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bbPress Codex

  • Geezerjim


    I am a big fan of bbPress. One thing that has been missing has been in depth documentation. With that in mind, I have created an un-official bbPress Codex. You are welcome and encouraged to add to and help edit the information there.

    It is currently rather raw and incomplete, but with help we can get going.

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  • _ck_


    Simply installing wiki software does not a codex make.

    It’s been tried a few times before and no one has taken any time to do documentation, especially on a slow 3rd party server that can disappear at any time.

    It took WordPress a few years and only after 2.0 did volunteers finally get some documentation done, I expect it will be the same for bbPress.

    Sam mentioned that he’d be making an official bbPress Codex the week after 1.0 came out… so maybe we’ll get an official one soon.



    I’m “pressing” on, if only for the bbPress (and MediaWiki) knowledge I’ll gain. I’ve been starting with the information here.

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