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  • #52896

    UPDATE: I just wanted to fill everyone in on what I have just done..

    1) I downloaded and installed the Themed Login and Registration plugin for WordPress.

    2) Upload it, then activate it as normal.

    OR, If you are running WordPress version 2.1-alpha3.. Before uploading and installing this plugin, open the themed-logreg.php file..

    Find this line:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration-functions.php’);

    Change it to this:

    require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/registration.php’);

    This is because in the 2.1-apha3 version, they just renamed some of the files in the wp-includes/ directory..

    3) I made a page called: Where To

    Since I have pretty permalinks on, the page’s location is here for example:

    In the Where To page’s Write Window, I added the following text/urls for example:

    “If you are seeing this page, you now have the ability to access the following places with your username and password.

    The <a href="">Codex</a>.

    The <a href="">Forums</a>.

    The <a href="">Site Admin</a>. “

    4) Under Plugins => Login Register Options =>

    A) Under the: Uninstallation Options => I put check in box for: Toggle Complete Uninstall:

    B) Under the: Redirect After Login: => I changed wp-admin/ to where-to/

    If you have the normal setup for the permalinks, (for me on localhost this worked): /?page_id=11

    Of course, change the actual number to your own..

    C) Under the: Redirect After Logout: => I left this one at: wp-login.php

    D) If you are using any other theme, then the “Gathering” theme, you might want to skip this section. And follow the directions for it, according to your theme’s layout!

    Unless your sidebar call is like this.. in the index.php file:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    Still in the Login Register Options, I left everything alone from there down TILL the part for the “Template Header Files: section..

    D-1) Since I’m using the “Gathering” theme, the call for the sidebar, in the theme files is right after the header call.

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    D-2) In the Template Header Files: window, I made it like this:



    D-3) In the Template After Header HTML: window, I made it like this:

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    <div id="maincontent">

    D-4) In the Template Before Footer HTML: window, I made it like this:

    <?php endif; ?>


    <!--index.php end-->

    <!--include footer-->

    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    D-5) In the Template Footer Files: window, I made it like this: footer.php

    E) Scroll down to the User Email Template: window. Since he uses variables for his stuff.. here is what I used for mine, and it works because I got the email after doing a test sign up. :D

    Username: ##username##

    Password: ##password##

    You now have the ability to access any of the following locations with your username and password.

    The Site Admin


    The Forums


    The Codex

    Please note: Of course… change the The Codex and Forums urls to whatever your’s is.. example: ##siteurl##/my-forums-folder-name/

    And for Codex/Wiki: or whatever..

    Then I click the Update Options button.. :D ;)

    F) In my Theme’s CSS File, I added the following CSS Style references:

    #login {margin:0 auto 0 auto;width:250px;}

    #login ul {margin:0;padding:0;}

    #login ul li {display:inline;margin-left:10px;}

    Everything seems to be working just fine! I hope this helps others..

    After logging in, you should be taken to this page then:

    Which of course.. can still be seen by everyone, either way. (But it’s not really made public either, because I don’t have the page itself, listed in the header nav bar, and sidebar nav section.)

    However.. it’s not going to do much good to them, because if they aren’t registered and stuff.. they can’t access my blog’s wp-admin, forums or codex.. lmao!

    Anyway, I just did TWO test signups.. and was able to login to my Codex, Forums, and the Blog’s wp-admin control panel.. whee!!



    Is it possible to have a new topic created automatically when a new post with a certain tag is posted in WordPress?

    Nicki Faulk

    Updated plugin list:

    * Allow Images 0.7.1

    * Avatar .73a

    * bbEmoticons version 0.72

    * Memberlist .73c

    * Google Sitemap Generator .6

    * BBPress Private Messaging 0.73

    * Use Display Name 0.7.2

    * Online List 1.3-fix

    * WordPress Integration .7

    * Post Notification 1.2

    * My Resolve Title 0.1

    * Limit Latest Discussion 0.73


    I’ve started a little website where I’m going to try to keep track of new templates and plugins until there comes a really reliable bbpress plugins location. You can find it at, if you are a template or plugin author and would like your work featured (or not) let me know.


    You’re welcome Nate. ;):) And hopefully soon here.. I’ll have my wiki ready, and going the way I want it lol. Then, once I’m done, or as I go along.. I’ll write up what I did ..

    Hopefully someone else in need of same thing, latter down the road.. finds this post useful and I hope it helps them.. ;):)



    My thanks as well, Spencer. I’m watching what you put together with great interest, and your ongoing explanations are most helpful. Many others will surely benefit from your struggles.


    Trent Adams

    I would search both these forums and forums for bbPress and WP integration of themes. Personally have had 0 success with integrating using wp-blog-header.php in an include, therefore I won’t have anything useful to say. That being said, the point was more to let you know that support forums have suprisingly more topics of this type of integration (theme) than these forums!


