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  • #14906

    Topic: 500 error

    in forum Installation

    Hello – I have a WP blog running and I want to add BBPress forum. I have added a folder on my main site : and it should simply be /forum to take me to the folder where all the files are uploaded.

    However, I have tried and I get a 500 server error.

    I have tried with the files exactly as they are d/l and I have tried doing what has to be done with WP – namely changing the bb-config-sample.php file to bb-config.php with the same information added as in the WP installation, i.e. DBName, DBUsername password.

    I’m stuck – and I’ve only just started!

    Can someone please point me in the right direction?



    Could solve my problem by adding new keys to wp & bbpress.

    Sam Bauers

    They have to be changed separately. You might be able to write a plugin for WordPress that syncs them up or even deletes the bbPress role for recreation (based on the role map) when the user next visits bbPress.

    Sam Bauers

    It should be faster, unless your forum is completely empty, then it might be slower.


    may not be helping if the user is already logged in before the status was changed from Member to Blocked. I have the Online status plugin and I still see a few blocked users in there, who had logged in before their status was changed. Any info on this?

    I have the database relation in bbPress set to if WP Contributor = then bbPress Blocked ; if WP Author = then bbPress Member

    At times the way our site works some users in WP are moved from “Authors” to “Contributors”. Will bbPress automatically move the status of that user from “Member” to “Blocked” or will we have to manually convert the status of the user in both WP and bbPress. We though did try testing a few and found that in WP if we changed the user from ‘Author’ to ‘Contributor’, there was no change of bbPress user status (they still remained ‘Member’ though they should have ‘Blocked’)


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    Ah I see – you’d like to add a theme editor to bbPress?

    The Theme editor is what I mentioned earlier as a huge existing potential security hole in WordPress. It seemed to be a major attack vector in the recent Bablooo spammer attack, which hit one of my sites; it allowed the virus to add spam links to existing posts. If they had wanted to, they could have easily overwritten the posts completely – or even deleted them.

    I would highly encourage you to delete the theme editor file from any existing WordPress installs… at least until WordPress has diagnosed the vulnerability and if appropriate, issued a patch.

    But if you feel safe behind your firewall… I suppose you could pay a developer to build a plugin which lets Adminstrators and above write to your file system using the bbPress admin. There’s definitely no existing bbPress plugin that I’m aware of! Maybe WordPress’s code could be ported…

    Good luck!


    I installed bbpress alpha versions 5-6 mounth ago…

    i updated my forums 2 mounth ago beta to rc1 or rc2

    rc3 published a few days ago… ı installed directly. but my forums is slowed…

    rc3 slower than rc1?


    Why this translation can’t be in the official package version of bbPress?


    A very big Thank You to everyone working on bbPress and in this forum.

    Sam “The Man” Bauers (it has a ring to it, I think), any other coders behind the scenes, all of you who write such cool plugins to add great features, and those who respond to questions in this forum so promptly and in great detail. Many thanks indeed for your time, thoughts, and hard work.

    I was just adding a note to a forum of mine, and realised that after a lot of hours getting it the way I want it, well, it just works. It does everything it’s supposed to, and I’ve learned tons about CSS and PHP into the bargain. This one helps new mums who’ve come to live in the UK, so in a roundabout way everyone who’s helped me has helped a mum and her baby too. Ahhh – all soft and fluffy feeling. :)


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    @johnhiler: Sorry for the confusion. I am not talking about a role permission with bbpress. I am actually talking about the Theme editor that wordpress has. That way theme modifications can be made without having to use ftp. It looks like though that I am not going to get that luxury.


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    It’s kind of hilarious they have blocked ftp yet template upload and edits via php can completely open your system to security vulnerabilites. We’re still trying to figure it out but I have a strong suspicion of the WordPress theme-editor.php causing a large number of WordPress sites to get compromised recently:

    babloo/blyat spammer attack on many WordPress blogs

    The day bbPress gets a built in theme-editor, delete the file immediately.

    Also delete xmlrpc.php unless you absolutely need trackbacks/pings.

    And never, ever, use a dictionary word within a WordPress password as there’s no limit on login attempts.


    Forum could not be created!

    Google search of this forum for that error message:


    Hi, just tried to install bbpress 1.0-RC3. Step 1-3 was no problem but after step 4 I got the following info:

    “Your installation completed with some minor errors. See the error log below for more specific information.”

    “Show installation messages”

    Installation errors: “Forum could not be created!”

