yes I suspect it is wordpress update.
as a punt, try this – I have low hopes of it working 🙂
function fnctn_add_thickbox () {
add_action ( 'wp_enqueue_scripts','fnctn_add_thickbox' );
Put this in your child theme’s function file –
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/functions.php
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
or use
Code Snippets
thanks – ok I’m not seeing this, so either it is a setting, or a combination of theme/plugins
maybe try
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and events calendar and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
as this is a paid theme, I’d start by asking the theme authors.
This also might be an FSE theme, if so, then try adding
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbpo style pack. If it is an FSE theme, you’ll find a tab called theme support and can enable this.
Hi everyone, – I’ve embedded the forums here using the shortcode. however, if you click for example the ‘wrestling’ forum, you’ll note that it isn’t picking up the website layout.
I’ve tried editing topics, forums, login and newtopic in the pages section of WordPress in pagelayer, and it just comes up blank.
Can anyone help advise me how I embed the sub forums (i.e. wrestling, OOC, etc) into the website template?
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Profile
and select what you want
I more suspect that it is related to upgraded versions of wordpress or php and that bbPress Multi Image Uploader has not been updated for several years.
As far as I can easily test, all seems ok, but under 8.1 you get a load of php warnings for wordpress itself.
From this trac ticket
WP think that as this only shows when debug turned on it is fine, but as I always have it on in my test site because I am developing, it displays all over the place, so I’ve gone back to 8.0.x
Hello @vvmdov and hello to BBpress support.
I’m also using BBpress(2.6.9) on my website(WordPress 6.0.3) with Divi theme(4.19.0 — it’s a child theme — ) and it seems I’m facing the same problem, especially when I use the search field.
As soon as I launch the search, my global header and global footer don’t appear correctly, all the css seems to be broken…
See here :

The only thing I could notice is that when I disable Dynamic Css in Divi options (General>Performance), the search comes back more or less to normal but I still don’t have my global header and global footer.
See here:

Do you have any idea where this could come from and how to fix it?
Sure. Thank you. If worse comes to worse i may have to disable subscriptions completely via wordpress.
ok, I’ve just added subscription management from the toolkit plugin to
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>subscription management
on topic order
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>topic order
you can change the WordPress profile to bbpress using the
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>login>option 6
This really should be added to bbpress. In the meantime, you can use
as a permanent link to a user’s profile. HOWEVER: This sends people to their WordPress profile page, not to the more friendly looking bbpress profile. It does still allow them to do all the changes to their settings though.
ok, you will need to enable debugging to see exactly where the error is
so either enable this is wp-config
or use one of the debug plugins such as ‘Debug Switch’
The easiest way is to create a ‘category’ forum as a holder
so if you had 3 forums related to say flowers and 3 forums to trees, you would add 2 new forums called ‘flowers’ and ‘trees’
so in dashboard>forums>add new when adding the forum in ‘forum attributes’ in the top right of the screen change the ‘type’ from ‘forum’ to ‘category’
then in each ‘flower’ sub forum you would edit these
dashboard>forums>select forum> edit and change the ‘parent forum’ (right hand side) to the category forum ‘flowers’
and repeat for trees.
then in your page use the forum category as the id
so if the flowers category was forum id 365 then the shortcode would be
[bbp-single-forum id=365]
since categories don’t have topics, just the forums show.
You might want to improve how they look by looking at this plugin
bbp style pack
and looking at the 3 first forum tabs. there’s lots of other useful stuff in that plugin as well.
I have 6 forums. I’d like to display 3 of them on one page and the other 3 on anoter page in WordPress. I thought that I could use the shortcode [bbp-single-forum id=32] but when using this, the single forum is added to the page but it’s already expanded showing all the topics within that forum. Is there a way to show single forums but in a collapsed format?
Thanks for any help that you can offer (I’m not a programmer, so please keep replies easy for a non techie 😀)
Thanks – David
If I could add my plugin to this really old thread, it does exactly what was asked in the OP.
I suspect 6.1 will break lots of things – I’ve have updated my test site and wordpress doesn’t like the menus I have with a twenty ten theme 🙂
I’d suggest you wait for 6.1.1 to see if they bug fix things.
wordpress 6.1
bbpress 2.6.9
I have been using the ‘bbpress toolkit’ link to manage member/poster subscriptions to the forum as well as to the individual topics.
Today when i try to upgrade wordpress from 6 to 6.1 my site broke and i lost access to it ven through cPanel and the hosting providers clinet log in dashboard. After hours of troubleshooting found out the above mentioned plugin which hasn’t been updated in 5 years is causing the site to break. Once the plugin is disabled the site updates fine and works just as it was before.
My question is, are there any other plugins that i can use to manage member subscriptions to threads and posts? It is not a paid website but it is a member only website and the primary concern is to unsubscribe members who are no longer welcomed from getting any notifications or copies of posts/replies.
Thank you.
Here is the test result.
This test email proves that your WordPress installation at can send emails.\n\nSent: Wed, 02 Nov 2022 17:11:43 +0000
Notify me of reply checkbox has always worked it’s the subscriptions which don’t. I also have bbp stylepack installed which has subscription settings so I don’t know if there is a conflict?
start by installing
Check & Log Email
and enabling logs – this will tell you if your site is sending
I’m worried if I deactivate the plugins, it will break the site and not knowing enough about wordpress I don’t want to mess it all up and have to start it all again
I had another go and doing one at a time and checking the front end and after enabling each one, the forum page is blank apart from having the header and footer
The only time the forum page displays correctly is when I enable the advanced custom fields plugin but unsure if that helps as I need to logout as admin to then see if solves the issue but then same happens as I’m not logged in as admin any more
I’m getting bit confused on what to do and unsure what plugin if any is causing the issue or if it’s the theme as getting quite lost to be honest as I don’t use wordpress often
ok, your issue was if I understood it that the bbpress login sent you to the wordpress login?
I was going to say, do you think it could be because the bbpress plugin has only been tested up to wordpress version 5.9.5 and I am using 6.0.3?
bbpress works fine with 6.0.3
I had another go and doing one at a time and checking the front end and after enabling each one, the forum page is blank apart from having the header and footer
The only time the forum page displays correctly is when I enable the advanced custom fields plugin but unsure if that helps as I need to logout as admin to then see if solves the issue but then same happens as I’m not logged in as admin any more
I’m getting bit confused on what to do and unsure what plugin if any is causing the issue or if it’s the theme as getting quite lost to be honest as I don’t use wordpress often