


    If you upgraded WordPress, the wp-config file may not contain all the keys. Generate them here, and add them to WP. The first 3 of the WP keys are them added to BBPress (via the admin screen):

    • WordPress “auth” cookie salt = AUTH_KEY
    • WordPress “secure auth” cookie salt = SECURE_AUTH_KEY
    • WordPress “logged in” cookie salt = LOGGED_IN_KEY


    To clarify my optimization comment slightly:

    It may be optimized for memcached, since all those individual pieces of user information rarely change, so all those queries will fall straight to the memory, which becomes ruthlessly efficient. If all the information used on each page is queried together, memcached would fill up with page-specific results, rather than user-specific results: So many individual queries is logically more efficient if you are caching the results of those queries.

    There is some logic in this: The structure still works reasonably well on smaller (often shared) setups, where caching can be technically difficult to implement. However BBPress is aiming to support large scale deployment, which is almost inevitably going to mean the use of caching. If you can only write the code optimally for one of those users, optimizing it for someone that can save whole machines in the process, is sensible.


    Yes johnhiler! But without much extra work.

    (My ‘Holy Cow inefficiency’ rant was fueled by a late night and beer – I finally got out of the house).

    bbPress, and WordPress, need some standards for plugins. Think about it. I know there’s no perfect analogy, but let’s imagine it’s a car. Ford decide to release a twenty-first century car, and it’s damned cool. It has a chassis, steering, wheels and an engine, but everything else is bolt-on. You get to choose how it looks and works. Some people bolt on an aerodynamic shell and a blower, and achieve speeds in excess of 150mph. Others bolt on a big shell and wheels, and lots of seats to carry their kids around. Everyone has a hundred other options. Cool! However, anything you want to bolt on has either a) to be ratified by Ford, or b) noted as a user bolt-on from elsewhere. Ford has a main site/blog/forum where you can see authorised bolt-ons working and links to where to get them, but there are a thousand sites/blogs/forums where you can get ‘unauthorised’ bolt-ons. The world is, as Douglas Adams said, any mollusc you like. But at least you know the Ford authorised bolt-ons are going to work, because they’ve tried them, and all the screws fit the right holes.

    Sam and other core developers need to do something similar. Set some standards. Many existing plugins may adhere to those standards already. Many won’t. They should do it across all systems they’ve created. They tell the world that these new standards exist, and that they’ve set a benchmark. The world reports that bbPress/WordPress has set standards other forums haven’t. They don’t need to do much more work, but lickety-split, they’re an authority in the blog/forum world.

    When that happens – and it had better happen if the developers want to be taken seriously – users will do a few simple things. They’ll download and install, grab some certified plugins, and go. Sites will appear all over the world with comments like, “I clicked a couple of links, sent the package to my server, added a few certified plugins, and YAY!”

    That’s what you folks developing the core of bbPress/Wordpress want.

    Isn’t it?


    I’m running WP 2.7.1 and bbPress Version 1.0-rc-1 on localhost. WP has been installed to /3dd/ and I installed bbPress to /3dd/bbpress/ today and have done all the proper steps for syncing in the bbPress admin.

    I have added the following code to bb-config.php:

    require(BB_PATH . '../wp-blog-header.php');<br />
    define('WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1);<br />
    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;

    I can login to both WP and bbPress with my WP user account (yay!), but <b>the problem is that WP doesn’t know when I logged in to bbPress and vice versa</b> (i.e. when I am logged into WP, bbPress still shows the login form). In addition, <b>when I login to bbPress, WP logs me out; and when I login to WP, I am no longer logged in on bbPress</b>. I have cleared my cookies many times and tried it in both IE and Firefox, same result.

    Together, WP and bbPress create the following cookies (aside from the wp-settings and test cookies):

    Domain                  Cookie name<br />
    /3dd/ wordpress_logged_in_*<br />
    /3dd/wp-admin wordpress_*<br />
    /3dd/wp-content/plugins wordpress_*<br />
    /3dd/bbpress/bb-admin wordpress_*<br />
    /3dd/bbpress/bb-plugins wordpress_*<br />
    /3dd/bbpress/my-plugins wordpress_*<br />
    /3dd wordpress_logged_in_*<br />

    I believe the last 4 are created by bbPress and it should be noted that there is no trailing slash on the wordpress_logged_in_* cookie path.

    Does anyone know what the problem might be?


    In reply to: Moderate User Register


    I have searched (and searched) to no avail for a solution to this seemingly trivial issue. I may be missing something simple.

    What I want to do is log out from an integrated bbPress (RC1) and WPMU (2.7.1 with BP 1.0) installation from within bbPress. The forum appears to do exactly this.

    What is stopping me is that I can’t generate the WPMU nonce value in order to assemble the logout URL, that is, I need the NONCEVALUE for…

    (bb_create_nonce() generates a different value, as one would expect)

    So I have two questions:

    1. Is there any way to do this *without* deep integration?

    2. If not, how do I achieve this *with* deep integration?

    Any help much appreciated. I’m tearing my hair out on this one.


    Trying to grok the vision here… bbPress would have a top-down certification model, where someone would audit the code of all plugins and do testing to certify that the plugins work in various bbPress versions?


    Aha. Then Go sambauers, Go sambauers, Go sambauers – YAY! (Pretty girls doing athletic stuff here. Well, it can’t hurt, can it?)