    Is there anybody who knows how I can solve that problem? I’ve no idea why it could not be created…

    Installation log:

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…

    Step 1 – Creating database tables

    >>> Database is already installed!!!

    Step 2 – WordPress integration (optional)

    >>> Integration not enabled (I made this before….thats not the problem I know where to find keys and how copy/paste works)

    Step 3 – Site settings

    Site name: page1

    >>> Site address (URL):

    >>> From email address:

    >>> Key master created

    >>>>>> Username: admin

    >>>>>> Email address:

    >>>>>> Password:

    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community

    >>> Forum could not be created!

    >>> Key master email sent

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

    I use latest wp mu version and latest buddypress version.


    I have bbPress 1.0 RC on

    I have my favicon.ico located at

    But my FavIcon is not displaying.



    topic is hear,

    please delete this topic.


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    WordPress and bbPress permission levels work a little differently… bbPress doesn’t have an “editor”. In addition to the basic level of “Member”, we have Moderators, Administrators, and Keymasters.

    What sort of things do you want your editor to be able to do?


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?

    The problem, as I see it, is that you need both web-based file editing capabilities (for the theme), but probably also file UPLOADS and such for upgrades (since bbpress isn’t click-to-upgrade yet, and neither are a lot of apps out there).

    Mrh. The best way is to get your server dude to upload the files for you, but that gets REALLY annoying REALLY fast. How did you get bbPress installed in the first place?

    (I do understand why they do this, I just think they’re stupid. I spent a month arguing that it was just as safe to give me, and ONLY me, access to upload to my folder at work, since it’s not like the server guy wasn’t just copying up what I gave him. In the end, the server guy said he had better things to do with his time and they gave me access.)


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    @johnhiler: That makes a lot sense to me. I have three servers full of wordpress blogs and for the last three months I have been hammered with viruses and hacks. This is something I need to pass onto my server admin!

    However, for the specific project I’ve mentioned above our forum will reside on the company intranet. We are behind a firewall and only those from our company can access the forum. So, I would still like to add an editor. Can anyone point me to documentation on how to do this?

    By the way, I really appreciate the input from both Ipstenu and johnhiler. It helps as I stumble around figuring out bbpress!


    Topic: RC2 to RC3

    in forum Installation

    When upgrading to RC3, can I just replace the files in the bbPress directory, or do I need to delete the folder, drop the bb_ tables from the database, and then reinstall?


    Yeah, seen a million posts like this. But it’s making me curious as to why they pop up here and there…

    There was another one a couple of days ago offering cash for help to install bbPress. I gave my email address, and the guy contacted me. I said I didn’t want money and emailed him some simple instructions on installing bbPress to his server. I’ve heard nothing since, so I hope he got it sorted and just forgot to let me know.

    Yet there’s another request offering cash for someone to just change the colours on his bbPress forum. What’s with this..?!


    Cheers Sam, buuut… Don’t you think just putting the H2 titles in the appropriate templates makes more sense? I guess I could put;

    post_form( array( ‘h2’ => ” ) );

    here and there, but it’s adding stuff where I shouldn’t need to.

    Surely putting the H2s in the relevant templates makes more sense, as they can be edited once and forgotten? Having the H2 titles appear by default – and outside of the templates – makes no sense to me at all. Mind you, I didn’t write bbPress, so it’s only a suggestion. :)



    Having the same problem here: I can´t login to bbpress & wordpress at the same time. I´m using wp 2.8, bbpress 1.0 rc3 and the bbpress integration plugin 1.0-rc-3


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    I don’t think there’s a theme editor built into bbpress… but I would highly recommend against it.

    There’s been a recent WordPress virus which has hit thousands of of sites, and used the theme-editor as an attack vector:

    My WordPress install was hit, and I was able to confirm from my access logs that the attacker attempted to use theme-editor as an attack vector. I’m actually deleting the theme editor from my WordPress install, even though I haven’t enabled write permissions on the theme folders… just because the whole experience was so traumatic.


    In reply to: THEME UPLOADER?


    @Ipstenu: Yeah, I was excited to see further functionality like One Click Updater added to wp2.8. Now the only thing missing from 2.8 is an uploader for 3 party plugins and themes (which One Click Updater has), but I guess you can just download it to your computer and than upload it with 2.8. However, it is nice to be able to upload straight from the url.

    Another question concerning bbPress. Do you know a hack that will allow us to put the theme editor into bbpress (like how wp does it)?


    ok download the latest version of bbpress integration plugin bu Sam now is available the version rc-3 too…

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