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  • #75550

    Sounds easy enough even to me Marcomail, though what exactly do you mean by ‘comments’?


    without the pot for the 1.0 version u’ve made the translation?


    Is there the possiblity to show comments in the user bbpress profile ?

    Markus Pezold

    Thx for the new 1.0 translation. Great Work.


    A german language file for bbPress 1.0 is available for free download at

    Eine deutsche Sprachdatei für bbPress 1.0 steht zum freien Download zur Verfügung:


    Not bbpress1.0

    Please help me…


    Ending things at a year end is much more tidy than the middle when many more people are away.

    Except I feel that more people are off on Winter vacation in December ;) But I’m not all that hung up on summer v. winter showdowns. I suspect the same volume of people will be away in December as July, so why not pull a GeoCities and shut down Oct 26th ;)

    The only real reason I can see for stopping 0.9 support is that it’s time consuming in a direction that’s no longer being followed (see _ck_’s explanation). And that’s fair, y’know :)

    0.9 IS stable. It’s more tested than 1.0. But I agree with johnhiler, in that this doesn’t need to be a WarGames, zero-sum thing. There are always reasons to stay a couple revs back. Anyone who runs a server knows that. You want to upgrade to get new things, but you also end up holding off because it works as it, and you don’t want to mess with what works. But. There’s a point where holding off will cause you more pain when you have to upgrade.

    Thankfully, we’re not there yet!

    Sez Sam:

    As long as bbPress 0.9 is maintained some time will have to be spent maintaining the 0.9 branch, mostly with regards to security fixes. I don’t see this as particularly burdensome, but I don’t want to be doing it forever.

    12 to 18 months is long enough, IMO, for that. Pick one, carry on. A set in stone date is good so people can’t say they weren’t warned :)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    dunno if you are talking to me, but my permalink rewrites work perfect. click the demo link I gave above.

    the problem is just that I have an extra “forum” bit in the URL for forums, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the same problem as with wordpress and the built-in “category” bit in category urls…

    btw. my .htaceess fiel is inside the forum folder where bbpress is installed


    This would be fairly straightforward to do via a plugin.

    Sam recently modified a filter for a post class based on my suggestion in 1.0

    All you would have to do is hook the filter and examine the user for the post, then add a class based on role.

    So the framework you need is something like this:

    add_filter( 'post_del_class', 'post_class_by_role',10,2);
    function post_class_by_role($classes, $post_id ) {
    // do stuff here, add class to $classes if necessary
    return $classes;

    This won’t work in 0.9 however, you would need a template modification instead.


    MDA tried to put in code that prevented malformed image tags. Since bbPress uses raw html and not bbcode by default, it’s always something to consider. However you can run a minimal plugin to allow any and all images quite easily:

    add_filter( 'bb_allowed_tags', 'allow_images_allowed_tags' );
    function allow_images_allowed_tags( $tags ) {$tags['img'] = array('src' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'alt' => array()); return $tags; }

    That’s all that’s needed to permit the image tag.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released

    I’m suprised the cgi rewrites didn’t transform these. Check your perms, do a chmod -R 777 just to see


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    @ovizii; I have the same problem with another bbPress forum I set up, which is off a sub-domain and in a folder called /forum/. Pretty permalinks don’t work no matter what I do with the .htaccess rewrites (I get 404 errors). I tried removing the /forum/ from RewriteBase and putting the .htaccess file in the forum folder – no go. Also tried leaving it in, and putting the .htaccess file in the ‘root’ of the sub-domain – no go.

    I don’t know enough about rewrite rules and what they do to fix it. The ‘standard’ .htaccess people have posted elsewhere works fine in another forum which is in the ‘root’ folder of a sub-domain, by the way. This maybe should be in another thread as it’s not 1.0 related (I’m on, but any help would be appreciated.


    Ok thanks.


    Single Sign-on is a very convenient feature to have in an organization, and for web services (on apache, at least) it’s very conveniently provided by mod_auth_kerb.