    If Sam’s the man, then listen up Sam. Standards for plugins are essential. Really. Essential. Yep, really essential. Can’t say it enough. I’ll say it again: If bbPress and associated systems want to be taken seriously in the working world, then standards for plugin development are absolutely essential. Really, absolutely, and any other words that mean really and absolutely.

    Leave the rest of the ‘bb developers’ behind. Simply calling plugins ‘bbPress Certified’ will make the world assume that those behind bbPress are an authority who have the power to authorise things. M$ did it, and millions of people believe in them. Do it Sam, and you’ll quickly become an authority. People will believe in you, and plugin coders will soon learn to adhere to your standards. In fact, they’ll have to. Those who produce cool ideas but crap code, or cool code but no admin settings so users have to hack (and can’t or don’t want to), will become a thing of the past.

    Those of us who aren’t programmers will be able to download and use certified plugins that do what bbPress core does: just click and go. Think of the kudos. Think of the subscriptions. Think of the write-ups in The Times, etc. bbPress: click, go.


    [UPDATE] I fixed my problem by uninstalling my bbpress and rolling back my wp database to an earlier version and then just installing again. Install works fine now. I think where I went wrong was changing the bb_ prefix to wp_ and not including define(‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1); in bbconfig!


    @Michael3185 – sambauers (see above) is one of the main authors of bbPress.

    I’m sure there will be a lot of optimization as 1.0 gets closer to release…


    Holy cow. You know what I said about plugin programmers maybe not knowing what they’re doing..? Re-reading, I do wonder…

    If all this inefficiency is real, then who’s writing the core code, and are they truly competent..? I would hope that those who construct a system like bbPress have some professional training behind them. If not, then perhaps we’re back into school kid land…


    Ah we’ve had people report the “39 year” problem before in other contexts:

    That time, it was resolved by changing something in the template… maybe it’s something similar?

    ps If not, is this the plugin you’re to display Last Activity and Total Time Online? Any clues on how you’ve configured it would be helpful in digging into the issue!

    Tynan Beatty

    Yesterday I updated a public site with a relatively inactive and fresh bbP forum from WP2.7.x and bbP1.0alpha-6 with the bbPress Integration 1.0-alpha-4.1 plugin…

    to WP2.8-beta2-11509 and bbP1.0-rc-1 with the bbPress Integration 1.0-rc-2 plugin.

    I haven’t done extensive testing, but the integration worked flawlessly before the upgrade (following Sam’s video tutorial sticky to the letter), and seems to work almost as well now.

    The one scenario I’ve found where it doesn’t work is users logging in from bbP cannot logout from WP. All other bbP/WP login/logout combinations seem to behave as expected; however the only way I could get this to happen was to not add the wp-config.php changes suggested by the bbPress Integration plugin. When I did add those changes it broke at least WP login entirely.

    I did a little bit of testing with different combinations of the definitions the bbPress Integration plugin suggests, and the details can be found in this post.


    Tynan Beatty

    I just upgraded a public site from the latest WP2.7.x to the latest WP2.8-beta2 and decided to upgrade the site’s bbP1.0alpha6 and the bbP Integration plugin that was made for that version (all working as expected).

    I was having similar problems with wp2.8-beta2-11509 and bbp1.0-rc-1, using the bbPress Integration 1.0-rc-2 plugin. I found that adding it’s suggested changes to my wp-config.php was causing the problems. I also removed the integration speedups suggested from the bbP admin ‘WordPress Integration’ settings. Now I haven’t tested registration from the bbPress end, but everything else seems to work back and forth. Here’s what I have near the bottom of wp-config.php with everything working:

    define('WPLANG', '');
    define('COOKIEPATH', '/');

    /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    Where the '/' might be a '/subfolder/'

    And here is the bottom of bb-config.php:

    define('BB_LANG', '');

    The only thing I’ve found not working thus far is users logging in from the bbP side cannot log out from the WP side. Everything else seems integrated for logins/logouts (login/out from WP, login from WP/out from bbP, login/out from bbP).

    This is a minor issue compared to not being able to login to WP at all when using the suggested bbP integration changes to wp-config. I also have all 4 random keys matching between configs, including the nonces (which I don’t think were mentioned in the integration video post, but I don’t remember now). I hope there’s a fix for the login from bbP/logout from WP in the next release of the Integration Plugin, and I also hope that the issue doesn’t affect registration from bbP (since it seems to be related to the plugin). Great work on this so far Sam :)

    On a side note, further testing suggested that it was the ‘SITECOOKIEPATH’ definition causing the inability to login from WP, and the ‘COOKIEHASH’ definition seems to allow WP login, but break the integration.


    Started this site for users of Canon Powershot cameras to share information, photos, tips, etc. Running bbPress 9.0.4 with Kakumei Blue theme and a number of plugins. Feel free to join if you’d like!


    It seems to be just the one member, who has a 3-letter handle.

    I uploaded the screenshots here:


    All users have the following displayed for Last Activity: “39 years, 5 months ago”

    It appears that any user who has posted to the forum displays Total Time Online with: “-345569 hours, 7 minutes”

    Running bbPress:

    Everything else on the forum appears to be fine. What caused this? Suggestions on how I can fix these dates/data without messing up the forum?


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