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  • #15152

    i’ve wordpress 2.8 and bbpress 1.0, i must create a new database for bbpress or i must use the wordpress database ? Thanks


    In reply to: bb_meta corrupted?


    I will look into this and report back later, but…

    As reported in this thread:

    I was using BOTH Simple Onelinelist and ck’s Members Online. Why, you ask? Well, because I was too lazy to edit one of the templates we use (Theme Switcher is installed). Not only is S.O. out of date, but I’m sure there was a conflict.

    Once I deleted S.O., all my problems went away. Recount errors, database upgrade messages and corrupted tables. Some plugins that didn’t work properly in 1.0 (Admin Add User & Approve User Registration, specifically) started working. Perhaps this was the problem all along?

    When I have a chance this weekend, I will investigate error logs and whatnot. For now, none of my previous problems can be reproduced.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    Plugins – blimey…
























    Some are simple things taken from code in forum discussions, and the error-page one is my own.

    I just tried one to notify mods of new posts, but it failed with a DB field/table missing, so I assume it was written or upgraded for 1.0, and of course a lot of plugins will be upgraded now. Still thinking, but I can always test drive it on an empty forum.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    @Michael3185 FWIW, your theme shouldn’t break moving from 0.9 to 1.0, but depending on which plugins you use, waiting may not be a bad call there. Which ones are you using?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    >> “Apart from the user roles and DB changes for larger forums, is there anything 1.0 does that might prove useful, but which I don’t know about..? “

    I don’t know Sam’s position on this but I’d assume that if a bug is found in 1.0 that it will not be backported to non stable (i.e. 0.9) branch.

    Again, I don’t know Sam’s position on this but for all those people under the mentality of “if it already works, don’t upgrade” … simply upgrade now knowing that you’re on the current release that is being supported might be reason enough to upgrade.

    Plus, if/when that time does come that you need to upgrade … upgrading from 0.9 to the current release at that time might be more difficult in the future than it is now to upgrade from 0.9 to 1.0


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    After reading the discussion about whether to upgrade or not, I’m thinking (as _ck_ says) that there’s no point as is working fine for us. Two forums aren’t ready yet, and the one which is active has only 30 members, with 30 more to be added once everyone’s enjoyed their summer holidays.

    I have all the plugins I want working fine, have created my own super-simple theme, and can’t think of anything else I need it to do. Apart from the user roles and DB changes for larger forums, is there anything 1.0 does that might prove useful, but which I don’t know about..?


    At this point, I would suggest upgrading to bbPress 1.0 and troubleshoot from there. No sense rehashing alpha bugs.


    I bet you could even write a quick ‘If email has gravatar, then show nothing, if NOT, directions…’ PHP query. But I too find most posters are happy with the Identicon :)


    With a name like grassrootspa, I figured this would make more sense. :)

    I for one hope the core of bbPress never includes that kind of thing, as it works perfectly well as it is without needing to turn a thousand features off.

    There are plugins available, and if they don’t suit your needs, newer betters ones will come in the future.

    I think what you want, is BuddyPress + bbPress.


    I don’t use Gravatars, but the avatar-upload plugin works superbly and is very easy to follow in the profile page. ( The image size and maximum upload file size can be pre-set, and it’s just a matter of the user selecting an image to upload and clicking Go. The image is resized if it’s large.

    Saves people having to go and set up a Gravatar too – nobody in our technophobic group would bother, frankly. Come to that, most haven’t even uploaded an image, and seem happy with the auto-generated Identicon.

    Edit: I should have said that I personally don’t use a Gravatar, but the option is switched on in Admin, so Gravatars will be used, or the user can choose to upload an image, or have an Identicon created. It all works very easily and looks great too.


    Do you have an .htaccess file with rewrite rules in it, and are you using permalinks? Also, what version of bbPress did you install?


    Can’t you edit the template files to put the Gravatar instructions in there for your installation?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Works beautifully! Just in case this could help… when upgrading from rc-3, I didn’t have to run the installer again (though I tried, following the upgrading instructions). Because it did not create a new config file though it said it did, I renamed back the old one, said no upgrade was necessary, and everything is running fine.

    The interface looks fantastic, and out of 23 active plugins, only a minor issue with one (Post Meta not using the ‘display name’ on the front page, though it works fine). Sam, thank you for releasing 1.0!!!


    In reply to: OpenID for bbpress


    This plug-in works great, I just wish users could register via OpenID. I think your plug-in does allow this now, however, I use wordpress for registrations because I’m able to make a custom registration e-mail and it’s simpler and more sleek than the bbpress registration.

    If only there was a way to make a wordpress OpenID plugin that would play nice with your bbpress OpenID plugin. So, users could register with OpenID using the wordpress registration page, then login with either the wordpress login page or the bbpress login page using OpenID.

    Because of my set up I always have weird requests since again, I use wordpress for registrations and bbpress for log ins. 8 |


    In reply to: GFC


    I’m hoping someone creates a plug in for google friend connect… I’ve been trying to find a way to let anyone sign into my site. I know there is OpenID, and bbpress has an OpenID plugin thanks to _ck_, but I can’t get it to work like I want. The main issue is, I use wordpress for my registrations, and then bbpress as my login… I chose wordpress as the registration part because it’s very simple… they just have to enter their name and e-mail. And, I forget why I chose to use bbpress as the login part… haha :). Anyway, again, I’m hoping to one day find a way to let anyone login using other popular services like google and facebook and twitter.

    If anyone has any ideas let me know…

    I’m wondering if it is possible to allow people to login to my site using google for example, without having to mess with my user database. In other words, I know there are plugins that will allow people to register with their google account, and then behind the scenes the plugin creates a wordpress or bbpress account… I’m wondering if it is even possible to have a separate system so if someone wants to sign up for my site they can, but if they just want to log in via google, for example, they can do so without the plugin creating a new user in my database…


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Dump your browser cache. That should have been fixed a couple trunks ago, and it’s fine on my site. That WAS how it was uglified mid-process

    ah bugger, fireftp decided to append instead of replace the CSS file. all fixed and beautified :P


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Dump your browser cache. That should have been fixed a couple trunks ago, and it’s fine on my site. That WAS how it was uglified mid-process


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    seems the dashboard area is missing some styling of the tables or do we need to add some style to this? A lot of the utility screens are out of whack or pushed together. Tools & Settings submenu are formatted nicely though


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    upgraded from 0905 to 1.0. all works.

    you can see here:


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    Would be great if you could get a blog post crosslinked over at

    I only say that because of the huge WP following.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released



    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers

    the defines worked. However logging out does not clear nor log me out of bbpress when I’ve logged on via wpmu. I’ll xdebug tonight, any pointers or things I should check? I have 7 cookie keys/salts define in both configs and all are identical. No go. Thanks guys, -J


    In reply to: Performance

    Sam Bauers

    vs well over 100 files for bbPress 1.0

    To be pedantic, I count 61 files without any plugins active on the front-page. Still not great for NFS.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    Sam Bauers

    You can always fork 0.9 and start you’re own forum product. Maybe call it ckPress

    Eeek! I’d rather _ck_ stuck around here personally. She has earned the right to say pretty much whatever she likes about bbPress (not that I don’t appreciate your support frooyo).

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