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  • #74301


    Since you have some free time (and it sounds like you understand the inter workings of bbPress), would you mind taking a shot at converting the WP Super Cache plugin for use with bbPress :) :) :)

    Again, the key here is that it really only needs to work for non-logged in users since they will generate the most traffic (most load on the server).


    @ashfame – i just graduated :D …….. which is why im bugging the hell out of everyone here. got all the time in the world… until i find a job, bit like finding a needle in a haystack though.

    @frooyo…. CK doesnt even have the time to make BB-Attachments compatible with RC1+ (i asked earlier) which is far more important than caching one of the litest forums available. …


    Isn’t that too much of a favour? I wish I was that much skilled at the moment, I wouldn’t have cared about my exams next week and would have start working on it right away.


    Its just code that works. Real power is the pluggable nature of bbPress & WordPress which lets you add almost any functionality without bloating the code for mass consumption.


    I have already tested the integration of WP 2.7.1 and bbPress here :

    Although WordPress 2.8 should work fine (theoretically) by following that integration tutorial but I havn’t tried it yet. I will let you know if I face any issue and will update the tutorial.

    Hope that helps!



    >> “have you asked the maker of the plugin? “

    I have and Donncha (SuperCache creator) informed me that he doesn’t use bbPress, so he won’t be porting the plug-in.


    Since you’re so adament about how 1.0 is so much slower than 0.9 … and also that you probably understand creating plugins better than anyone else here, except for Sam of course, would you then take on the task of converting Donncha WP Super Cache plug-in for bbPress?


    In reply to: Testing Embeded Video


    Thanks everyone…once I get my bbPress up and running in BuddyPress I’ll give the plugins shot.


    Hi, I have the same or similar problem. I removed the two defines mentioned above and I can login to BBpress and WP but not simultaneously. Users are showing up in both places when they register through bbp.

    Also, I installed Community User and I was wondering if there was a way to have the profiles on BBp match those produced by Community User? The CU profiles display great within WP.

    Thanks for any help and I will be looking for the integration fix. Congratulations on your great work.

    Wp 2.8 bbp latest

    Mike Mc.


    > Can I use the latest production/stable releases of WordPress (2.8)

    > and bbPress ( together?

    You can if you use something to make the cookies compatible:


    Those were using bbPress and WordPress 2.7, and there has been some additional talk about adding a line to (or was it removing a line from??) your bb-config.php to make the 0.9.0.* cookies work with WordPress 2.8:

    > Is that the best combination?

    Best is up to you to decide. I think you will find you can integrate logins and also have the greatest number of bbPress plugins available with

    > Will most of the plug-ins or extensions for bbPress be available with those versions?

    The majority of the plugins were designed to work for 0.9 and below. There are significant changes to the 1.0 RC that some plugin authors are not updating their plugins until 1.0 becomes finalized.


    In reply to: Testing Embeded Video

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress 1.0 incorporates the shortcode API from WordPress, so most shortcode based video insertion plugins for WordPress will work with only minor modification.


    Can I use the latest production/stable releases of WordPress (2.8) and bbPress ( together? Is that the best combination? Will most of the plug-ins or extensions for bbPress be available with those versions?

    I like the look of a lot of the plugins and just wanted to make sure that they will work. Thanks!


    In reply to: Testing Embeded Video


    I guess you can’t embed video objects huh :(

    I am trying to setup a buddypress community but the client wants to be able to post videos. Since you can’t directly link a blog to a group (or have a link to your the groups blog on the groups page), I was thinking I’d use bbPress for posting videos and images. …guess not?

    Sam Bauers


    You might want to upgrade that further to the latest trunk, RC2 has some issues.

    Sam Bauers

    and several more queries per page when generating the same content

    I’m working on fixing that now where possible.


    You can get a 25% speed boost or more by running 0.9 instead of 1.0 depending on how many simultaneous connections you are serving.

    1.0 uses 50% more code and several more queries per page when generating the same content.


