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Seeking recommendation

  • @cj74



    wordpress 6.1
    bbpress 2.6.9

    I have been using the ‘bbpress toolkit’ link to manage member/poster subscriptions to the forum as well as to the individual topics.

    Today when i try to upgrade wordpress from 6 to 6.1 my site broke and i lost access to it ven through cPanel and the hosting providers clinet log in dashboard. After hours of troubleshooting found out the above mentioned plugin which hasn’t been updated in 5 years is causing the site to break. Once the plugin is disabled the site updates fine and works just as it was before.

    My question is, are there any other plugins that i can use to manage member subscriptions to threads and posts? It is not a paid website but it is a member only website and the primary concern is to unsubscribe members who are no longer welcomed from getting any notifications or copies of posts/replies.

    Thank you.

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  • @robin-w


    6.1 is quite a major release – I just updated my test site to it, and worpress doesn’t like my twenty ten theme menus anymore 🙁

    Personally, I’d wait until 6.1.1 is released before updating a live site.

    I’ll take a look at the toolkit plugin with 6.1 when I get a moment



    toolkit subscriptions seems to work on my test site, but could be another setting within the plugin that is breaking it



    ah, may have found it – let me look further




    Thanks Robin will wait to hear what you found.

    Are there other free plugins that will get the job done?



    Robin while you are looking at it i have another question i wish to ask. How can I remove the “favorite” and “subscribe” buttons from the right comer of the threads?



    so do you want to disable the ability to subscribe and have favorites?

    if so then

    dashboard>settings>forums and untick the relevant boxes.



    Thanks. Any luck with plugin?



    do you know how to FTP files?



    Good question. 🙂

    I can upload a file using the cPanel uploading feature, will that work? If not i think i can upload using FTP also. Just have to see a video on how to do it.



    go to

    bbp toolkit main_page

    and follow the instructions




    Followed the instructions to the letter 🙂

    Site still breaks.



    ok, you will need to enable debugging to see exactly where the error is

    so either enable this is wp-config


    or use one of the debug plugins such as ‘Debug Switch’



    As you can tell i am not educated enough to read debugging information. 🙂 , so most likely you will be the one interpreting it?

    I am guessing once i get the debugging feature enabled then will have to once more do testing, get all the information, post here, and we will go though the troubleshooting? Not that i can’t do it but are there any other alternative plugins that will do what this plugin does? Then it will be a bit easier and i can simply install that plugin.



    sorry, no other plugin does this as far as I know

    but yes, you get some gobbledegook, which you then post here



    ok, I’ve just added subscription management from the toolkit plugin to

    bbp style pack

    once activated go to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>subscription management



    My apologies for a brief delay in responding, simply got caught up in everyday stuff.

    I was wondering where i have seen your avatar or have spoken to you before, of course, i use your style pack plugin! And we have spoken before. Thanks a lot Robin 🙂



    I do see a “subscription emails” option but don’t see the “subscription management” option you mention above. the subscription emails seem to be about changing the message content only.

    I also see the “moderation” and its wonderful to have that. Did the plugin have it before or is this the option you’re talking about?



    sorry, it caused errors, so I withdrew it

    I’ll look again in the next few days



    Sure. Thank you. If worse comes to worse i may have to disable subscriptions completely via wordpress.



    working on it – give me another day or so !!



    Sure. No rush.




    Hello Robin

    Have another question. Is there any reason why the site (bbpress forum only) will break if i upgrade the php from 7.4 to 8.1? Evrything else in the site seems fine so far except the forums break. Any suggestions on what can be done so that the upgrade is successful? Perhaps some of the options in the php have to be selected or un-selected? Thanks



    Not “options”, i meant the extensions.



    just released 5.1.3 which has the subscription management from bbpress toolkit in it.



    Have another question. Is there any reason why the site (bbpress forum only) will break if i upgrade the php from 7.4 to 8.1?

    I have run my test site with 8.1 and it works with only warnings.

    If it is breaking your site, then you will need to enable debug to find out where the issue is, or try 8.0.x which is also in support.

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