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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #75180

    How will you handle namespace collisions between the two systems… i.e. if there is an “andrew” account in both user tables?


    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    I plan to use the existing system for login, and then allow those users to view and post on the forum. This means I’ll need to keep up two user tables, one for each system, right? That’s not so bad as long as I can keep them synchronized.

    So considering that, should the login/logout/register logic be stored in a bbPress plugin? (Is that possible?) Or should I just load bbPress inside the other app and call bb_login(), etc. from there?

    Also, I’ll look into the plugins _ck_ recommended. Thanks!


    _ck_ wrote a bit here about the four routines you need to replace to get authentication with an outside user system working:

    Would you combine both user tables into a single system, and have them both authenticate through bbPress? Or only use your existing user system for login, and allow signed in users to use your bbPress app?



    Thanks for elaborating on this new class! Anxiously waiting for bbPress v1 :)


    Off-topic, but… wow! Post-grad particle physics?


    My forum won’t load and I noticed via PHPMyAdmin that bb_meta is listed as “in use.” I analyzed the table and this is what I got:

    analyze Error Table ‘./db68418_citizenkeith/bb_meta’ is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

    analyze Error Table ‘bb_meta’ is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed

    analyze error Corrupt

    I am running RC3 on Media Host’s grid service.

    I’ve been having LOTS of MySQL errors lately:

    I haven’t had time to check out logs or anything, and now I think I’m screwed. I found a MySQL backup from June 21, and I should be able to drop bb_meta and import the old table. I just want to give Media Temple a chance to respond to my support ticket, and I don’t want to potentially screw up the forum even more.

    This is a private forum in which a handful of friends post and chat, so it’s not critical. But I would like to get this resolved and any help from the bbpress community would be appreciated.

    Sam Bauers


    There is a major incompatibility between the memcached WP_Object_Cache class that is out there and BackPress. I’m about to add a newer class to BackPress itself that will replace the currently available one.

    Once that class is added to BackPress it should fix these problems and a few others I’ve found. You’ll be able to use the new class by adding the following define to your config:

    define( 'BB_OBJECT_CACHE_TYPE', 'memcached' );

    This will be part of bbPress 1.0


    Hi everyone…I read some posts about this problem, but wanted to find out if a different or new solution had come about. I’ve read about an issue with PHP version 5 and needing to add code to the .htaccess file. I’ve also read about adding “dummy” lines to the database file. I wondered if there are any other solutions that might be easier to understand for someone with no coding skills. I am trying to integrate WP and BBPress. My site is brand new so I can reinstall everything if I have to. I saw the really great screencast that someone did, too. That was really helpful except that it didn’t work. :-)

    The error I get says “Forum could not be created”.


    Thank you! That works.


    use this:

    require_once( $_SERVER . ‘/wp-blog-header.php’ );


    nevermind…forgot to put in the


    this seems to work fine, but I’ve noticed another problem…when you go to the admin page to administer the forum, I get a failure again, like this:

    Warning: require_once(../wp-blog-header.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/alumnide/public_html/forum/bb-config.php on line 5

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘../wp-blog-header.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/alumnide/public_html/forum/bb-config.php on line 5

    has anybody else gotten past this error?


    thanks..just did that and get

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_head() in /home/alumnide/public_html/forum/bb-templates/kakumei/header.php on line 33

    am I still missing some code?


    yes add in header.php wp_head() and in the footer.php wp_footer() the first before </ head> and the second before </ body>


    Ok..thanks…well, this is what I did, but it doesn’t work. I followed the advice given in the link above:

    1. Created a function called functions.php inside my template folder (bb-templates/kakumei/functions.php) and put in it the code:

    function recreate_bb_admin_bar() {

    echo ‘<div id=”wp-admin-bar”><ul class=”main-nav”>’;








    echo ‘</div>’;


    add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘recreate_bb_admin_bar’, 8 );

    add_action( ‘admin_footer’, ‘recreate_bb_admin_bar’ );

    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘bp_core_admin_bar_css’, 1 );

    2. Added to my bb-config.php file, this line


    Am I still missing something? Thanks

    Burt Adsit

    Sam, I followed your instructions for bbpress integration I ran across in this thread:

    Error messages with bbPress and WP’s WP_CACHE

    and it doesn’t work. The result is that if I login to bbpress, it logs me out of wpmu. If I login to wpmu it logs me out of bbpress.

    bbpress rc3 – trunk r2162

    bbpress Integration plugin 1.0-rc3

    wpmu 2.7.1 from the download zip

    All downloaded and installed fresh on my Windows dev box. I’ll come back to this after I’ve finished my post graduate work in particle physics.

    Burt Adsit

    Sam, I followed your instructions above for bbpress integration and it doesn’t work. The result is that if I login to bbpress, it logs me out of wpmu. If I login to wpmu it logs me out of bbpress.

    bbpress rc3 – trunk r2162

    bbpress Integration plugin 1.0-rc3

    wpmu 2.7.1 from the download zip

    All downloaded and installed fresh on my Windows dev box. I’ll come back to this after I’ve finished my post graduate work in particle physics.


    I’v to integrate wordpress, bbpress and buddypress. I installed bbpress in locally, as instruction found in site “;. After installing and setting cookie as instruction given, i’m unable to concurrent log-in or log-out. Please someone help me how can i escape from such kind of synchronization problem.


    Why not load the bbPress environment and then call function to check is user is logged in? I have done the same in WP, so I think it might be possible in bbPress very easily too.

    For WP

    // load the WP environment so that I can call on the WP functions to make sure that user is logged in before accessing members area
    require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' );

    if (!is_user_logged_in()) // You can't access the members area without login. Now can you?

    For bbPress, it should be like

    // find the name of the function you will need


    If it doesn’t exist, go ahead and make one. WordPress and bbPress are designed to look for that file regardless.


    The last post from johnjamesjacoby got the cookies between WordPress MU and bbPress working, but now it seems I can’t logout from either WPMU or bb. I don’t see any error messages upon logging in.

    Anything I should look for?

    Member looks like they say to use the functions.php file (for the theme) to add the code, but I don’t see such a functions file…am I missing something obvious?


    Thanks all, I’ll give this a try.

    Best wishes,



    allen force the loading of adminbar… see this 3d:


    I posted this a few weeks back. Someone was going to post a “how to” of exactly that:

    bbPress, WPMU and BuddyPress Integration help is coming

    Doesn’t look like the linked-to pages have been updated yet.


    The allowable HTML tags are in an array called bb_allowed_tags. I think you could create a plugin that just empties that array.

    I’ve only seen people requesting the opposite, allowing additional HTML markup, so I’m not sure exactly how to do this.

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