    John, first please enjoy your vacation. As to your question, yes I do use ‘deep integration’. I have deleted the 3 groups I had that would not allow the recreation of the forums via the toggling of the ‘Enable discussion forum’ option. That was my only remaining problem. I was able to recreate the groups from scratch and transferred the topics and posting db entries from my backup. Everything is now working :-)

    I did a quick search through the BuddyPress forums about the issue you mention but have not found it. I will do it again over the weekend. Should I find it I will try any suggested fix by setting up another copy my setup (code and database) saved this morning before I deleted the problem group forums. I have a spare domain I can use just for that purpose. Should you find it please feel free to post the URL here.

    Thanks again for all your help, hopefully I can help you with identifying the issue you referring to for your screen casts.


    In reply to: logout error message


    the logout issue disappeared after deactivating simple onlinelist.

    just saw that is available, I think I was using or 3, I just upgraded now to

    the message “You’re already logged in, why do you need to register?” still appears when I do the sequence mentioned ( login to bbpress, go back to and then again back to the forum, and click register instead of login), but unless there is a quick fix to keep you logged in, it’s ok

    I assume simple online-list will be fixed eventually? or did I not install properly?



    I read almost every topic about language problems in bbPress, but I didn’t get an answer on my questions.

    – I downloaded some language files (german, arabic, dutch) and put them into bb-includes/languages

    – After that I edit in my bb-config.php file “define(‘BB_LANG’, ”);” to “define(‘BB_LANG’, ‘nl_NL’);”

    – And I installed the bb-language-switcher and activate it.

    Only the last point works well, but if I select a language in the dropdown menu (for example dutch), the language don’t change.

    What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any help.


    In reply to: logout error message


    Sounds like you were using a plugin, Simple Online List:

    If so, what version of bbPress are you using?

    If you disable that plugin, does the error go away?


    Hi guys, with the first beta out in a few days/weeks, I’m planning to upgrade my 0.9 install to 1.0 when it becomes available. Does anyone know if I can just use the upgrade instructions below, or if there are any things i should look out for?


    ITguy, are you using deep integration? If so, I think there’s something else that needs to be done before the group forum creation will work.

    I ran into the same issue as you a few months back. Burt’s XMLRPC check would work, but forums wouldn’t get made. If memory serves me right, the XMLRPC was reincluding something that was mucking up the forum creation, but I don’t recall exactly what that is at the moment, but I banged my head against it for a week, and there’s a topic somewhere in the BuddyPress forums to prove it. :)

    I’m packing for a week long vacation tonight, and am flying all day tomorrow. I’ll have my laptop and access to all my code by Wednesday night, and will be back to help support this again. In the meantime I invite you to scour and see if you can find any of my past replies or recent topics. Check from about April or so. Getting this figured out is important to me too, as I’ve got a series of Integration screen casts I’m going to put together and give to the *Press sites to help answer all of the questions everyone has about integration, since it is a very popular topic and many of us spend many hours developing and supporting it.

    Talk soon, and good luck until then.

    John Blackbourn

    Thanks for the compliments!

    @sambauers: I’ve fixed the login integration by updating bbPress to RC2 (it was still on an alpha) and all is well again. Thanks for all your hard work on bbPress. Much appreciated.

    John Blackbourn


    The user profile fields are simply items in a PHP array. You can remove an item from the array to remove the profile field, or add a new item to the array to add a new profile field.


    Plugin Name: My Profile Fields
    Description: My profile fields for my lovely forums
    Version 1.0

    function my_profile_fields( $fields ) {
    /* This removes the Occupation profile field: */
    unset( $fields['occ'] );
    /* This adds a new optional field called Favourite Band: */
    $fields['faveband'] = array(0,'Favourite Band');
    /* This adds a new *required* field called State: */
    $fields['state'] = array(1,'State');
    /* You must return the array at the end of the function: */
    return $fields;

    add_filter( 'get_profile_info_keys', 'my_profile_fields' );


    Save the code above as a .php file and upload it to your my-plugins directory (you may need to create this directory in the root of your forums installation) and then activate it from the Plugins menu in the bbPress admin area.

    Edit: Code updated as a complete example of a plugin.


    Inching forward.

    When I share tables, the default role of the admin of forums has a subscriber role in capabilities, thats why the admin access is lost.

    Right, but WHY does that happen to you when it doesn’t to everyone else (that I’ve heard of) who sets up bbPress/WordPress the way you described :) It’s weird and I wonder what happened. It’s not the different wp_/bb_ prefixes, I’ve tested that.

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