    However, there is a problem preventing its use with bbPress, namely user name handling.

    Kerberos user names are of the form user@DOMAIN.TLD. bbPress username sanitization rules are too strict and strip the ‘@’ character outright. And anyway, domain concept is not supported throughout the code and in underlying database.

    Moreover, the whole HTTP auth support (purportedly, a basic thing in any web app) relies on external and somewhat broken plugin (it uses bb_user_exists deprecated function, which is not working properly in 1.0, or at least it seems so to me).

    In my most extant dreams (phpbb style :-), SPNEGO auth plugin should be also able to query an LDAP database (which is most often present in such set-ups) for extra user info.


    This doesn’t solve the other problems like.. Underlining, Stricking the text, font size increasing etc. And in the links that we add using TinyMCE editor gives an extra quote in the resulting form content link!

    I am using bbpress 1.0 and there is a file by name inside bb-includes folder. I opened it and saw these codes

    function bb_allowed_tags() {
    $tags = array(
    'a' => array(
    'href' => array(),
    'title' => array(),
    'rel' => array()),
    'blockquote' => array('cite' => array()),
    'br' => array(),
    'code' => array(),
    'pre' => array(),
    'em' => array(),
    'strong' => array(),
    'ul' => array(),
    'ol' => array(),
    'li' => array()

    I added 'p' => array(), to solve the <p> tag problem.

    But all other problems regarding underline, stricking the text, adding image also doesn’t work(I have installed allow-image plugin), font size increasing also doesn’t work.

    Please help.. and if possible get back to me at satish at technotip DOT org [ Its .ORG and not .COM ].



    In reply to: bbPress Admin


    I see you have finally converted to the new admin style… congratulations!

    It looks really good (except the green buttons in some places). Thanks. :-)


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 released


    hi there.

    I successfully integrated wpmu 2.7.1 with bbpress 1.0. all works as its supposed to, except for some small questions/problems:

    – the forums are located here: so basically bbpress is isntalled in a folder called forum

    – the links to the forums looks weird, notice the link contains forum twice? i.e.

    – I checked my .htaccess inside the forum folder: notice the rewrite base says: RewriteBase /forum/ I tried changing it to / but that doesn’t help. What is it supposed to look like?

    – besides why do almost all rewrites inside that file have an additional forum inside? i.e. RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$ /forum/index.php?page=$1 [L,QSA] is that automatically taken from the isntallation folder?

    – how could I get rid of that additional forum? Looks stupid :-(

    – bbpress sees all my registered users, but claims they have no role. I’d realy hate to have to manually edit all users and give them memebr privileges. shouldn’t there be a way to automatically promote all existing wpmu users to bbpress members?

    – I tried the DEEP INTEGRAATION, but still, even if using <?php wp_head(); ?> inside mh header.php doesn’t trigger all wordpress plugins that should be triggered when calling the wp_head – is there a way to autoamte this?


    It appears, that the “admin” issue is also SSL related.

    In admin.php:8 bb_auth is called with implied, default scheme “auth”.

    However, later on in, the following code is encountered:

    if ( is_ssl() ) {

    $scheme = ‘secure_auth’;

    } else {

    $scheme = ‘auth’;


    Which, given that is_ssl() returns true, will make the validation fail and user bounced out of admin page.

    For now, I replaced ‘secure_auth’ with ‘auth’ in ssl branch as well, which appears to be a reasonable hack for me.


    In reply to: Sticky posts


    Where do you set a post to sticky? I can’t seem to find it (bbpress 1.0)


    By the way, my setup is fully under SSL.

    I also changed the install directory to “bbpress”.

    I discovered the reason for my first problem (line 30 in bb-login.php):

    Up here:

    $re == /bbpress/

    $uri == https://host/bbpress/

    if ( is_ssl() && 0 === strpos( $re, ‘/’ ) ) {

    $re = bb_get_uri( $re , null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER );


    Down here:

    $re == https://host/bbpress/bbpress/

    Changing first argument to bb_get_uri from $re to NULL solves the initial login redirect problem for me.