    Trent Adams

    Good luck Spencer! Looks like you are rolling out a great package integration documentation!



    Nevermind! Here’s what I ended up doing..

    1) Edited the MediaWiki:Sidebar by adding in my own custom Register link, pointing to the Blog’s register page.

    2) Edited some of the MediaWiki: (Logouttext, Createaccount, some Login”whatever files”, Nologin, Notloggedin, and maybe a few others) files – Removing all the “create account” references. So the “Login / Create Account” link was chopped down to just “Login”.. same goes for the one found on the actual login page.. (Well.. as far as I know I got all them “Create Account” references lmao!

    3) Replaced those “create account” words/calls with custom text saying “Please click on the register link in the sidebar. Once you’ve created an account through my blog’s register page, you’ll get an email with the details. Once registered, your username and password will allow you to login on the Codex.”

    4) Also, had added that little “hack” to hide the [Edit] link on the pages and stuff, if not logged in.. I had done this before even doing the above.. so.. as far as I know, I’m good to go for the Codex.. :)

    I’ll just have customize the email that comes from the blog after they register there, and the same for the forums.. ;) I guess this is all I need, right people? If there’s more.. please tell me.. whee!


    /Next on the “To-Do” list is implementing my blog’s theme around the Codex.. Wish me luck! …whee!


    my bbpress is integrated with my wordpress. the 2 required plugins, and adding


    in my config file so i could use my wordpress theme as my bbpress template. ok, so everything was file. now i tested it’s functions.

    i tried to make a test topic as sticky. apparently i can’t use sticky as long as the above code (require once etc) was in the config. i removed it and i could do as normal.

    so now i ask: i wnat to keep my wordpress theme as the bbpress template, unless i use that line i can’t… that line is not allowing me to sticky/unsticky. anyway this was the error msg i got.

    Warning: main(../wp-blog-header.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/gray/domains/ on line 57

    Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../wp-blog-header.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/gray/domains/ on line 57

    Edit: another error, seems i can’t access my ./bb-admin/ when the above integration is active.


    Does it make sense that it would have the wrong information? I am trying to understand that.

    Never noticed at the wordpress forums. Weird.

    I just checked here and in my profile, every thread I started says “No replies” after it, and that’s not accurate. Seems like it’s wrong? Why show “No replies” when there are replies? Why not just not show anything at all? Better no info than inaccurate info.

    Trent Adams

    It has the same action even on this forum as well as forums. Not sure if it is meant to be that way or not….



    Oh ok, thanks a million Trent. ;) :) By the way, I also dropped a thread off over here on the MWUSERS forum.. 15 views, no replies there lol.

    Oh well, maybe someone will then. :) Also, Trent.. how would I go about changing the “Create New” account link in the MediaWiki .. to point to either my Forum’s or Blog’s registration page?

    Shoot, which one should I use though? I’m guessing the Blog’s registration page right? And even point my forum’s register link to the blog? Might be the best way of doing it.. What you all think?


    /*cough* I wish ya were on GTalk again lmao, would be a helleva a lot easier to talk me through this crap LoL!!.. :P

    Trent Adams

    I have done some crazy google searching and also came up empty handed. I would change all registration links to bbPress or WP. That way, at least you know they can register and not screw anything else up.



    I just want to bump this question — and all discussion about WP+BBpress+MediaWiki membership integration. This is PRECISELY my dream setup.



    i got this error:

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘gray_wordpress.bb_online’ doesn’t exist]

    SELECT * FROM bb_online WHERE user_id = 1 LIMIT 1

    bbPress database error: [Table ‘gray_wordpress.bb_online’ doesn’t exist]

    INSERT INTO bb_online (user_id, activity) VALUES (‘1’, ‘1167539857’)

    what happened?

    EDIT: (2 posts above) seems to have fixed it.


    Ok people, here’s the deal.. I’ve installed MediaWiki 1.8.2 on my domain: and customized the links for it and so forth.. no big deal right… ?

    What I have done so far is (in this order)..

    1) Integrated bbPress to my WordPress blog.. So anyone that registers on my bbPress forums, is automatically registered into my WP blog. Usernames and Passwords work for BOTH..

    2) Applied the bbPress_Auth_for_MediaWiki extension to my MediaWiki.. However, I had to use some of the modifications listed here.

    Now, people can login to my MediaWiki with the usernames and passwords from either the WP blog, or the forums.. ;):)

    The ONLY problem I’m having now, is.. having users register for a new account on my MediaWiki “Create New Account” page.. sigh.. I’m getting the following error..

    “Login error:

    There was either an external authentication database error or you are not allowed to update your external account.”

    Which is obviously saying, it’s trying to create a new account in the MediaWiki database.. but, where really it should be trying to make a new account in my WP database.. right? Or, that might be meaning the other way around.. I’m not sure.

