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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #74229

    Yah, the codex will be a wiki with lots of information. We’ll list all the functions and try to make it easier for plugin/theme developers to learn the ropes!


    Hi all,

    In “bbPress 9.0.5” I used a custom function to display author avatar outside the topic.php, I try the same function on bbPress 1.0 rc 2 and no longer works, can you help me?

    Custom function:

    function topic_author_avatar( $size = '50', $default = '', $post_id = 0 ) {
    if ( ! bb_get_option('avatars_show') )
    return false;

    $author_id = get_topic_author();
    if ( $link = get_user_link( $author_id ) ) {
    echo '<a href="' . attribute_escape( $link ) . '">' . bb_get_avatar( $author_id, $size, $default ) . '</a>';
    } else {
    echo bb_get_avatar( $author_id, $size, $default );


    In reply to: smf 2.0 to bbpress



    I recently converted from FudForum to bbPress by way of SMF and PHPbb.

    Convert the board from SMF to PHPbb and then to bbPress. Worked like a charm.


    I hope this codex isnt going to be just a really long forum post.

    I hope the codex lists all bbpress functions, like wordpresses so’s we can build our own themes and stuff.


    Ok.. I’m not 100% on this, but it seems the cookie hashing algorithm changed in WP2.8 .

    In WP2.7, in wp-includes/pluggable.php (line 512)

    if ( $expired < time() ) {

    do_action('auth_cookie_expired', $cookie_elements);

    return false;


    $key = wp_hash($username . ‘|’ . $expiration, $scheme);

    $hash = hash_hmac(‘md5’, $username . ‘|’ . $expiration, $key);

    and in 2.8:

    // Quick check to see if an honest cookie has expired

    if ( $expired < time() ) {

    do_action('auth_cookie_expired', $cookie_elements);

    return false;


    $user = get_userdatabylogin($username);

    if ( ! $user ) {

    do_action(‘auth_cookie_bad_username’, $cookie_elements);

    return false;


    $pass_frag = substr($user->user_pass, 8, 4);

    $key = wp_hash($username . $pass_frag . ‘|’ . $expiration, $scheme);

    $hash = hash_hmac(‘md5’, $username . ‘|’ . $expiration, $key);

    So, in 2.8 the hash is salted with 4 character’s of the USer’s password. The “freshly_baked_cookies” plugin hasn’t been upgraded to match this change, so it always fails to match the hashed cookies.

    Unfortunateyl,the get_userdatabylogin function doesn’t seem to exist in bbpress…..


    Pretty weird! Instead of copy-paste from the browser, I copy-paste it from another integrated setup and it worked!


    Integration is pretty well. I have just lost access to bbPress admin panel and can’t get it back.


    I am talking about the “Fix Admin Access” plugin and you probably are talking of something else.


    ashframe, even the admin plugin says it’s supposed to be for when you do reverse integration. Which is why I’m asking why you think you need it in the first place :) I totally get that you need to make the change manually due to your specific setup. I don’t get why the change is required in general for a bog standard WP + BB setup.

    bbPress shouldn’t be writing over the value in the DB. IIRC, it’s supposed to pull the WP values to create new BB values in the BB tables, once integration is setup in bbPress.

    Try it WITHOUT doing the muckity muck with the bb_capabilities, maybe?


    I’m seeing something Similar on AFter upgrading WordPress to 2.8, I’m not unable to login to the Forums ( I’m also using the “freshly baked cookies” 0.3.

    Upgrading to BBPress .9.0.5 hasn’t helped…

    Markus Pezold

    We have the same problem today with the FBC-Plugin.

    I seems to be a “hot” topic – and that’s probably the reason why we search for the last 2 hours for a solution. :) *selfironic*

    Here the cookie-names and paths – they are identical. So the error eventually is not in seeting the cookies, but in reading of the cookies. !?

    After Login in WordPress

    wordpress_logged_in_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp/

    wordpress_logged_in_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /

    wordpress_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp/wp-content/plugins

    wordpress_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp/wp-admin

    After Login in BBpress

    wordpress_logged_in_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp/

    wordpress_logged_in_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /

    wordpress_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /

    wordpress_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp-admin

    wordpress_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp/wp-admin

    wordpress_672b8ff18484c1d9d7de0f05d907543d – Path: /wp/wp-content/plugins

    Path of Installation: -> WordPress –> bbPress




    My bbpress .9.0.5 and wordpress 2.7.1 worked perfectly until upgrade of wordpress 2.8

    1. upgrade of bbpress .9.0.5 – 1 hour after the posting. ( a week ago? )

    2. upgrade of wordpress 2.8 – 2 hours ago.

    3. the break of cookie – right after the upgrade of wordpress


    Ipstenu, there is further information here. In my case, there are serious errors when tagging using default everything, with no plugins. However the issue seems to relate to tags which existed prior to an upgrade from 0.9, so perhaps does not affect a fresh install?


    When did the cookie integration break – when you upgraded bbPress to .9.0.5, or when you upgraded WordPress to 2.8?

    Also – what was the last working set of versions that was fully integrated (bb 9.0.4 and wp 2.7?).


    I have already integrated bbPress with WordPress 2.7.1 by using the same instructions but not it seems that its not working. Why the hell bbPress is overwriting the value in the db? Should I file a bug?


    Thanks for the fast reply.

    I’m using ck’s and johnmc’s ‘Freshly Baked Cookies for bbPress’.


    bbPress v. 0.9.x doesn’t naturally integrate with WordPress 2.8. Are you using ck’s or superann’s cookie plugins to enable integration?


    Ah sure, we could add that! Anyone interested in maintaining the Plugin Compatability part of the Codex?


    I tried integrating again and again got the same problem. Weird!


    Having upgraded wordpress to v.2.8, I found intergration problem.

    Log in bbpress, automatic log out from wordpress,

    log in wordpress, automatic log out from bbpress.

    my bbpress v.

    What’s the cause of such a problem.

    I’ll be greatly appreciated if any one solve the problem.



    Is there one that shows a list of compatible/working plugins for the different versions? WordPress has something like that:

    I’m asking because if it’s not there it might be a good addition.


    Actually I need to do that because admin fix access doesn’t work when custom table prefixes are used. So I directly update the plugin work via Mysql.

    And regarding the second quote, I have written over there that one needs to change the lines as per the table prefix being used.

    I am using rocking_users and rocking_metadata only.



    I’m about to switch my old forum to a bbpress solution.

    Was looking around DB schema and found that post were wrapped up in a <p> tag.

    What’s the reason fon that?

    Is it possible to disable this behaviour?

    In that case, which part of the code is doing this?

    Thanks for your help!




    I’m using bbPress RC2 integrated with WPMU 2.7.1 (cookie sharing & user table sharing). I recently updated from RC1 to RC2 and since then I sometimes (not always) get the following error message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_option() in /[full path to bbpress]/bb-includes/backpress/class.wp-http.php on line 655

    As soon as I reload the page, the error vanishes. What might be the reason?

    If it helps: I due have the slight suspicion that the error is more likely to appear when there hasn’t been an access to bbpress for some time. But it’s hard to tell…

Viewing 25 results - 51,001 through 51,025 (of 64,091 total)
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