    Still looking for the admin link issue.


    In reply to: Getting Plugin URL


    BB_PLUGIN_URL is useless as there are several places a user can put a plugin. Most users also don’t know they aren’t supposed to use bb-plugins and make my-plugins because the powers that be refuse to ship bbpress with a pre-made my-plugins directory.

    After much trial and error and problems reported by windows users, I figured this out:

    $url=bb_get_option('uri').trim(str_replace(array(trim(BBPATH,"/\"),"\"),array("","/"),dirname(__FILE__)),' /\').'/';

    $path=rtrim(dirname(__FILE__),' /\').'/';

    Where $url is the full uri to the local plugin’s directory (ie. if you have an image in there, that’s the url to it)

    The $path is the local storage path that will work in both windows and linux.

    It may look like these functions can be simplified but if you do that, I guarantee you’ll break it under one environment or another.


    In reply to: Multiple Languages?


    You can install a pulldown which enables your visitors to switch the language of the interface:

    As long as all the languages are LTR, you should be ok I think? If some of the languages you’d like to support are RTL, it gets a lot trickier…


    I just installed bbpress 1.0 on . Given that I am likely to have visitors who speak just about every language, I would like to have different forums for each language. Can I do this on a single installation of bbpress or am I going to have to install multiple versions? Any help would be appreciated.


    0.9 was the product of a few years of development and debugging 0.7 and 0.8

    It powers several thousand forums. It’s stable.

    1.0 is NOT just 0.9 with more bug fixes. It is a 50% different program with a 90 degree change of direction made suddenly by Matt deciding to make bbPress use the WordPress core (ala BackPress) in January 2008. It was re-engineered in just a year after a massive amount of work mostly by Sam. The alpha, beta and RC stages for 1.0 were rushed, apparently on purpose in some cases.


    Hey, I’m not for adding unnecessary bloat, but with Gravatar already integrated with bbPress it makes sense for a little information for users under the “Edit Profile” section in the core download. After all, both bbPress and Gravatar are Automattic products.

    Maybe simply something under the “Edit Profile” screen saying:

    “Your profile picture is randomly selected. To pick it yourself visit”

    …when the “Show avatars” option is selected under “Avatar display” with the Gravatar site hyperlinked. BLAM. DONE. THIS IS ALL I AM SUGGESTING!

    @ryanhellyer: BINGO. You said it (and get my point).

    @chrishajer: That’s an obvious option (editing the template myself) but it got me thinking: how many people have run into the same issue of having tons of site users asking ‘How do I select my picture?’ ‘I can’t seem to find out to change my picture?’ I’ve only been running bbPress sites for a short time but already this has become the #1 question asked. I would be absolutely shocked if others who runs bbPress forum didn’t get asked about profile pictures all the time.

    @Ipstenu: Initially I thought Identicon or Wavatars etc would do the job but still got people asking how to change their picture to something else. Think about it: when someone signs up for ANY message board where they are supplied a little profile picture (and there are “Edit Profile” customization options available), wouldn’t they logically think they would have the freedom to select their own picture? It’s a VERY basic part of editing the profile.

    @REST: I understand the argument that this is what plugins is for, but let’s face it, profile pictures are already hotwired into this product. So is Gravatar support. I’m not talking about adding a new service, but simply directions inside under the profile editing options for folks to better use these already existing services. If you were unfamiliar with bbPress and signed up on a message board where you were given a blank or random profile picture, when you clicked “Edit Profile” wouldn’t you expect to find something to assist you?

    Logically speaking, wouldn’t someone think there would be information under the profile page re: how to change their profile picture? When users click “Edit” there is information on customizing pretty much every basic aspect of your profile (location, interests, display name, etc) but this.

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