    My questions are:

    1) Is there a way to modify the “Create New Account” page, with the WP register page codes? So, when someone tries to create a new account on my MediaWiki itself.. it calls the WP database for it?


    2) Just modify the MediaWiki file, that contains the “Create Account” link, and use the link to the registration page for the WP blog itself? And if so, which MediaWiki file does this reside in?

    I guess I’d rather have it simple.. and just implement the WP registration codes, into the MediaWiki file.. so there is no redirecting of the “Create Account” link in my MediaWiki..

    Or, does someone know of an “extension” for MediaWiki.. that synchronizes the MediaWiki & WordPress registrations? Thanks in advanced.. ;) :)


    /It’s ALMOST totally there now.. the way I want her.. just that dang Registration problem on the MediaWiki sigh.

    By the way, you have to be registered and signed-in, to edit my Wiki.. whee! Which means, you’ll have to register on my blog, or forums first! This is why I’d like to get this MediaWiki registration figured out soon sigh..


    i agreed, so much i’m having trouble trying to insert the wordpress’ theme’s tags into the bbpress template…


    Um, I don’t see why it’d be a problem though.. but, it’s always better safe then sorry. ;) :) However, someone made a WordPress theme, based on the support forums theme.. so.. I dunno.. we’ll have to wait and see what the Uppy Ups say I guess.. =P


    /If it’s a no-go, it might be because they’d want their own “signature” forum theme.. who knows though.. =P

    Nicki Faulk

    I’ve tried to match it up as close as possible to the main site without looking too “off” and feel that I’ve done a pretty good job. :)

    You’ll need a p/w and username: test/test

    Plugins used:

    • Allow Images 0.7.1
    • Avatar .73a
    • bbEmoticons version 0.72
    • Memberlist .73a
    • Google Sitemap Generator .6
    • BBPress Private Messaging 0.73
    • Use Display Name 0.7.2
    • Online List 1.3-fix
    • WordPress Integration .7

    (all plugs found via these forums :))

    Feedback would be greatly appreciated. I’ve checked on Firefox 2.0 and IE 6.0 but would love to hear from users of other browsers! :)

    Thanks in advance, and a huge thanks to those who’ve posted these plugins, as well as the FAQ and other solutions. Skinning this thing has been a bear, but everything else has been relatively easy as pie. :D


    Maybe this will help:

    p.s. glad you figured the first part out.


    I just realized that there was information regarding a person with an external database. My wordpress database was different than my bbpress database. So I needed to add the following information

    // This is the information about wordpress database. bbPress will look for users in this database

    define(‘USER_BBDB_NAME’, ‘wordpress_database’);

    define(‘USER_BBDB_USER’, ‘wordpress_database_username’);

    define(‘USER_BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘wordpress_database_password’);

    define(‘USER_BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);

    The problem is now that I don’t have admin privileges at bbpress.


    The site issue and the database issues do seem like separate things. That was the first thing that caught my eye though (the URLs.)

    my database has bbpress_ tables (like bbpress_forums, bbpress_posts, etc) and wp_ tables (like wp_links, wp_users, wp_usermeta etc)

    My config.php (bbpress) has this for the DB stuff:

    $bb_table_prefix = 'bbpress_';

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_';

    And mine just works with user integration like that. Is is possible that including the ‘; is overwriting something? I didn’t have to include that, and just have the one other require there. Why is that included for yours (did you read something I didn’t maybe?)

    Looking at your original error:

    'dearauth_bbdb.wp_users' doesn't exist

    the table prefix there is set to dearauth_bbdb somehow. Maybe you forgot to close a quote or something? Or did you edit your config before posting it (i.e. it’s not the actual, but it’s edited without the same error maybe?) You didn’t post the MySQL and bbpress config stuff from the top of the config.php.

    Just guessing, but maybe we’ll get it.


    I have tried that. It seems to me that it is not looking at either the right database (ie., the wordpress database is different than the bbpress database) or it needs to have the “bb_” prefix instead of the “wp_” prefix.

    i.e., when I change $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; to $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'bb_';, I no longer get the error, but then I am also not getting the wordpress users either.


    Hi Trent, Merry Christmas. I did install it and it apparently was working since someone got blocked :yikes: I could not find any logging anywhere, and to fix it yourself with the code provided

    > Your technical support key is: 0000-zzzz-yyyy-xxxx
    > You can use this key to fix this problem yourself.

    you need to log in to the ioerror/homelandstupidity site here:

    But with the IP that was blocked. So, with no logging and no way to know why this legitimate user was blocked, I disabled it. I was looking at the logging a bit (using bad-behavior-wordpress.php as an example as suggested) but I haven’t figured it out yet. I was hoping there was a config section with four lines like WP or BB, where I could enter the DB details, but it’s not there :)

    So, turned off for now. It was doing something though, I just don’t know what or why.

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